Oh look, nothing but shitty fire types. Who would have guessed.
Jesus Niantic, how do you keep fucking this up?
Jesus Niantic, how do you keep fucking this up?
Oh look, nothing but shitty fire types. Who would have guessed.
Jesus Niantic, how do you keep fucking this up?
Oh look, nothing but shitty fire types. Who would have guessed.
Jesus Niantic, how do you keep fucking this up?
I don't want rare fire Pokémon.Did you randomly think that within the 1st hour you'd be able to see rare fire pokemon everywhere or something?
And the rock event was a total bust where I live, as I said, so it being good for you doesn't help me. I see no reason to expect things to change, especially when I'm 3/3 on events with desert biome Pokémon only giving me more of my local spawns.Maybe just wait...
For Rock event, they spawned everywhere and was wonderful. They almost never spawn here.
Just wait till they fuck up gyms and kill the game.
I don't want rare fire Pokémon.
I don't want fire Pokémon PERIOD. I'm in a desert biome, there isn't a single fire Pokémon that is hard to obtain here.
The issue is I'm not seeing even a single ice Pokémon. My nearby is the same Pokémon I always see.
Which is par for the course for my area for events including desert biome Pokémon. Halloween only got me more Meowth and Cubone, both commons here. Had to drive an hour to get anything else. Rock event was mostly Geodude and Omanyte, a common and an uncommon-but-not-particularly-rare, didn't even get bonus Rhyhorn. Even the pink event was only Chansey, which is most common in deserts, but at least more Chansey is good. At least the water and grass events were good, but that was because *all* of the Pokémon in both of those events are rare as hell here.
I don't understand how Niantic can't figure out how to prioritize Pokémon that DON'T already spawn in your area.
And the Water and Grass events sucked for people like me who live and work in water and grass biomes while the Rock and Fire ones are great.
That is just how these events work. And it's the reason, I assume, that Niantic has over the past few months tried to do an event for each type, so that all biomes have at least a couple of events where they get a bunch of Pokemon that don't normally spawn for them. Not every single event is going to be great for everyone.
I don't expect every event to be good for everyone. I never indicated I felt that way either, you're arguing a point I never made.
I do expect that they prioritize Pokémon who are rare in a certain biome over Pokémon that are already common when BOTH are a part of the same event. If this was just a fire event, I'd be fine with the results. But what's the justification of having a "Fire and Ice" event and only giving people the ones they already have and not the ones that are extraordinarily rare?
A Cyndaquil spawned right in my house so that was cool
So you are expecting Niantic to make some sort of exception in the spawn rates for those in desert/fire biomes to depress the Fire types and show more Ice types? That would certainly require some special coding and dev time just for this event. I'd much rather they spend that time and energy on other things, frankly. Just boost the spawns across the board and be done with it.
I see a mix of Ice and Fire types.
This is a completely nonsensical, tales from my ass statement. Just going to leave it there.
I do expect that they prioritize Pokémon who are rare in a certain biome over Pokémon that are already common when BOTH are a part of the same event.
same. could be a fire and ice promo. Finally caught a swinub!!
Bout to go on a run rn. excited
it's weird seeing people excited about swinub.
they are about as common in wisconsin as pidgy lol.
granted I bet it was weird seeing someone excited for ekans when I was in vegas as they are no where to be found here![]()
Insane XP from captures, damn!
i shit out ekans they are garbage tier spawn everywhere never seen a swinub in central california and yeah pretty much only seeing fire type for this event as well gonna give it time but so far its been shitty all i want is at least a swinub and a delibird and ill consider this event a success
only missing
politoed (just need upgrade item)
kingdra (just need upgrade item)
porygon2 (just need upgrade item)
kinda crappy that not all gen 2 can be hatched from eggs
edit: right after i posted a swinub spawned off my incense event is a half success so far
Smeargle and Delibird have yet to be released. I'm hoping they will be dropped with the gym rework since the reason they are holding them back is due to their unique moves.
2048 Growlithe
2048 Cyndaquil
2048 Shellder
2048 Swinub
2048 Ponyta
2048 Vulpix
1024 Charmander
1024 Houndour
512 Seel
128 Sneasel
48 Jynx
24 Magmar
16 Lapras
4 Charmeleon
4 Quilava
4 Flareon
4 Rapidash
2 Typhlosion
2 Piloswine
2 Charizard
2 Houndoom
2 Dewgong
2 Cloyster
1 Ninetales
1 Arcanine
Same.Desert Biome, seeing the following:
Swinub is the only one I really need and I'm almost at 50 candies just from randomly catching things.