The fact that Prince will have a bigger career dead than all of your faves careers combined
You should hug him, he knows the truthMy brother said that he did not liked Self-titled... I dont know what to proceed.
Looks like there ain't a way to watch the Lemonade event when you from outside the us :/
secretprojectrevolution teas.I wonder what will happen when the movie/documentary features no new music and no album comes out later tonight.
Let's not. His output since the 80s was mediocre at best.
I wonder what will happen when the movie/documentary features no new music and no album comes out later tonight.
Prince kinda having the final word in the feud and destroying Janet's brother on iTunes. It's almost prophetic. I've been streaming his albums non-stop. TIDAL has finally come into use.
What's the full story of Prince vs Michael? Was there really anything there or was it all just perpetuated?
"Nobody really quite knows the full extent of their rivalry, and I think both of those guys had an interest in keeping it somewhat mysterious because they are both mysterious dudes," Knopper tells writer Dan Hyman.
"But when Prince was doing his Vegas residency around late 2006, Michael was living in Vegas. Will was a guest artist at the Prince residency, but he was also friends with Michael. So Will arranged it for Michael to be a guest in the audience at Prince's show. No one knew it really, but Prince knew it.
"There was a point during the show where Prince was playing bass and he came out into the audience with this giant basshe knew where Michael was sittingand he walked right up to Michael and started playing bass in Michael's face. Like aggressive slap bass."
"The next morning, Will went over to Michael's house for breakfast, and they're talking about Prince and the show. And then Michael goes, 'Will, why do you think Prince was playing bass in my face?'
"Michael was outraged. And then started going on. 'Prince has always been a meanie. He's just a big meanie. He's always been not nice to me. Everybody says Prince is this great legendary Renaissance man and I'm just a song-and-dance man, but I wrote "Billie Jean" and I wrote "We Are the World" and I'm a songwriter too.'"
"All this disrespect for Prince came out from Michael that morning. One day, I hope Prince sits down and tells the truth about everything between him and Michael. Before I die, I want to know what the full deal was between the two of them."
The fact that Prince will have a bigger career dead than all of your faves careers combined
Remember thats not Billboard so wait for it to be officiallooking it up MJ sold 422k albums and 2.3m singles from a 4 day tracking period. So half of that in only twelve hours. Damn.
I already pay for HBO
Bey isn't even on Canadian HBO. Bitch can stay local and tidal exclusive.
I expect Mariah's 18 #1's to fill the top 20 on Billboard when she passes.
And in a very bittersweet way, possibly her 19th #1 with AIWFCIY.
I should have known you were Canadian.
There's probably some livestreams somewhere.
End Prince.