So, VIVE owner here (using it with a 980ti). I remember the first time I did The Blu using the VIVE and room scale, and man, I actually got a little emotional. It had such a profound impact on me. Since then I've enjoyed some smaller and very weird experimental games but with my current setup it's just too much work to get the roomscale stuff going, so rarely do I play it on my own, and just opt to do it with friends every now and then. So I was looking forward to PS VR if only because it would jive well with my setup and I could do it much easier.
As everyone else has mentioned, yeah, comfort levels are fantastic. Way better than the VIVE in that regard (I wear glasses as well). So here's how the games stack up so far for me:
Thumper: first game that I tried and holy freaking crap, wow wow wow. Visually stunning and addictive, and an amazing entry into PS VR. I was surprised by the lack of the screen door effect, and the colors and sound were just overwhelming in all the right ways.
Super Hypercube: Again, another strong impression and visual flare out the wazoo. I think the price is just a tad too high but man do I love the aesthetics. Sometimes that's really all you need to make a VR game shine. So far, everything is surpassing my expectations.
EVE Valkyrie: Ohhhh, right. For a second I forgot it was a PS4 powering this felt toe to toe with my computer until this game. The shimmering and graphics were underwhelming compared to what I've seen on the VIVE, though I can see for most people who haven't played VR how immersive it could be. After a while I got past the jagged edges and had fun, but it was definitely a reminder that this was not the highest premium VR experience out there.
Rush of Blood: I hate haunted houses, horror games and the idea of an on rails shooter seemed real bad. But the demo was surprisingly great! In fact with the dips and turns my brain started to get a dizzy sensation, but not in a "oh god I'm going to be sick" way but a "oh god I'm on a roller coaster!" way. The production values were a sobering reminder of professional studios being behind PS VR unlike the many indie experiences on VIVE (not that there's anything wrong with that, just a completely different experience altogether!)
Oddly enough with this game and the Demo Disc everything feels slightly off center, so I had to very slightly move the camera into an off angle to make the view properly "centered." Weird how this happens with some games and not others.
Driveclub VR: Eh, I don't like Driveclub and I don't like it in VR. And again it showed just how bad the graphics can be if you try to attempt a realistic look, because the PS4 just can't pull it off.
Headmaster: Great writing and sound, but had some small tracking issues when using the menus. But while in game, it worked great. Can't wait to play more.
Demo Disc: Small bits here and there. The Oceans, it's no The Blu for VIVE, and shows the huge gulf inbetween the two when it comes to the hardware powering the headsets. RIGS was tough to figure out what was going on. I really liked that Double Fine game, preordered it right away. Rez, I just don't get and even in VR continue not to get. Just not my thing I guess. Still more demos to try!
Batman VR: Surprisingly fantastic graphics, with a visual fidelity that nearly matches The Lab on VIVE. After seeing this I'm very optimistic for the PS4's graphic capabilities for VR. It just looks so good. Unfortunately my play area didn't work well with the tracking, so I have to do this another day (and man, the Move controllers...they're no VIVE controllers, not even a little bit close. They work well enough in most games, but in games that you need some amount of precision to, say, read a postcard, you're shaking enough to be distracting. Gah.)
Wayward Sky: Oh WOW, did not expect this at all! The feeling of being in a little diorama works great in VIVE (Out of Ammo is a really well done version of this) and to be able to do it while on the couch is just so good. At this point I noticed that there's a slight swim-like motion to the objects around me, like Giantbomb mentioned. It wasn't bad enough to be unplayable, or even uncomfortable, but it was noticeable given how rock solid the VIVE is.
Tumble VR: Great game pre-VR, and it seems fun here too. Didn't play it too much other than to remind me that, yeah, this is a fun little game.
Non-VR Gaming, Movies and TV Shows: I have a 65" TV so I didn't think the novelty of viewing standard games/shows using "Cinematic Mode" would be all that good. Well...I was wrong, because it looks damn solid.
Tried playing Doom and Call of Duty 4 Remastered on the biggest screen available, and man, it was just too awesome. If I needed a second screen in case someone wanted to use the TV, this would be an absolute dream. Of course, it doesn't look nearly as good as a standard TV, but it looked much better than I expected. However, the smaller of a screen you choose (medium, small), the worse the quality gets. I thought that was strange.
I tried out VUDU to see how Movies/TV looks in there. Movies have a weird judder effect- going from 24fps to 30 to 90 in the headset makes it seem slightly slower than it should actually look. It's hard to explain, but it has a different look than it does on a TV, in a way that I don't think anyone would prefer. It's totally watchable, but not in a way that I'd want to use, unlike gaming. TV shows fared better, and looks totally fine. The overall quality (using Large mode) is good, somewhere between DVD and Blu-Ray (leaning towards DVD, but better). Using Medium is DVD quality and Small looks like sub-DVD quality IMO.
Issues: At one point when I started Batman everything became unglued. Nothing was tracking well and I kept jumping around in VR space. I checked out the PS VR camera feed and it was only updating at maybe 5 frames a second! Shutting down the PS4 and restarting seemed to do the trick. Be sure to start VR using a freshly rebooted console, not one that was in sleep mode, just in case.
Headset tracking was very good, and having to reposition holding down the start button seems like an annoyance but just became second nature after half an hour. It's not a big deal at all. But controller tracking is just not great, especially compared to the VIVE. If I ever have to choose between the headsets when it comes to controller tracking (like Batman VR), then I am 100% going with the VIVE, no question, even if that means I only get to play it once every month or so. However, if it is a controller based experience, then I am absolutely going with PS VR. The comfort levels and ease of use beats everything the VIVE would offer, including visual fidelity. Being comfortable and throwing on a headset for VR is just soooo nice. Man!
The VIVE and PS VR complement each other really well, surprisingly. When I have family and friends over, the VIVE is still going to be my go to showpiece. But when I'm just wanting to chill on the couch, I'm absolutely going to throw on my VR headset and just enjoy it. I can see a lot of people falling in love with PS VR.
And for anyone who will have PS VR as their first VR oh man, you are in for such an amazing time. Overall I'm super happy with my purchase and can't wait to play more tomorrow.