Hmm, I haven't had too much issue with that in-game though it may be the games I've chosen so far (I've had it more with small text and my sweet spot in positioning the headset is kind of touchy on the PS4 menu bar) since I'm still working through even more of the demos because I played a bunch of Batman which I thought looked good, and actually quite good after getting out of the Wayne manor space. I think with the "real" stuff it may vary game to game but I think the more animated the art style the more the image quality fools you better. I didn't notice image quality at all in the Wayward Sky demo for example, it was really smooth, easy on the eyes, and looked good.
I also haven't tried DC yet, which it sounds like could use a Pro bump, even though it doesn't sound like it's going to get it.
I have not bought my PSVR yet and I am getting the Pro. I have not followed stuff very much over the last month or so, has Sony said what advantages using the Pro with PSVR entails?