I don´t know either. I read about SeaBands in this thread for the first time. I get them Next week. I will report if they work for me.Never thought of that, wonder how well they work.
I don´t know either. I read about SeaBands in this thread for the first time. I get them Next week. I will report if they work for me.Never thought of that, wonder how well they work.
Okay so now that its out:
From scientific america: "Ophthalmologists, optometrists and other eye professionals note a seeming link between myopia, also called nearsightedness, and "near work"—visual activities that take place at a distance of about 40 centimeters (16 inches) from the eye—such as reading a book. Staring at a computer screen qualifies as well, though monitors usually are around 50 centimeters (20 inches) away."
I don't think that VR should replace traditional gaming, but I think what's exciting about it is it's the first evolution in the gaming experience since the Wii. You would think something as simple as being *in* the game world - being enveloped by it - would be trivial, but when you experience it, it's anything but. I remember saying "Wow" as I was looking around the room in the crane game in Playroom VR. When I looked behind me and saw all the little robots looking at me and one of them waved, I remember just starting to laugh. It was so cool.Are these reaction hyperbolic or is this 'The real deal'? It's a serious question because right now this thread is making it sound like PSVR is the best thing to happen to gaming in ... like ... forever.
Okay so now that its out:
From scientific america: "Ophthalmologists, optometrists and other eye professionals note a seeming link between myopia, also called nearsightedness, and "near work"—visual activities that take place at a distance of about 40 centimeters (16 inches) from the eye—such as reading a book. Staring at a computer screen qualifies as well, though monitors usually are around 50 centimeters (20 inches) away."
So how does these headsets and using them for long periods not hurt your eyes? What is the magic sauce that makes it not be an issue here? Anyone having eye issues?
Is this why they have the warnings for young people (quote from Oculus) or is it something to do with the brain and flashing images: "This product should not be used by children under the age of 13. Adults should monitor children (age 13 and older) who are using or have used the Headset for any of the symptoms described below, and should limit the time children spend using the Headset and ensure they take breaks during use. ***Prolonged use should be avoided, as this could negatively impact hand-eye coordination, balance, and multi-tasking ability***. Adults should monitor children closely during and after use of the headset for any decrease in these abilities."
These are probably long term issues not something you would see right away. Be interesting to see now that its out in a mass form if these issues start to trend.
Enjoy test subjects. We await your medical data.
First thing I played on my headset was the Platformer in Playroom VR thanks to the positive impressions here. It was a great first experience and a lot of fun. My mind was blown looking around behind me and up above. EVE Valkyrie is really fun too, I like that you have a body in that one. I played the Ocean Descent in VR Worlds and I missed having a body or something that I could move around in the world.
Also holy heck does it get sweaty in there. I had to clean the lenses after my second play session because they were all fogged up. Shouldn't be a big deal though, I think this is more suited to shorter sessions. Loving it so far! I can't wait to try all the demos on the demo disc and play more EVE.
Absolutely no problems with motion sickness, eyestrain/headaches, or tracking. Very pleased about that. Generally I think the graphics of games look pretty good. It was only when watching some live action stuff on VRideo that I really noticed low resolution.
Word War Toons as the only game that made me legit want to throw up. RIGS leaves me with a twang of queasiness, but it's such a great game I try to push past it. And it seems to have the longest legs, in terms of gameplay.World War Toons is impossible for me to play. I can't even take 2 steps forward without an incredibly strong, unpleasant feeling in my stomach. Yet I can play RIGS all day. I don't know what the fuck is up with that.
So from impressions i've read the people mentioning issues with the image quality of the headset are also guys who own higher specced machines right?, for those whose first VR experience is with the PSVR headset are you satisfied with the resolution?, or is it something that is noticeable?, thanks.
The major lesson is never try to "push through" sim sickness. If you feel yourself getting nauseous, just take a break. It's usually only going to get worse. And by the time it's bad enough that you HAVE to stop, you're fucked for a good while lol.
Because your eyes aren't focusing on the screen an inch in front of your face. VR fools you into thinking you are looking at things off in the distance and so your eyes act like they would in real life.
Great advice. Once you start feeling "it" - it's not gonna get better if you just concentrate or something. Stop right then and take a break.
Just finished Batman. It's so good. I hope more AAA devs opt for smaller, polished adventure style experiences like this. I would LOVE an Uncharted adventure style game with a focus on characters, solving puzzles, using Nate's journal etc.
So from impressions i've read the people mentioning issues with the image quality of the headset are also guys who own higher specced machines right?, for those whose first VR experience is with the PSVR headset are you satisfied with the resolution?, or is it something that is noticeable?, thanks.
this might be a dumb question, but can you use the PSVR without a TV?
No headset has great quality really. Everything sucks and we just accept it bc it's new.
So from impressions i've read the people mentioning issues with the image quality of the headset are also guys who own higher specced machines right?, for those whose first VR experience is with the PSVR headset are you satisfied with the resolution?, or is it something that is noticeable?, thanks.
Anyone talk to the "customer service" guy or have to go into VR to rescue your friend yet?
