Man, that was a great read - kept me on the edge of the seat! Keep it going! I don't envy you though - you need to reform and train a whole 'nother team? Damn.
Wow, what a crazy read; congratulations! Man, I can't imagine the adrenaline from Lance's battle and the elation at turning a hopeless situation around. Maybe it's corny to say, but you're definitely a true champion after all that!
I also enjoyed your Nuzlocke war story. Good stuff!
I finally beat the game last night...I think I clocked in at about 17 hours. Really enjoyed it! I will likely be doing a Nuzlocke when I get around to finally playing Silver, but I think I'm going to give gen 2 a rest for a bit.
Glad you guys enjoyed it. Heres the next update.
Version: Silver
Badges: 9
Pokemon Dead: 18
Pokemon Owned: 67 (This includes evolutions)
Current Party:
Girafarig (Freed) Level 49
Donphan (Karna) Level 44
Magneton (Volt) Level 40 *NEWLY EVOLVED!*
Staryu (Sloak) Level 23
Raticate (Triss) HM Slave 1
Farfetch'd (Dumass) HM Slave 2
Pokemon in the bank:
Togepi (Eggberta)
Eevee (Debbie)
Exeggcute (Jellina)
Koffing (Teddie)
Sudowoodo (Rocktree)
Shuckle (SHUCKIE the gift Pokemon, I'll rename it if I can)
Poliwag (Tassi)
Krabby (Murky)
Tentacruel (Kist)
Corsola (Korin)
Chinchou (Tater)
Electrode (Sploading)
Golbat (Ila)
Seaking (Docendack)
Ditto (Copycat)
Bellsprout (Alba)
Venomoth (Spree)
Nidorino (Regulas)
Nidorina (Regulass)
Muk (Puddin)
Fallen Pokemon:
Beedrill (Stabi) Died to Espeon (Confusion)
Zubat (Sreek) Died to Espeon (Confusion)
Pidgeotto (Coco) Died to Machoke (Rock Slide)
Furret (Tren) Died to Poliwrath (Dynamic Punch)
Tentacool (Quotaro) Released due to catching its evolution
Magickarp (Sacrif) Released due to catching its evolution
Kadabra (Vera) Died to Graverler (Selfdestruct)
Graverler (Dudebro) Died to Steelix (Iron Tail)
Paras (Vivina) Died to Piloswine (Icy Wind)
Gyarados (Rashred) Died to Wobbuffet (Mirror Coat)
Gastly (Wizwick) Died to Kingdra (Dragonbreath)
Fearow (Luggins) Died to Pikachu (yes really) (Thunder)
Dodrio (Triface) Died to Machamp (Rock Slide)
Meganium (Stassi) Died to Dragonite (Hyper Beam)
Ampharos (Tsuyana) Died to Dragonite (Hyper Beam)
Slowpoke (Estra) Died to Houndoom (Flamethrower)
Machoke (Chopper) Died to Aerodactyl (Wing Attack)
Gloom (Zonni) Died to Graverler (Magnitude 10) *NEWLY EVOLVED*
Xatu (Xed) Died to Fearow (Pursuit when switching out) *NEWLY EVOLVED*
Ninetails (Kyubi) Died to Weezing (Self destruct crit) *NEW AND NEWLY EVOLVED (SERIOUSLY FML!!)*
Grimer (Sluggie) released due to catching its evolution
Progress Report: Well things haven't been going great to be sure. I've explored a lot of Kanto already hitting all of the towns you can get to before you fix the power plant. I had Donphan just absolutely murder Lt. Surges Gym and getting that badge but my hopes were crestfallen when I realized you don't get the Thunderbolt TM from beating him which my Magneton really fucking needs right now (it still has Thundershock >.<) whats really hurt though is spending time leveling several new team members (Gloom, Xatu, and Ninetails) and losing them all to various forms of bullshit. Gloom's first fight against a Graverler which I thought would 1 shot with Absorb due to double weakness lived with a sliver of hp and then used Magnitude 10 and one shot it.
It got worse with Xatu which I taught Psychic from the TM you get in Saffron and it died almost right after to a Fearow that just read my switch out exactly (he was already at like half HP). Then I spent literal HOURS leveling up this Vulpix to learn Flamethrower, had to get a Fire Stone by catching a Lickitung first to show it to Bills Grandfather (I released it, only used it to get the various stones I needed, I don't really think of it as breaking a rule as its the same kind of thing if you need to use an HM to progress and I don't have a Pokemon that can use it, Nuzlocke rules generally allow you to catch a Pokemon to use the HM you need as long as you don't use it in battle, same thing here) then I evolved it and was pretty happy for awhile, got it to level 35 or 36 before a Weezing 1 shot it with a Slef Destruct crit, I seriously almost gave up the run over that one.
So now I'm working on leveling up Staryu, going to get another Psychic TM from the game corner and give it to him and evolve it and unlearn some of its moves since its basically been my water HM slave to this point. Right now I really only have a team of 3, 4 once I get Staryu leveled and evolved (should be easy to grind in the victory road cave once I get it to a moderate level) but I'm really starting to get limited both on the amount of Pokemon I can still get (I looked up Houndour as fire replacement but I already got my Vulpix on that route >.<) and also type coverage. I have various types still but only thing I can currently get for a fire type is Flareon which is far from ideal, not that I have to have a fire type but just using that as an example (also Slugma if I can actually catch one), I'm exploring my options at this point but I I've basically gone through the best possible replacements for my team in many cases so now I'm trying to make up the difference in other ways...
Either way though... I have a lot of grinding ahead of me.