That is sad. Are gyms nothing but evee evolutions over there?
exeggute is like 75/2000 for me. I have 2 arbok.
Also random, someone blew my mind the other day explaining "ekans" is snake backwards and arbok is "kobra" all these years...
Yeah there are a lot of Vaporeons and Flareons at gyms, but all the usual suspects as well. Just not that many Exceggutors because those are very had to get in most cities.
But players here tend to move around a lot to get the Pokémon they want.
That's why there's an effort in the community to post nest or spawn point locations over the country. There are lists of which cities spawn which Pokémon. I know what kind of mon spawn in towns without having been there. I scan some towns nearby just to find out if there are locked spawns for certain Pokémon. I know a city that has a locked Rhydon/Duduo spawn, but I haven't been though. When I went to Brussels I did take a detour to find a Mankey nest though

If you live in a small town like me, you have to visit a city to play for real. Even Brussels is small fry compared to LA/NY though. There are 4 stops in a park with lures active (the go-to spot for evolution fodder), and then there's a mass migration whenever something big spawns. People even start walking in groups for Machops/Abras. A Growlithe? People go crazy for that, especially because it leads to that Arcanine
That's why Lillo is a huge phenomenon in Belgium: it's a very small town (35 people!) that has been overrun by Pokémon players for weeks/months now. The lures at stops there have all kind of Pokémon that are rare elsewhere (Ekans/Voltorb/Sandshrew) and that went viral. People come from all over the country to Lillo because it really is the best place to get Pokémon. I've never been because it's pretty far, but also because I don't want to be a +1 in nuisance to the few people living there. I have been tempted though, because the catch lists I've seen are nuts.
Lillo has been in the news constantly, and villagers even started to move from the town because it's literally been overrun, day and night. I think it slowed down since school started, but on wednesdays and weekends, it's still packed. What's sad is some leave their trash and don't care about the villagers.
Last update is that the mayor of Antwerp has issued some kind of curfew: you can't be around on the streets of Lillo between 22pm and 7am. The people there are fed up, because they went from living in a very small and quiet town, to a Poké-trainer filled dump

The story's nuts, but this happened because it's the only place you have a pretty good chance at constantly scoring rarer mon.
In short: if you're living somewhere where Snorlax/Venusaur/Dragonite spawns casually at your home or closeby, you have no idea how lucky you are