Yeah I hope the update will be good. But I learned not to expect too much from Niantic.what I am hoping is a rule like "first in the gym, last to leave the gym" more team shaving, I can also leave the pokemon I actually like instead of a bunch of 3k dragonites and tyranitar just to keep me in a gym
I had almost 200 candoes before I got one rated at "really strong". Second highest Instinct rating, before I gave up on getting a good one.It looks pretty ridiculous when you find a Lapras spawning in your house.
Over 200 Cyndaquil candy now, but my best is still only 77%.
The biggest update to Pokémon GO is nearly here! Very soon, Trainers around the world will be able to participate in a revamped Gym gameplay experience, including the opportunity to join together with others to battle against powerful Pokémon in the new Raid Battle feature!
New Gym Features and Updates: Starting soon, Gyms are undergoing a major facelift. You'll soon be able to spin the Photo Disc at Gyms to acquire items just as you do at PokéStops—but that's only the beginning. More updates to Gym battles are also just around the corner. Gyms are no longer based on Prestige and training. Instead, they now feature six permanent slots that can be filled by the controlling team's Pokémon. Each Pokémon assigned to these slots must be unique. For example, only one Blissey can be assigned to a Gym at a time. In addition, opposing teams will battle the Pokémon in the order they were assigned to the Gym.
At the heart of the update is a new motivation system that will significantly change how you interact with Gyms. When a Pokémon is assigned to a Gym, a motivation meter will be displayed. Pokémon assigned to defend a Gym lose motivation over time and as they are defeated in battle. As a Pokémon loses motivation, its CP will temporarily decrease, making it easier for opposing teams to defeat. To help keep the Pokémon motivated and in tip-top shape for their next battle, Trainers can treat their team's Pokémon to some Berries, which restore their motivation. If a Pokémon loses all motivation, it will leave the Gym and return to its Trainer the next time it loses a battle, so you'll want to keep your team's Pokémon motivated by giving them Berries frequently!
Gym Badges: Now you'll be able to earn Gym Badges when interacting with the many Gyms around the world. Gym Badges serve as mementos of your Pokémon GO adventures and reflect your contribution to a Gym's success.
You'll be able to level up your Badges by battling, giving Berries to the Pokémon in the Gym and spinning the Gym's Photo Disc. You can earn the opportunity to receive bonus items and increased rewards from Gyms by raising the level of your Gym Badge.
New Raid Battle Feature: All around the world, you'll soon be able to participate in the new Raid Battle feature at Gyms. A Raid Battle is a cooperative gameplay experience that encourages you to work with other Trainers to defeat an extremely powerful Pokémon known as the Raid Boss. Before a Raid Battle begins, all Pokémon assigned to the Gym will return to their Trainers, and a large Egg will appear atop the Gym. When the countdown above the Egg reaches zero, the Raid Boss will be revealed.
Before you can battle the Raid Boss, you'll need a Raid Pass. You can get one free Raid Pass per day by visiting a Gym, but you can only hold one at a time. You can also get Premium Raid Passes from the in-game shop. Upon using your pass to join the battle, you and up to 20 other Trainers work together to defeat the Raid Boss. If you successfully defeat the Raid Boss within the five-minute time limit, you'll have the chance to catch an extra powerful Pokémon of your own!
New Items: After defeating a Raid Boss, you'll receive a collection of rewards, including some new items obtained only by defeating a Raid Boss: Rare Candies, Golden Razz Berries, and two types of Technical Machines—Fast and Charged. A Rare Candy is a mysterious candy that, when used on a Pokémon, turns into that Pokémon's Candy. Golden Razz Berries will greatly increase your chances of catching a Pokémon you encounter in the wild and can also be given to a Pokémon assigned to a Gym to fully recover its motivation meter. Technical Machines are items you can use to permanently teach a Pokémon a new Fast Attack or Charged Attack.
