Nuzlocke OMEGA UPDATE!! Also just a reminder one of the Nuzlocke rules I use is that I don't use healing items in battle. Important to have that context when you read this update!
Doing the Progress Report first and foremost: It was time to challenge the elite 4 and the Champion, I grinded everyone to level 45 and then used a few rare candies to boost everyone to 46. I threw Staryu back into the bank and grabbed my lowest leveled (Slowpoke) and with everyone ready I stood and entered the elite 4 for what I thought would likely be the end of my run.
The first two battles against Will and and Koga didn't give me to much trouble. Dodrio did some work on Koga as well as Bruno but unfortunately fell against Machamp and his Rock Slide. I figured when it threw Machamp out instead of Hitmonlee it had to have a rock type move but I knew I HAD to save my sacrifice (slowpoke) for as long as possible so I gambled, Dodrio was able to get Machamp down to near death but it wasn't enough, the rock slide came out and with Dodrio already injured he didn't stand a chance and unfortunately fell.
Then came the final elite 4 member Karen who really threw me for a loop, she ended up causing me a ton of trouble and I had to use my sacrifice (sorry slowpoke) just to barely skate by without losing anymore more important. Her Houndoom was so damn good and my Machoke missed its Cross Chop and I thought I might be completely screwed but then enter Girafarig (Freed) to save the day by flinching it.
So at this point I was down to 4 Pokemon, all of them the best of the best that I had. My Starter Meganium (Stassi), Ampharos my MVP (Tsuyana), Machoke my secret weapon (Chopper), and the flinch locker Girafarig (Freed). Going into this battle I was outnumbered, his 6 to my 4. To be honest knowing that he had 3 freaking Dragonites I didn't think I stood a chance in hell but I persisted.
The Battle began, Ampharos wiped out his Gyarados in one Thunder Punch, things were starting well. He put the first of his Dragonites out, I kept Ampharos in to see what he was going to do (and to test damage, Thunder Punch did about 1/3rd), he tried and failed a Thunder wave. I knew that would be coming again so I switched to my secret weapon. Machoke... with Ice Punch. Thunder wave came and paralyzed Machoke but I wasn't worried... Until I saw Dragonites next move... Hyper Beam. Machoke lived with around 40 HP left, it was in trouble but the Ice Punch connected and one shot the Dragonite! Two down, 4 to go. Lance sent out Aerodactyl and I knew I was in trouble.
Machoke was already hurt and paralyzed, even if I swamped him out any attack would likely kill him and he wasn't fast enough to get an ice punch off again. So I knew at this point... not everyone was going to survive if I was going to win, I couldn't keep swaping in new Pokemon they would just get hurt and die so I did the only thing I could. I let Machoke die. I had hoped it would have been able to kill more then one Dragonite but what could I do, the best option was to let it die and bring back Ampharos back out which is what I did. Ampharos wiped out the Aerodactyl and then Lance threw out his second Dragonite.
It repeated what the first did, Thunder wave came out and I was committed to seeing Ampharos fight this no matter the outcome so I just attacked it. Hyper Beam came, got her low but not super low. She was able to take out the second Dragonite before he could finish recharging. Then the big Dragonite came out, Level 50. Ampharos by this point was level 49 and had less then half HP... I knew I couldn't risk switching, I knew despite being my best Pokemon since I got her early on that she was going to die but I didn't have a choice, switching in could spell doom for the whole team. She got some damage off but another hyper beam came out right away and she fell...
At this point this Dragonite had taken maybe 25% damage and all I had left was Meganium and Girafarig neither of which had any moves that were super effect on the two that Lance had left the Dragonite and a Charizard. I knew that most likely Meganium wouldn't stand a chance against Charizard even with its high defensive stats so it had to finish off this Dragonite or at least try. I had taught it Light Screen which I got up while the Dragonite was recharging. I foolishly tried Poison Power on it only for it to miss while the Dragonite started Outrage. I was in trouble to be sure. The Light Screen likely saved my ass mitigating a ton of damage and Meganium got it down really really low... Then it used a full restore on the big Dragonite and I thought it was over. Meganium had around 40% hp left so I knew it could take another Outrage, maybe two if I was super lucky but instead... Out came fucking Hyper Beam, Meganium fell and as it did the light screen also wore off but not before it got one last crit in bringing Dragonite down to 50% HP!
