Nuzlocke Update!
Version: Silver
Badges: 8
Pokemon Dead: 11
Pokemon Owned: 54 (This includes evolutions)
Current Party:
Meganium (Stassi) Level 40
Ampharos (Tsuyana) level 41
Girafarig (Freed) Level 41
Machoke (Chopper) Level 40
Dodrio (Triface) Level 35 *NEW* *NEWLY EVOLVED*
Staryu (Sloak) Level 20 *HM Slave*
Pokemon in the bank:
Togepi (Eggberta)
Slowpoke (Estra)
Oddish (Zonni)
Eevee (Debbie)
Exeggcute (Jellina)
Koffing (Teddie)
Sudowoodo (Rocktree)
Shuckle (SHUCKIE the gift Pokemon, I'll rename it if I can)
Poliwag (Tassi)
Farfetch'd (Dumass)
Magnemite (Volt)
Krabby (Murky)
Tentacruel (Kist)
Corsola (Korin)
Chinchou (Tater)
Natu (Xed)
Electrode (Sploading)
Golbat (Ila)
Seaking (Docendack) *NEW!*
Donphan (Karna) *NEW!*
Pokemon at the Daycare:
Ditto (Copycat) - I really should see what level it is by now LOL
Fallen Pokemon:
Beedrill (Stabi) Died to Espeon (Confusion)
Zubat (Sreek) Died to Espeon (Confusion)
Pidgeotto (Coco) Died to Machoke (Rock Slide)
Furret (Tren) Died to Poliwrath (Dynamic Punch)
Tentacool (Quotaro) Released due to catching its evolution
Magickarp (Sacrif) Released due to catching its evolution
Kadabra (Vera) Died to Graverler (Selfdestruct)
Graverler (Dudebro) Died to Steelix (Iron Tail)
Paras (Vivina) Died to Piloswine (Icy Wind)
Gyarados (Rashred) Died to Wobbuffet (Mirror Coat)
Gastly (Wizwick) Died to Kingdra (Dragonbreath)
Fearow (Luggins) Died to Pikachu (yes really) (Thunder)
Progress Report: The 8th Gym was so freaking close, I wish I had taken a picture of what my team looked like at the end of it, no one had more then 20 hp besides Amphraos, only reason I won without a death (well Gastly died but I used him as a sacrifice so I could freely switch in someone else against Kingdra) was because Kingdra never used hyper beam. I purposefully kept Amphraos back because I was afraid it was coming. The Dragonairs were annoying but Machoke with the Ice Punch was able to 2 shot them but he only was able to take out 2 before he got to low. When the Kingdra came in it was a real battle of attrion, even among my higher leveled Pokemon I could generally only do around 20% damage to it and it was dishing it right back out at me, plus it got healed so it was a really hard fought battle but I managed to win in the end. Fearow got the kill using Mirror Move to use Dragon Breath on the Kingdra. there was a third Dragonair too but it died without much trouble.
My luck with catching certainly continued on, ran into a Dratini... it ran (literally right after I left the cave I got the master ball to >.<). Caught a Seaking (meh) and Doduo (pretty good, went ahead right away and evolved it only needed the one level) in the route next to New Bark Town (as well as at the Tohjo falls) then I reached the next route and I had a 20% chance to get a Ponyta or a 5% chance to get an Arbok... I ran into the Arbok the thing I didn't want and then I crit the thing and killed it in one hit so yet another missed opportunity.
Finally I reached victory road and when I ran into Donphan (one of my Gen 2 favorites) I said screw it and threw my Master Ball at it. Yes I wasted a master ball on a Donphan of all things but I was really tried of getting screwed over at this point and I wanted Donphan damn it, I deserved something today! XD
Along the way to victory road I unfortunately lost Fearow when I mistakenly thought it could take on a Pikachu... I figured Fly would just 1 shot it and there was no way it knew Thunder... It knew Thunder, it didn't one shot it but it did thunder twice (70% accurate my ass) which poor Fearow never stood a chance against. Thankfully Dodrio is actually really good, prob. the best normal/flying type you can get in the early gens since it learns both Drill Peck and Tri Attack the latter of which has pretty good power and has a chance to do several status effects while having high attack and speed.
Now I'm at the Pokemon League with the Elite 4 and the Champion coming up and I really need to level to stand a chance. I'm not super afraid of any member of the elite 4 but Lance has 3 freaking Dragonites and the only Pokemon I have that can hurt them is Machoke with Ice Punch so I need to somehow keep him alive through all 4 of the elite 4 fights and then also have him not get 1 shot by the various Dragonites. This... will not be easy. I'm thinking of rolling with the main 5 I've got (maybe even just 4 honestly) as well as a sacrifice (or two) with the sacrificing being used to allow me to switch in without taking damage on one of the various Dragonites Lance has or just to what its actually going to use. I need all the Pokemon I'm bringing into these battles to be at least level 45 so now I've got a bit of grinding to do. Next update will be the outcome of Johto, will I manage to survive the elite 4 and the champion and make it to Kanto or does my journey end here? We shall see!