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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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NRA basically has the Fox News talking points or vice versa. We need more guns in schools + why we playin' so many violent video games?

NRA wants everyone to have a gun everywhere basically. Everyone. If the argument is people need guns to defend themselves, then people should always have guns everywhere.


Getting so tired of hearing people say 'it's just a movie, not a documentary' in regards to zero dark thirty and therefore doesn't need to be factually accurate. It's obvious most average people seeing this movie will think that's how it happened and will think it's a documentary. They will walk away thinking torture is justified because it provided answers in the film but in real life it does not. Filmmakers have a responsibility to avoid this kind of thing imo when based on real events.

I saw the movie, I came out thinking the movie shows torture didn't work. All the useful info they got in the movies didn't come from tortures. :|
Getting so tired of hearing people say 'it's just a movie, not a documentary' in regards to zero dark thirty and therefore doesn't need to be factually accurate. It's obvious most average people seeing this movie will think that's how it happened and will think it's a documentary. They will walk away thinking torture is justified because it provided answers in the film but in real life it does not. Filmmakers have a responsibility to avoid this kind of thing imo when based on real events.

Did you see it?


If "good guy with a gun" is their meaningful contribution, perhaps they should've remained respectively silent.
Man, I thought they'll throw a gun control bone for sure.
Something insignificant like high capacity clips or a non committal statement about exploring closing the gun show loophole.
But this crap?
If you think the current state of our gun laws is perfect, just shut the fuck up, for real.
You're a gun lobby, I don't give a crap what you have to say about mental health or video games.
must have guns to prevent big government from turning us into a police state

*Republican chickenhawk*

...have the federal government fund armed guards at every preschool


With gun advocates, its always about protecting responsible gun owners and everyone is a responsible gun owner until they go crazy and shoot up a bunch of people. Prior to that person choosing to commit a crime the NRA would have defended his right to own any number of assault rifles to the teeth.

In the eyes of the NRA everyone is a responsible gun owner until they aren't and people end up dead.
Read some interesting analysis on the Republican mindset right now. First off, they don't think the market is going to implode because of the fiscal cliff. This is somewhat true due to it taking a whole year for the austerity to play out. Also they feel they can out wait the Democrats on this front. Just like TARP, it will take a big outside force to move the Republican caucus. Something like their financial backers pulling their support.

Second, if anything does happen to the economy, then they assume that all the blame will be placed on the President. They call it a failure of leadership and not their failure to compromise. Basically, they are willing to go far, far down the rabbit hole. They won't realize how much they are destroying their brand until it is too late. I very much expect some Republican governors who are not beholden to national politics to get on their Representatives' cases. They desperately need someone not in the Washington bubble telling them how bad they are fucking up.

Angry Fork

Did you see it?

No, I wasn't referring to what the movie showed though, only to people's reaction. It doesn't matter whether or not the movie shows torture worked, when you base a movie on real life events there should be a responsibility to get the facts down as much as possible, especially on something sensitive like torture.

I'm not disagreeing with the movie (since I haven't seen it) I'm disagreeing with people who think filmmakers don't have that responsibility, that if they wanted, they could show torture worked and it wouldn't be a big deal. I find that dead wrong/annoying.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
mortal kombat and natural born killers trending on twitter? wow i obviously missed the mentions.

"Through vicious violent video games, with names like Bulletstorm, Grand Theft Auto, Mortal Kombat and Splatterhouse. And here's one: It's called Kindergarten Killers. it's been online for 10 years. How come my research staff can find it, and all yours couldn't, or didn't want anyone to know you've found it?"

"We have bloodsoaked films out there like American Psycho, Natural Born Killers, they're aired on propaganda loops called Splatterdays, and every single day. A thousand music videos portray life as a joke, portray murder as a way of life, and then have the nerve to call it entertainment."

"Isn't fantasizing about killing people to get your kicks really the filthiest form of pornography,"



must have guns to prevent big government from turning us into a police state

*Republican chickenhawk*

...have the federal government fund armed guards at every preschool

If anyone saw Maddow last night, this "solution" of theirs is quite literally the same thing they've come up with every major tragedy. The only thing surprising about this conference is that it took this long.

Strangely though, I at least agree that special attention should be given to mental health but what they won't do is actually support legislation that would limit who can and can't get guns. The rest of their argument is just shit and not worthy of comment.
lol they're dragging out Mortal Kombat again? Please. Call me when someone does a spine rip fatality.

90's called and they want Joe Lieberman back.


I am sickened by what I'm reading regarding the NRA's conference though I guess I should not be surprised.

Has it truly been established that the gunman played violent video games? That has not been clear to me.


Is the NRA motherfucking insane?

That was the most politically blind press conferences I've ever seen - they propped themselves up on sanctimonious ground and tried to lecture America about the media and fucking violent videogames? That we need a database of mentally ill people, but fight against every accounting of gun owners in existence? The same fucked up assholes who fight against tougher gun laws that require people to actually get trained in their use before purchase? The answer is more guns in preschools around the country? REALLY? God, why is it these people will ignore all data across the planet when making their assessment about gun laws that work or don't work? When did their parents drop them on their fucking heads?

These assholes are fucking looped.


As disgusted as we all are, a whole lot of Republicans just got their talking points. Expect to see them push for arming schools as a counter proposal to whatever Biden's group comes up with.


Professional Schmuck
still reading, subscribing. no time for dialogue, but i will say this NRA thing and the Newtown Massacre are both really personally devastating.


As disgusted as we all are, a whole lot of Republicans just got their talking points. Expect to see them push for arming schools as a counter proposal to whatever Biden's group comes up with.
I think a lot of Republicans already were pushing for armed persons at schools but perhaps more will jump on board after this.

This press conference was a disgrace and disgusting. I am a gun owner but I will never become an NRA member because I loathe for so much that they stand for. It's pretty funny that about 50 years ago when the NRA was started they were very much pro-gun control.


Twitter is great for moments like this. I'm on my phone so I can'r quote tweets but lots of:

We need to arm civilians against a police state now let's turn our schools into police states.

Let's end Hollywood gun fantasy violence and significantly increase the chances of real world gun violence!

George Zimmermans across America assemble to protect our children--oh wait...

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
why stop at schools?

armed guards at churches
armed guards at supermarkets, toys r us, gamestops, bus stops, theaters, etc etc


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
What's wrong with you haters? Think of all the gubmint jobs that would be created? Armed guards in every building!
Besides the ridiculous suggestion of armed guards at schools, having a guardpost at every school just sounds orwellian. It's something that looks like it's from communist Eastern bloc or future London from V for Vendetta. Heck even present day Afghanistan. Basically reminds us of less free societies struggling to keep social order. I don't know if that's where we're headed as a nation, but it sure as hell sounds gloomy. I don't wanna be a part of this :(


bitch I'm taking calls.
Every day it must be more difficult for the Onion to be satirical. The GOP make it hard to come up with genuinely unrealistic articles.

"A gun in every teacher's desk, right next to a copy of the bible."
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