All I had left was Freed, my Girafarig, I knew that my run was over, the Dragonite was already damaged and even if I could kill the big Dragonite I still had Charizard fucking left but it was open, it couldn't stop me from attacking it so I did the only thing I could do, I attacked it. Stomp did around 25% HP while it recovered and it managed to finish it off before it could attack again!
It was all down to this one, last fight. Girafarig vs. Charizard in almost every way the Charizard was better, it had better moves, it had better stats, its trainer could actually heal it if it came down to it but I knew I had to at least try. I use Psybeam which didn't do a lot of damage but I was hoping I could confuse it, it didn't work. Charizard used flame thrower, Girafarig was down to 63 hp from full (over 140) in one attack. My run was over, there wasn't anyway I stood a chance against this thing I gave up... Psybeam did extremely little damage so I tried Stomp expecting to watch my final pokemon die and to reach the end of my run... But Freed wasn't done. Freed didn't give up. He fliched the Charizard! It brought it down to just under 50% HP, it was faster and if I could get it to flinch again I'd actually win this... I didn't get my hopes up but Freed had seen to many of his friends die this day and he refused to fall. He flinched it again! Charizard was 1 move away from falling and giving me the win he had around 25% HP left I didn't think it was low enough for Lance to heal it but I couldn't be sure, I couldn't be sure that Charizard wouldn't get the first move either all I could do is hope and pray...
Lance didn't heal.
Freed went first.
Charizard fainted.
Freed lived with 63 HP.
I had lost almost my entire team but I couldn't help but scream out YES at the top of my lungs in just sheer surprise! I had beaten the elite 4, I had beaten the Champion, I was watching the credits roll and the only reason I wasn't writing out a depressing response on here was all because of one weird ass Pokemon I never once used before now, Girafarig who had double flinch locked out a Charizard as well as a previous fight as well, what an amazing turn of events!
To me... This is why I play Nuzlockes, for the unique experience and the hope of overcoming what seems like impossible odds that are stacked against you from the get go. I won against one of the hardest boss fights in the series without healing in battle when I was out numbered and out leveled. It was a crazy and risky attempt but I managed to win, just barely.
So my run isn't complete however, I still have Kanto to continue onto but I suffered massive losses in these battles so now I have to reform my team and perhaps find something new to use in Kanto. One things for sure, Donphan is coming out and Lt. Surge is going to get his clocked cleaned!
The rest of the normal Nuzlocke update is below XD
Version: Silver
Badges: 8
Pokemon Dead: 16
Pokemon Owned: 54 (This includes evolutions)
Current Party:
Girafarig (Freed) Level 46
Pokemon in the bank:
Togepi (Eggberta)
Oddish (Zonni)
Eevee (Debbie)
Exeggcute (Jellina)
Koffing (Teddie)
Sudowoodo (Rocktree)
Shuckle (SHUCKIE the gift Pokemon, I'll rename it if I can)
Poliwag (Tassi)
Farfetch'd (Dumass)
Magnemite (Volt)
Krabby (Murky)
Tentacruel (Kist)
Corsola (Korin)
Chinchou (Tater)
Natu (Xed)
Electrode (Sploading)
Golbat (Ila)
Seaking (Docendack)
Donphan (Karna)
Staryu (Sloak)
Pokemon at the Daycare:
Ditto (Copycat) - I really should see what level it is by now LOL
Fallen Pokemon:
Beedrill (Stabi) Died to Espeon (Confusion)
Zubat (Sreek) Died to Espeon (Confusion)
Pidgeotto (Coco) Died to Machoke (Rock Slide)
Furret (Tren) Died to Poliwrath (Dynamic Punch)
Tentacool (Quotaro) Released due to catching its evolution
Magickarp (Sacrif) Released due to catching its evolution
Kadabra (Vera) Died to Graverler (Selfdestruct)
Graverler (Dudebro) Died to Steelix (Iron Tail)
Paras (Vivina) Died to Piloswine (Icy Wind)
Gyarados (Rashred) Died to Wobbuffet (Mirror Coat)
Gastly (Wizwick) Died to Kingdra (Dragonbreath)
Fearow (Luggins) Died to Pikachu (yes really) (Thunder)
Dodrio (Triface) Died to Machamp (Rock Slide)
Meganium (Stassi) Died to Dragonite (Hyper Beam)
Ampharos (Tsuyana) Died to Dragonite (Hyper Beam)
Slowpoke (Estra) Died to Houndoom (Flamethrower)
Machoke (Chopper) Died to Aerodactyl (Wing Attack)