he's trippin
It's like Niantic wants less people to play. Lowering the IVs on hatched Pokemon and the ones in the wild is a stupid decision.
It's so crazy how different this game is for different areas. Drowzee is the most common Pokemon for me. Caught more of them than Pidgey (around 700 so far). There's a Drowzee in my home like every 5min.Had the same thing happen to me with Drowzee todayjust got my sixth candy from the Buddy system and then BAM. 40 candies in two 5k eggs. Wish I'd done Charmander (stuck at 17) or Grimer (at about 26) for all that walking.
But the Hypno puts me at 135, which means there's now only 7Venusaur, Charmeleon, Charizard, Omastar, Machamp, Kabutops, Mukremaining? We'll see if I end up hitting 142 or Level 30 first.
Man I would like a few Eevees. I keep getting trolled by Magmars and Jynxes.I went on my egg hatching spree this weekend - it felt great to blitz through my hoard of 5km eggs. I didn't hatch any rare Pokemon, unfortunately, but I did pick up three 10km eggs when I replenished my supply! Woo.
(One of the 10km eggs has already hatched...into an Eevee. Lol. Hopefully the other two will have something better for me.)
Could be worse. I accidentally evolved the wrong Seel into Dewgong with the perfect moveset. They both had similar CP but the one I evolved was like lvl. 24. :lolFound a wild Dewgong with a perfect moveset, but it's fcking 118 CP. I hate this shit.
Found a wild Dewgong with a perfect moveset, but it's fcking 118 CP. I hate this shit.
never found anything in the wild that was good all of my good pokemon are from eggs that i have evolved
Went to Brussels today and caught a Dragonite. Had no trouble finding him because there was a stampede in the direction. When you go to a big city you see the game is still alive among the hardcore, still lures active constantly. People walking around the park are just there for Go... still.
So the Dragonite: 73 IV with dragon breath and hyper beam. With 2100 cp it's my strongest mon. Even if the IV's disappoint, I'm glad to have it. Dratini's are so rare here I doubt I'll be able to evolve one with high IV's. For safety I won't use the little candy I have to power him up though, you never know.
Also hatched 4 10k's: 2x Eevee, 2x Aerodactyl and 1x Magmar (new for me, glad)
The best Aerodactyl has 96 IV and bite/hyper beam. I assume he'll be pretty useful in battle? I have like 90 candies now because of the egg hatches, I'll probably be powering this one up.
10k tally
3x Aerodactyl
2x Chansey
2x Omanyte
2x Eevee
1x Hitmonchan
1x Magmar
1x Lapras
Hydro Pump! Nice
yes! The Dragonite spawned close to Warande. I've been a few places for Go and Warande has good variation in lures imo. Lots of Oddish/Bellsprout and Nidoran for the push towards the final evolutions. Thinking of going again next week, then I should have enough for Vileplume/Victreebell/Nidoking-queen. It's far for me, but the easiest place to get a good variation of Pokémon constantly. My own town is dead spawn-wise.
Nice. Took my nephew to Lillo today. He caught a crapton of good pokemon too. But nothing like a Dragonite, though.
Might have to take him to that park then.
There's only a sign up option there. She's worried of losing progress. I just sent a support ticket to niantic about the issue.A PTC account usually sends a confirmation email, it'll be a Google account then.
Ugggh, just narrowly missed a Grimer in my neighborhood. When I saw him on the scanner I thought he was at the intersection near the front, but when I got there and re-scanned it turns out he was slightly more north in a wooded area outside the neighborhood. I would have had to walk through someone's yard to get to him so I walked back home empty handed
Well almost. I hatched a 10k egg on the way back !
It was Electabuzz. Low kick for his quick move and meh IVs
Has anyone ever caught a wild Dragonite, Lapras, Chansey or Hitmonchan in London?
Those are among the last few that I need. Looks like I may have to rely on eggs for the latter 3.
Can anyone tell me more about how the game records your walk distance?
It seems to update every 2-5 minutes while I'm walking, usually every 100-500 metres, but it varies a lot.
Say I walk 400m, and the game hasn't yet recorded the distance, and I have to close the app, will I lose that 400m?
What does the new update do?
I saved up 9 10k eggs and just hatched them all at the same time just now while using lucky egg and doing evolutions:
Happy with the chansey but overall kinda disappointed i didnt really get any pokemon worth powering up.
Y'all keep counting 10k eggs while im busy hatching 2kms for a shot for a good Balbasaur.
Last 10km egg I've found was 5 levels ago. (currently 28).
Ah cool.It tells you where you caught a pokemon
I'm trying to do this at the moment, how long did it take you to save up 9 10k eggs?
I see them above 500 very often but 600 is really high.I just caught a 602 CP Bulbasaur, wtf? I haven't seen any starters go over 300 in the wild
I just caught a 602 CP Bulbasaur, wtf? I haven't seen any starters go over 300 in the wild