Leona Lewis
Gross, I wanted this to end with a live feed of the Camel being served with dem divorce papers
sorry brehs
sorry brehs
save this reply for when Shitney's new turd drops ddddd.......Anyways
Lemonde is really good!
so easy to make too! All you need are lemons, water, and sugar. And it tastes sooooo great!
siS don't pull the punches do you know where you are~Jk guys I'm really glad about how pro-black she is with this album. However, it's not my taste so you guys have fun with it!
Jk guys I'm really glad about how pro-black she is with this album. However, it's not my taste so you guys have fun with it!
Update: Per an industry insider, Lemonade will be a TIDAL exclusive in perpetuity, as in yes, it will be exclusively a TIDAL release forever.
and it will still be more successful than B9Good
I don't buy it. More accurately, I can't buy it.
If the future of music means more of these "stream exclusive" albums that can't be bought or downloaded, then...I don't know.
I have faith it'll show up in other places.
Gurl, B9 will snatch that parched soil certification in Ethiopia and that will be all, so let's not.
I never mentioned Britney but idk why are y'all obsessed with Britney? Keep talking about her anyways
I never mentioned Britney but idk why are y'all obsessed with Britney? Keep talking about her anyways
bitch you don't get to slink away this easily lmao
I cannot believe what occur tonight Rihanna won musically