On a serious note any of you getting sick try those motion sickness pills or things that go behind the ear yet?
I just gave the demo of Ace Banana a whirl, and was shocked at how good the hand tracking is, which leads to me believe that some games are just better at it than others. I uploaded a video that shows there's absolutely no jitter and only occasionally very little drift.
I was also surprised to see that even if I occluded the camera, the headset view didn't wobble at all. I wish all games had tracking that good. Shame about the game itself.
Perfect hand tracking demo.
Okay so now that its out:
From scientific america: "Ophthalmologists, optometrists and other eye professionals note a seeming link between myopia, also called nearsightedness, and "near work"visual activities that take place at a distance of about 40 centimeters (16 inches) from the eyesuch as reading a book. Staring at a computer screen qualifies as well, though monitors usually are around 50 centimeters (20 inches) away."
So how does these headsets and using them for long periods not hurt your eyes? What is the magic sauce that makes it not be an issue here? Anyone having eye issues
this might be a dumb question, but can you use the PSVR without a TV?
I just gave the demo of Ace Banana a whirl, and was shocked at how good the hand tracking is, which leads to me believe that some games are just better at it than others. I uploaded a video that shows there's absolutely no jitter and only occasionally very little drift.
I was also surprised to see that even if I occluded the camera, the headset view didn't wobble at all. I wish all games had tracking that good. Shame about the game itself.
Perfect hand tracking demo.
You can find the same reactions in the Vive topic too. VR has a very high novelty value. Like ridiculously high. What is an unknown quantity is whether after three months the same people will be talking about dust gathering etc. Because as the novelty wears off - and it does - the gaming has to rise to the challenge.
PSVR has really quite a strong software lineup there are a few titles that are almost full games that are very pleasing to seemingly everyone. Vive and Oculus hasn't really had that. I'm curious to know if developers for the PS4 will continue to pump out a VR gem every now and again to keep things fresh and make up for the novelty curve decline.
Yes it will be all about content in the coming months. The guys at Gamekult (French videogame website) are already out of the «woah» phase having played VR quite a bit before, and reviewed the launch games at face value accordingly, on a content and gameplay basis and most of the launch games are very simple mechanically and don't have longevity. So new content will have to come fast.
Thumper: first game that I tried and holy freaking crap, wow wow wow. Visually stunning and addictive, and an amazing entry into PS VR. I was surprised by the lack of the screen door effect, and the colors and sound were just overwhelming in all the right ways.
Super Hypercube: Again, another strong impression and visual flare out the wazoo. I think the price is just a tad too high but man do I love the aesthetics. Sometimes that's really all you need to make a VR game shine. So far, everything is surpassing my expectations.
I played Driveclub VR for well over two hours today and I have to say it was a surreal experience. I am glad I don't get motion sickness like others have. I love everything I played so far with Batman and Driveclub being among the top. The headset is great too... except for image quality, it literally fucking sucks. I had medium expectations, but it was worse than I thought.
I played Driveclub VR for well over two hours today and I have to say it was a surreal experience. I am glad I don't get motion sickness like others have. I love everything I played so far with Batman and Driveclub being among the top. The headset is great too... except for image quality, it literally fucking sucks. I had medium expectations, but it was worse than I thought.
I'll also say this about job simulator. It's a real tease, because moving around and being able to grab and throw things is really incredible. It sucks that the move just dances around so much though. Are there any suggestions on how to make it work better? As I said about my ps3 experience with move, the drift and constant recalibration really killed it forme. Here it doesn't kill it for me because the headset tracks great, but the hand tracking issues are significant.
I played Driveclub VR for well over two hours today and I have to say it was a surreal experience. I am glad I don't get motion sickness like others have. I love everything I played so far with Batman and Driveclub being among the top. The headset is great too... except for image quality, it literally fucking sucks. I had medium expectations, but it was worse than I thought.
Wayward Sky -- holy shit, holy shit.
From demo to instant buy. It's brilliant.
I LOVE these diorama-style games. Videos simply don't do it justice. A mix of third person dioramas
Try to bring the visor closer. You really need to tilt, nudge, swivel the headset BY THE HALO (not visor) until you find the right spot. Takes a few seconds but just adjust it slightly.
It's hard not to look with your eyes when turning your head. It won't go away completely but it will remain in your periphery.
I snug that shit on my eyeballs, lol. I need to bring mine one notch out otherwise I fog the lenses and my eyebrows get all slick.
Only thing I can say is make sure you spin the clicker on the back and have it tight - vertical movement of the headset can cause really wobbly disting. can't be easy making one headset design fit everyone, but there's definitely things you can do to minimise the iffiness.
For anyone who has disregarded Hyper Cube out of hand, I strongly recommend reconsidering your position. I would have never expected it to be as impressive as it is. It is SUPER cool.
some of these games look so clean and clear, it's actually amazing how blurred some of the others are in comparison, walking to the haunted house in playroom the puddles on the floor look almost real, and everything is pin sharp.
There really should be some more to the initial setup process, taking you through IPD settings, and showing a gridlike view so you can get rid of this warping/distortion.