It finally happened guys! Perfect time to get my first Lapras during the Halloween event. 
Still want a Snorlax though. Will get one someday. :>
Still want a Snorlax though. Will get one someday. :>
It finally happened guys! Perfect time to get my first Lapras during the Halloween event.
Still want a Snorlax though. Will get one someday. :>
I've only got 4 10k eggs ever. I'm level 23.All your 10km eggs?
I only got three this whole week (Eevee, Omanyte and Onix) and I've been hatching like crazy.
At least I got one Growlithe and two Exeggcutes.
All your 10km eggs?
I only got three this whole week (Eevee, Omanyte and Onix) and I've been hatching like crazy.
At least I got one Growlithe and two Exeggcutes.
I feel kind of dirty supporting ftp tactics (never done it before) but I've put more time into this game than some $60 titles so I think it's ok.
Since the most recent update, Pokemon Go turns down the volume on whatever music/podcast is playing while you are in the game.....forcing you to increase the volume. If you switch to another app though, the original volume is restored, usually resulting in your eardrums exploding or your speakers blowing out.
Has any fix for this been discovered?
I have Hitmonchan he's beyond garbage.
I have Hitmonchan he's beyond garbage.
I've found use for most of them.Most pokemons are garbage.
They are there for collecting only.
Also Fearow and Kingler. What a bunch of shit moves.I've found use for most of them.
Except for Seaking. What a piece of horse shit Pokemon.
What cap are you talking about?So...I apparently hit the Pokemon buddy cap. I walked Dratini for several kms on Friday evening, and then I switched to Bulbasaur on Saturday morning. I was able to walk 23.5 km on Bulbasaur before I got capped. This means that I walked a combined distance of 40 km between the Dratini and Bulbasaur during some 24 period.
For the buddy system, there is a 40km cap for each day. So in that 24 hour period, once you reach it, you won't get any more candies until after its over.What cap are you talking about?
Anyone having issues with their buddy mileage not tracking? Just started yesterday. The orange circle isn't filling up, just stays black. Tried changing buddies and still the same thing.
I've found use for most of them.
Except for Seaking. What a piece of horse shit Pokemon.
Got a few new Pokédex entries today after walking and collecting a bunch: Venusaur (Razor Leaf and Petal Blizzard) and Gyarados (Bite/Dragon Pulse). Can I do anything with both having these movesets? They're both 90+ IV's...
Then hatched enough for a second Arcanine, Fire Fang and... Bulldoze. At least I have 44c left so hopefully third time's the charm.
All in all again a bad day moveset-wise. So now I missed out on Solar Beam in Vileplume, Victreebel and Venusaur. It's not meant to beAt least I get a retry with Vileplume soon, almost have enough for a second one.
Razor Leaf / Petal Blizzard is Venusaur's best defensive set. I wish I had your luck.Got a few new Pokédex entries today after walking and collecting a bunch: Venusaur (Razor Leaf and Petal Blizzard) and Gyarados (Bite/Dragon Pulse). Can I do anything with both having these movesets? They're both 90+ IV's...
Then hatched enough for a second Arcanine, Fire Fang and... Bulldoze. At least I have 44c left so hopefully third time's the charm.
All in all again a bad day moveset-wise. So now I missed out on Solar Beam in Vileplume, Victreebel and Venusaur. It's not meant to beAt least I get a retry with Vileplume soon, almost have enough for a second one.
I've found use for most of them.
Except for Seaking. What a piece of horse shit Pokemon.
I've found use for most of them.
Except for Seaking. What a piece of horse shit Pokemon.
A Seaking with Megahorn can rip up an Executor pretty well. I can't find any other pokemon that have a max-level Bug super attack.
For that matter, I can't even seem to find a pokemon that has a Bug normal and a good Bug super. Only Pinsir seems to get Bug attacks for both normal and special, but it seems like Pinsirs never get anything better than X-Scissor for their special.
Now that I think about it, it's fucking bullshit that Venusaur and Charizard have STAB basic moves and Blastoise has fucking Bite which is always worse than Water Gun. What the hell man? Why doesn't Charizard have Bite? It also learns Bite. Fucking bias man.
It learns Scratch though.Charizard does not learn Bite by level up in the main games.
Petal blizzard is good for gym defenders, but yeah give me solar beam anyday. Dragon pulse is good for attacking dragonite, since dragon is weak to dragon and gyrados is not a dragon for some reason.
Razor Leaf / Petal Blizzard is Venusaur's best defensive set. I wish I had your luck.
Leave the prestige training to the inferior grass types.
A Seaking with Megahorn can rip up an Executor pretty well. I can't find any other pokemon that have a max-level Bug super attack.
For that matter, I can't even seem to find a pokemon that has a Bug normal and a good Bug super. Only Pinsir seems to get Bug attacks for both normal and special, but it seems like Pinsirs never get anything better than X-Scissor for their special.
Look at the number. Bubble's power is 25. That's almost like having Water Pulse as a fast attack. Plus, unlike most attacks, you dodge Bubble when it's almost finished its attack animation instead of just before its attack animation, which throws some people off.I also made my second Poliwrath and it now has bubble. Why is that move so important again? Important for defense because it's hard to dodge? Someone explained it a few pages ago I think.
If you're talking strictly about countering exeggutors, x-scissor is superior to bug buzz and megahorn because it can come out even between exeggutor's quick attacks with enough time left to dodge, and considering exeggutor hits like a truck even without type advantage, dodging is the optimal way to fight it.
Ahh, so weird that they'd cap it!For the buddy system, there is a 40km cap for each day. So in that 24 hour period, once you reach it, you won't get any more candies until after its over.
I'm kinda surprised people can ever each the cap, since 40km is hell of a lot to walk.
So I'm putting the kids down and I see snorelax pop on nearby... run out of the house do a wide sweep to known spawn points around me... he keeps disappearing and coming back, finally find him 5 houses down.
Nearby fucking blows.
He is only 1000cp but 6 candy
Edit ha and holy shit ice beam lapras hatched without notifying me.![]()