This is why I'm still sad we never got the HBO adaptation, if I remember correctly the scripts that were turned in were very close to the source material. Then again HBO turned it down because of how controversial it would be and who knows, maybe budget was an issue as we know they're constantly having issues with it as GoT went on.
I also don't mind if there are changes and adaptations but I do worry that the show runners don't have as good a grasp on the characters and story as they say they do. We always hear about how much creators love the original source material and then get horribly butchered adaptations. As I said I'm holding my breath in hopes this is good but I'm nervous after seeing a bunch of arbitrary changes that will ruin moments down the line.
I have mixed feelings on adaptations. Sometimes I think they should be as 1:1 as possible. While others times it seems like a completely pointless endeavor to just recreate something that already works so well in the medium they were created in so it's almost a necessity to do something new with the property.
Preacher falls into the latter for me as it just lends itself so well to new and different events. The comic itself was such a bizarre and random roller coaster that it's not really important in my mind to stick to that exact path but more important to capture the spirit of it. The rest is rather malleable. It's a strength of the series and characters. Not a lot of series can be re-imagined and reshaped and still stay true to themselves. While it remains to be seen here, most previews seem extremely upbeat about it. Hopefully it will live up to that and maintain that quality throughout. Nothing wrong with healthy skepticism though.
Also I'm glad the HBO version died. It was being helmed by Mark Steven Johnson who brought us such faithful and wondrous comic book films like Daredevil, Elektra and Ghost Rider...