el retorno
At this point, I don't even know why Boehner would want to continue to be speaker.
neither do I especially after this
At this point, I don't even know why Boehner would want to continue to be speaker.
I could never be friends with people that deluded. It'd drive me insane.
I could never be friends with people that deluded. It'd drive me insane.
this is exactly why i have no friends
is what i tell myself
Well, you know what they say: Crazy in the head, crazy in the bed.In my case they're mostly chicks and chicks are chick dude. I've even been with 9/11 conspiracy theorists (she was foreign so I didn't feel as bad I just considered that she didn't speak English well enough so she was confused)
like el retorno, i live in the south and all my friends through high school and college have been conservative. i mean, i can probably count a few acquaintances as liberals, but they're not the people i grew up with, or around. as such, i've grown up in the echo chamber and the stuff hannity and limbaugh say isn't really surprising, or shocking, because i often hear worse from my friends. and since i listen to the hannity and limbaugh too, it's pretty easy to tell when they're regurgitating quips they've heard or have simply exited stage right. and also like el retorno, the other stuff in our friendship makes up for their horrific and insane political views.
Well, you know what they say: Crazy in the head, crazy in the bed.
In my case they're mostly chicks and chicks are chick dude. I've even been with 9/11 conspiracy theorists (she was foreign so I didn't feel as bad I just considered that she didn't speak English well enough so she was confused)
is thelma and louise on any streaming service?
gotta do what you gotta do.
in my case, i had to work on it. my girlfriend comes from an ultraconservative, fox news watching, talk radio listening family. fortunately though, after 5 years i have fully indoctrinated her. her mom was so disappointed and flabbergasted when she found out she voted for obama. my gf always thought like and approached issues like a liberal though, it was just a matter of breaking her away from the family tradition of dumbfuckery. so i guess i'm lucky.
i don't know if i would be able to survive in a relationship with someone who has gone full fox news though.
I often wonder how many "hardcore Republicans" would change their views if they were taken out of the Fox News bubble.
I often wonder how many "hardcore Republicans" would change their views if they were taken out of the Fox News bubble.
based on my experiences, i would say close to zero. they were crazy before fox news and they'll be crazy after fox news. it's just that outlets like foxnews, talk radio, and the tubes of internet serve to amplify the nuttiness.
Time to offer a 300k rate rate threshold, some deduction reductions, and spending cuts that don't include social security.
I had a major crush on this really conservative chick in HS even when I saw her cross wall in her house.
Something like this, I'd imagine:
why are you going to 300k?
I'm willing to concede some ground there, why not. It's like when you were a kid and your parents said you could watch TV for a couple hours...then you fucked up and your parents told you "now you get 30 minutes." Well, Boehner fucked up, he probably won't be getting the 400k rate+chained CPI.
uh, Boehner can't get anything passed right now. There's no offer for Obama to give. Boehner got neutered tonight. He has zero power. He can't negotiate.
The GOP won't bring anything the Senate comes up with to a vote. Therefore, everything will be post-cliff. And it will be tax cuts and then a negotiation of defense cuts for other things.
https://twitter.com/7im/status/281966911548424192@7im said:The house GOP didnt need PlanB; its body politic had ways of shutting that whole thing down
I had a major crush on this really conservative chick in HS even when I saw her cross wall in her house.
Pffft, Latin. That's for posers. Real Bible geeks read Greek, 4th century (and hope we can find earlier texts that are not just scraps).holy crap I think that literally might be it.
there was even a bible in old Latin scrip with its own stand next to it.
edit: The best way for this end would be Boehner, in a fit of rage having been embarassed and losing his position decides in the next few days to pass Obama's bill by bringing it to the floor and aligning with Pelosi. Then announce your retirement from politics, drop the mic, go home. He would live in infamy rather than forgotten soon.
McConnell would filibuster and it would die in the senate.
Well, I mean the Obama-Senate bill. He couldn't fillibuster whatever the Senate agrees to pass. It would have 60.
Also: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324461604578192123952679666.html#articleTabs=article
From the Boehner Plan B thread. This is an AMAZING read on how this is all Obama's fault. Seriously, read it.
edit: The comments. Oh lordy the comments!
amen. the democrats now clearly have the ball. and in 2 years will be held responsible for obama's economy- not bush's.
The President has the most to lose in all this. The GOP is already on rock bottom. No one really thought they would pull a rabbit out of a hat, particularly with a lame duck Congress. Obama is the President and leadership starts from the top down. This is the fruit of his "leadership."
This would not be happening if Romney were President.
It's an exciting time to follow politics.
I do wonder whether Boehner will try to pass an actual deal while he remains Speaker using Democratic votes. He doesn't have much time, but he could at least get something done for the good of the country!
The Daily Show and Colbert are ALWAYS off when shit like this happens. It's like the universe hates those two men.
Seems like there are three options now:
Option A: Boehner alligns with Pelosi and Obama-Reid to cut a real Grand Bargain and he somehow finds enough GOP to come along with him with all the House Dems.
Option B: Here comes fiscal cliff. GOP passes tax cuts for $250k + some other tax stuff (estate, AMT). They negotiate a few spending cuts/stimulus/extensions for more defense spending. Everything else is kicked down the road.
Seems like there are three options now:
Like you said, this is a great time to follow politics. it's really compelling.
edit: It's so sad there is no new Daily Show for this. WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would usually agree with you but I'm kind of squeamish cos I have a lot of money in the market. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad it looks like the GOP won't get their way by throwing a tantrum this time but the short-term implications of this will be severe. Hard to get too much lulz from the GOP implosion when my portfolio is doing the same lol