so no tracker of any sort anymore? Wow they're killing the game.
Nearby still works for me. Able to track an Onyx at work.
Didn't find it since my gps fucked up. My gf who's with me was able to catch it.
so no tracker of any sort anymore? Wow they're killing the game.
Hey, so if i leave a pretty weak guy at a empty gym and then train it to like level 7. how easy is it for enemies to take it down? do they just have to kill my weak guy once and the whole gym falls at once?
Its got 20k prestige.
Hey, so if i leave a pretty weak guy at a empty gym and then train it to like level 7. how easy is it for enemies to take it down? do they just have to kill my weak guy once and the whole gym falls at once?
Its got 20k prestige.
With being so weak it will be easy to defeat, but you can only knock it down so much each try, but if they can go all the way through in one go can easily drop if a few thousand or more at at time.
anyone who knows what they are doing and has a wide range of of pokemn types of decent cp can solo that in under half an hour
Aight thanks.
So another question.
Pokemon that everyone catches at the spawn at the same time has the exact same moves and IVs, and perhaps the same CPs depending on trainer level.
Does this mean if this pokemon gets evolved, all these resulting evolutions will get the same randomized moveset? Or will each one be different? Even though they will all still have the same IVs.
I asked the same thing earlier. I need hope for this Magikarp.
Aight thanks.
So another question.
Pokemon that everyone catches at the spawn at the same time has the exact same moves and IVs, and perhaps the same CPs depending on trainer level.
Does this mean if this pokemon gets evolved, all these resulting evolutions will get the same randomized moveset? Or will each one be different? Even though they will all still have the same IVs.
My city has become a turf war between Mystic and Instinct. Valor confirmed casuals.Tfw 2v1 chasing each others tail to claim 3 gyms. So much resources lost. Lmao where my valor people at?
I clearly saw a car of 2 mystics trying to duo water gyms.
Still got my bonus ^^b
My city has become a turf war between Mystic and Instinct. Valor confirmed casuals.
Haha true that. Since I have late working hours, the first thing I do when I leave work is check for any potential gyms to join. Sometimes it's not even reachable by car so I have to get out of the car like my local skating park. Then I see all those kids skateboarding and I'm like: "please don't notice me."Since I've completed my NA Pokedex, I decided to turn my attention to gyms. The amount of work I just put in to earn an extra 10 cents a day is downright embarrassing. At least I can continue to say I haven't spent a cent on this game?
So apparently I can't catch Pokemon in my apartment parking garage. Tried to catch a Bellsprout, Rhyhorn, Koffing and Drowzee and they all ran away after the first ball.
Sorry that you are banned
Is it a soft ban due to weak GPS? I wasn't driving. I went down to throw away garbage and decided to catch pokemon while walking to the garbage disposal area. Now I'm catching Pokemon in my bed no problem.
Is only bad luck but here everything is blamed on bannings
I discarded a bunch of Potions and my next Poké Stop gave me nothing but Potions. Am I banned?
In Pokemon Go news, a SECOND gay porn parody is cumming soon. Spoiler tagged image below is SFW but highly crude and also hilarious. Gotta f*** 'em all!
Hey dudes. Show proof that Niantic even soft bans. Seriously.
I had a Pidgey run away today. There's your proof.
Really though, it is known there are automatic soft bans that get triggered once enough XP is earned in a single day, bots have proven as much. But that one dude's attempt to hit 1,000,000 in 24 hours showed it's triggered around 600,000 XP or so, which is obviously only going to happen to a legitimate player if they're spending 13+ hours straight on a highly efficient loop with constant Lures, Incense, and Lucky Eggs like he did (so basically, it's not going to happen).
So while soft bans exist, virtually every single perceived soft ban you see is either the result of blatant cheating or is just a misconstrued string of bad luck. Or one person spending basically every waking moment with every possible buff enabled on the best route possible.
But where do we actually see this? Patch notes? Niantic statement? Or are we relying on someone's hard numbers?
It's never been officially said, no. But the community has done enough "research" with bots and the like (as well as the one player's heavily documented 1,000,000 attempt) to know it's absolutely a thing.
I'll check into it. Probably on Reddit ya?
I just want to make sure because people are making insane claims. I'm pretty damn sure most people who think they're soft banned are having a network error.
Niantic has never said in Ingress how they detected bots, or what were their rules to soft ban people. Obviously some have been discovered by users (the 60kmh / 30mph speed cap, the map maximum request per month, etc), mostly because they have been tweaked to no end to accommodate bots, which are always evolving.But where do we actually see this? Patch notes? Niantic statement? Or are we relying on someone's hard numbers?
Why is the GPS signal so fucking bad today!!!?
It ruins the game. It puts a Pinsir in front of me, then a Patrick, Meowth, Parasect etc and they disappear because the location spotting has set me in the entirely wrong location. They run away before even throwing a fucking ball.
I better catch 1-2 new Pokemon today even with these issues.
I don't know how you do it.So after I spent all that time chasing Bulbas to get candy and evolving to a Venusaur Sunday night, Monday afternoon after work look who was in front of my house.
Of course I caught him on the first Ivy showed up later but her was only 16cp.
Also got enough to evolve to this finally
And caught 2 Squirtles so I only need two more for Blastoise, which means I will evolve him and catch one later this week.
I don't know how you do it.
Every time I see a starter nearby, I can't get it to spawn and it will despawn from nearby soon after. The game is definitely trolling me.
Is it just me or is the distance counting towards eggs much better the past few days? I walked roughly a kilometre and got .8 towards 3 eggs this morning. Usually it's struggle to get .5 to register
I'm probably only going to get one Blastoise in my lifetime and it's going to have Flash Cannon and Bite.