To put these exciting changes in motion, we'll be temporarily disabling all Gyms. Once the update has been rolled out to players around the world, Gyms will return. The Raid Battle feature will then be rolled out slowly over the next few weeks, starting as a beta, with raids visible only to a subset of players at certain Gym locations. Over a few days, we'll invite more players to participate and enable raids at more Gyms around the world. Keep an eye on our social media channels for updates on when you'll be able to start battling in raids. We can't wait to see you outside battling at your local Gyms!
It's happening!
re:Raid Battles
So if I understood it clearly they expect players to coordinate in packs of 20 to take down a boss in a 5 minute time limit?
Would have preferred aynchronous co-op on those...
I don't have many people still playing this in my group of friends but I live in a city and there's a gym like 10 steps away from my flat so that's good.Yeah, once again rural players get screwed because they are likely not going to have enough active players around them to take down these raid bosses.
Those in urban areas should be fine though. It looks like the game does a good job notifying players in the area of a raid so I'm sure you will get 15-20 people fairly regularly.
Yeah, once again rural players get screwed because they are likely not going to have enough active players around them to take down these raid bosses.
Those in urban areas should be fine though. It looks like the game does a good job notifying players in the area of a raid so I'm sure you will get 15-20 people fairly regularly.
Even so, it will knock pokemon out, so at very least will give chance for others to get in gym after.
I could imagine lesser areas, depending on the people, might eventually influence how hard a raid battle is. So perhaps a rural raid would be less then a urban one.
Wow, this is really exciting! I'm a big skeptical of how a few things will roll out, but overall this is a good update. Gyms have a lot of functionality now.
The one thing I didn't like is that Gym defenders still rely on CP for battle prowess. Granted it doesn't matter for placement anymore and there's a 1 species limit now, but I think the better move would have been to just eliminate CP and make it level based. I have a feeling most people will still just dump their highest CP mons into the gym. But the species limit will extend the lineup a little.
I'm also a little bothered that my prestige squad is now worthless. I hope you can feed berries to teamates and not just your own. Because then people can coordinate who monitors gyms for their team. I would hate to drive all over town to babysit my mons.
Raids are a great solution to stagnation. You lose your gym, but you get a shot at a big reward.
I love this update!
Do we have any idea what the Pokémon Go festival is supposed to entail?
I'm prob less thrilled about gyms only holding 6 pokemon, assuming I read that correctly. So there will be less room for people. But, I am overall excited
New video showcasing some of this stuff! Oh, and I do like that all 6 spots will open up immediately. No longer boosting up Pokemon rocks. Using berries much better.
OK, this does look awesome. When is this going live again!?
I'm at a festival with no phone from the 21st-26th and worried I'll miss getting a head start on all this!
OK, this does look awesome. When is this going live again!?
I'm at a festival with no phone from the 21st-26th and worried I'll miss getting a head start on all this!
That being said, Niantic did say it would be handing out passwords to those who were very active in the gym system to give them a chance at catching legendary Pokemon at a later date. For one, this means you should probably make sure you have access to the email account you registered the game with. However, it also means that you shouldnt feel pressure to go to the Pokemon Go Fests announced earlier this month. Bhargava assured us that those events are meant to help people meet like-minded players in a social environment, similar to the recent Ingress event, not to have their one and only shot at Mewtwo.
Didn't they say "weeks" before this rolls out? i don't think it will be that imminent
I think it will start with a base number and goes up after it eats berries or goes down when it faints in battle. Kind of like how it works in Ingress. You can actively defend your gym as long as you have berries. So save those berries people.I hope CP decreases in gyms are done proportionally. It could make Lapras viable again along with other pokemon designed for defense like Poliwrath, Slowbro, Slowking, Steelix, etc. Otherwise people will just dump in their highest CP squatters like before because they will last longer.
So if pokemon aren't knocked out of a gym after 1 round, the owner of it can just sit there and feed it berries so the gym will never fall?
Yes, but they will run out super fast.
But what if the defending pokemon is a high CP Blissy? Who will run out of gas first? Especially if you can use berries on other team member's pokemon.