I hope we get events like this every month.
or biweekly
once a month for the next 2 months would be a decent guess.
next month sun and moon release. perfect time to do the first legendary event.
month after that christmas and new years event.
after that a vday event makes the most sense.
increase pokemon that are pink, red, or white or something![]()
complete defense for poliwrath, I have a 2500+ vaporeon with water gun/hydro pump I don't really need another water on offense, though I have plenty of aqua tail vaporeon in the low 2000s and a 1900+ poliwrath with mud shot/hydro pump.
clearacell and their 100 Dragonites. Jeez.. lol
How much candy do you have for Dratini?
I just don't find it a barrier at all. Just took down a level 7 gym with a 2000cp slobro with ice beam, yeah he hit me a few times with it but it was no problem. exeggutor with lower CP tanked the ice damage just fine the few times I missed the dodge.
It does punch above its CP rating but... if someone wants the gym its not going to help. Hell there was a 3000cp Dragonite topping the gym that went down like nothing, must of had horrible defense IV. My highest mon used to attack was a 2200 vapereon.
This event has been great so far. Silph Road tipped me off to a new Charmander nest an hour away, so I decided to hit it up. The spawns are uncommon, it took me 2 and a half hours to get the last 6 Charmanders I needed, which would have been 12 otherwise so I'm very satisfied. While doing this I managed to top off Geodude candies for Golem by walking and switched to Grimer midway through the hunt. I've already gotten 4 candies for a total of 10 towards Muk.
The big let down of the day was the 10k egg (of course, nothing good ever comes out of those for me). Another fucking Hitmonchan. And he came with 62 candies. I have 114 now![]()
So with Charizard and Golem crossed off, I'm down to Muk, Tauros, Aerodactyl, and Porygon. I'm going on a road trip next week and will finally travel north enough to get a Tauros. Fingers crossed that I can get lucky and find/hatch the other 2.
Speaking of Grimer, I don't even think this guy has nests. There's not a single confirmed nest in the entire US according to the nest atlas. So if you guys need Muk, definitely consider putting Grimer as your buddy for this event.
I caught the dragonites, I have hatched a few dratini and I live in LA where we have the Santa monica pier and long Beach pike, you can catch 3 or 4 dratini per trip.
I'm like 30 minutes from SMP and have never been for Pokemon Go. Might change that this weekend though.
Loving this event have evolved 4 new mons just from hatching with massive amounts of candy it gives.
You think TPC would let Niantic cannabilize their own sales?
Did you even read his post? lol Poliwrath (and slowbro) is for non advanced players.
Then people would just create more accounts to obtain legendary birds lolim not really sure how it would cannabilize anything. it will be a promo to remind people sun and moon are coming out and after the event people would just play sun and moon instead of go thanks to winter anyways.
heck... you design it so every best buy, target, gamestop, walmart is a spawn place for a legendary... and then when people go to get a legendary they are also at a place to buy sun and or moon.
you could even run an extra promo where if you show off the legendary you get a button at gamestop or something
they might use the same IP but pokemon and pokemon go are far from the same game, and it would only lead to increased sales, not decreased sales *shrugs*
Then people would just create more accounts to obtain legendary birds lol
They're different games. It doesn't make sense to do cross promotion. The kanto legendaries aren't even in the games!
Of course stores want to do promotions. That's not the question. The question is does the PTC want to promote their new game using Go? I mean, there are tons of people who want to buy the new games but have zero interest in Go and vice versa. It'd probably be a better way to spend marketing on focused groups.they are both pokemon games... and luring people into stores where they could see all the moon and sun promotions would be a great reason to do a cross promotion.
I mean tons of stores run promotions to get people in them because they are far more likely to buy stuff from their store when in them than outside of them![]()
non advanced players are non advanced players... not really worried about them? How can you even determine it was a n00b? Maybe the guy got bored, maybe he ran out of items, maybe his friends called him for help attacking another gym, maybe he was late for dinner. Even the n00best of n00bs has a exeggutor around here.
