I think releasing a demo of this was a bad idea. These type of games have always been about structured rig building underlying the base gameplay, which means you always start feeling like a bit of a flaccid sock for the first hour or two before you build a character to your own specs that will do interesting things.
The only game like this that I've ever seen have a decent demo was Human Revolution, and that was a third of the game and a leaked build. The added time gave people space to see how the mechanics started to unfold and their characters start to flower into expressions of the player's agency on the game world. Now, imagine that hr demo just being the opening mission...yeah I imagine a lot of people would have been not too looking forward to hr.
Bethesda knows this too, which makes the whole demo just reek of desperation because they're concerned with the game bombing after MD and Dishonored 2 both had mediocre sales despite much bigger ips behind them. Some part of me thinks this will probably be the last big budget looking glass type game we get for a good long while. Maybe bioshock 4 from 2k Marin, if it even exists anymore, will light another boost for the genre, but it just seems like these games are on the wayside.