Ahh, so weird that they'd cap it!
BTW, does anyone know the exact date/time this event ends?
UTC 00:00. That's ten hours and forty five minutes from now. Or maybe one hour less?
Ahh, so weird that they'd cap it!
BTW, does anyone know the exact date/time this event ends?
Apparently I'm confused about move sets. Is there a good current chart?
I evolved my first Venusaur and Charizard yesterday. I thought my Venusaur was pretty good but now I just saw people talking about razor leaf being good, while i have vine whip and thought it was best.
Vine whip
Petal Blizzard
Dragon Claw
Do they suck?
I've got 500k dust and no great moveset pokes to spend it on!![]() I'm confused about move sets. Is there a good current chart?
I evolved my first Venusaur and Charizard yesterday. I thought my Venusaur was pretty good but now I just saw people talking about razor leaf being good, while i have vine whip and thought it was best.
Vine whip
Petal Blizzard
Dragon Claw
Do they suck?
I've got 500k dust and no great moveset pokes to spend it on!![]()
Apparently I'm confused about move sets. Is there a good current chart?
I evolved my first Venusaur and Charizard yesterday. I thought my Venusaur was pretty good but now I just saw people talking about razor leaf being good, while i have vine whip and thought it was best.
Vine whip
Petal Blizzard
Dragon Claw
Do they suck?
I've got 500k dust and no great moveset pokes to spend it on!![]()
Venusaur looks to be good for offense. vine whip quick move is better than razor leaf on beam would be preferred on offense but petal blizzard works well enough...
charizard is garbage, try again.
I hatched my final 10k egg of the event. I hoped for a Kabuto, because I'd immediately get enough candies to evolve it. It nearly happened, because I got (my third) Omanyte.
Man I wish you could discard eggs, I only want to hatch 10ks anymore. Everything I still need is in there.
I also hatched 3 evees during the event. And those were the first evee that I ever hatched. Feels bad. But I also hatched 1 omanyte so it's cool.In that big of a hurry for more eevee's, are ya?
I've hatched 3 eevees during this event....
From eggs, I still need a porygon, chancey, and aerodactyle...
After those 3 and 6 more evolutions, I'll have a complete NA pokedex.
I don't know whether to put everything into my 13/15/15 Poliwrath with Bubble and Submission despite the chart, Submission seems garbage.
Thanks, guys!
If my venusaur couldn't be too much better, maybe I'll start leveling it up. Otherwise it might be quite some time before i get to evolve a second.
I guess I'll just neglect the 97iv charizard that came out garbage!
In that big of a hurry for more eevee's, are ya?
I've hatched 3 eevees during this event....
From eggs, I still need a porygon, chancey, and aerodactyle...
After those 3 and 6 more evolutions, I'll have a complete NA pokedex.
So actually, according to the JP site, the event goes till 11/2 JP time. It's still 10/31 here, so I'd say we at least have another 24 hours, if not 36 or 48?
I hatched 3 10K eggs during this event, all were Evee's man, so I wouldn't complain.
I wish I got Eeveesat least they could in some circumstance be useful. What am I supposed to do with 64 Jynx candies? (Obviously, Eevees are also frustrating, but I think everyone's sense of frustration depends on what they have/need.)
What am I going to do with:
2121 Gastly Candy
629 Drowzee Candy
673 Cubone Candy
I wish I can trade the rest for Lapras or Snorlax or even Bellsprout candies.
Supposedly, gamepress says the event ends in a day. For reference, I live in Miami so I'm on the EST zone.
What am I going to do with:
2121 Gastly Candy
629 Drowzee Candy
673 Cubone Candy
I wish I can trade the rest for Lapras or Snorlax or even Bellsprout candies.
Jynx is okay - it's the most easily obtainable Dragonite counter. The real disappointment is Electabuzz.