Look I was just curious, I have my answer, I don't agree, YMMV. If I already had 10 dragonites I would probably be looking for funky combos for fun too. I already have those combos actually but you know what I mean. I'll invest in them after I max my lapras, snorelax and dragonite.
I hate you. LolGot a 88.9 IV Lapras out of an egg. Not the best moveset I guess but this is my best Lapras yet. No Dragon Pulse like last time. Powered it up like crazy, cost me about 100 candies
Hatched seven 10k eggs at once, got FOUR Eevees, two Aerodactyls and a Hitmonchan.
Got a 88.9 IV Lapras out of an egg. Not the best moveset I guess but this is my best Lapras yet. No Dragon Pulse like last time. Powered it up like crazy, cost me about 100 candies
Got a 88.9 IV Lapras out of an egg. Not the best moveset I guess but this is my best Lapras yet. No Dragon Pulse like last time. Powered it up like crazy, cost me about 100 candies
So much Gastly candy. Yikes.
I was just going to ask about that. I just went for a run and caught 8 gastlys and they each yielded 6 candies when caught and 2 candies when sent to the professor. What's going on?
I was just going to ask about that. I just went for a run and caught 8 gastlys and they each yielded 6 candies when caught and 2 candies when sent to the professor. What's going on?
you get to know what types of people play by just talking to them, I see them park in front of the gym to play and see them put their mons in or down the gym completely, and you can see their level and stuff and what they leave in, and you really can get a sense of what types of players are out there just by observation. out here exeggcute is extremely uncommon actually...most grass types and water types hardly ever appear. people go out of their way to look for those. fire, rock, and ground are really common which is one of the reasons why I can say around here poliwrath and slowbro are especially strong. they are already good pokemon that are enhanced with the meta game around here. IF the person has a grass type they usually have a few very they probably had to farm at a nest and even then if they get hit with ice attacks their pokemon counter gets countered.
and if they run out of potions as one of the reasons they leave? EXACTLY...that's one of the points. pokemon aren't left in gyms to win every battle, they are there to stay as long as they can and deter other players from taking it over, for whatever the reason. if the enemy player gets annoyed he is taking too much time and maybe has to spin extra pokestops later on because they didn't anticipate using as many potions and revives, he or she is more likely to leave. if they get bored because the enemy snorlax takes too long to beat, the gym "won"... that's the point of having good defenders rather than just putting in high cp. that's why having certain pokemon and certain movesets are more sought after.
I was just going to ask about that. I just went for a run and caught 8 gastlys and they each yielded 6 candies when caught and 2 candies when sent to the professor. What's going on?
Never, ever would have gotten a Haunter or Hypno where I am. Level 23 and I had one Drowzee and two Gastlys.
Thank you based Niantic
lol, haven't been paying attention recently?
It's the Halloween Event! Lasts until Nov 1st. Caught, hatched and trasnfered pokemon reward double candy. Buddy system also is 1/4th. So my Dratini gets a new Dratini candy every 1.25km (instead of 1 per km). And of course, Halloween Pokemon: Gastly, Hypno, Meowth, Cubone and Zubat and their evolutions are made common.
Hatched seven 10k eggs at once, got FOUR Eevees, two Aerodactyls and a Hitmonchan.
So disappointing, especially as I already had two Aerodactyls.
If I ever get mine back from the gym...![]()
I know that feeling, my snorlax has been away for almost a month now![]()
Yeah, since the event started I found 4 10k eggs. So it's possible. Though, I've been heavily hatching nearly all at once. So it's a little easier to get them currently for me.They did increase the 10km eggs didn't they. Hatched one (Omanyte fuck yes) and I got another one directly after while having a second one. Let's see if I can hatch those too during the event. But I did't get that much candy for Omanyte unfortunately, only 32 candy or so.
What IV calculator is that? Looks way better than the one I'm using.