If you have Hades, either a) save the kings for him or b) level Duke. You've got the two best 30% grav users already!

If you have Hades, either a) save the kings for him or b) level Duke. You've got the two best 30% grav users already!
In the last thread I was joking around in one my posts in presenting the idea of a monster whose skill is to convert monsters in a dungeon to king X dragons. Well, Tower of Saviors is about to make a portion of this dream a reality in updating their roster this Friday that features a monster whose leader skill is to give 50% chance of converting their version of high X dragon into king X dragon who appear in daily timed dungeons. The only practical use of this monster is to help players level up faster. Excellent idea for a skill nonetheless.
Step it up Gungho.
I feel like ToS burns through gimmicks too quickly and as a result there's some patently broken shit in that game; I saw a YouTube vid once of a team of monsters with active skills that 1) caused gems of a certain color to drop far more often and 2) extended the size of the board to the top of the screen for a limited duration, so the turn consisted of a gigantic cascade of monocolored orbs.
This. I feel like GungHo actually looks at their game and makes sure not to introduce things that are terribly broken and/or without balance.
See: Satan's awakening skills lololol
If it's any consolation, I've had worse, where I bring in a speed clear team and get killed on a round 1 invasion. That is a bitch and a half.
I'm also getting jack shit in terms of supers today. Are you in Group B, too? Maybe it's just a bad day for our group.
I feel like ToS burns through gimmicks too quickly and as a result there's some patently broken shit in that game; I saw a YouTube vid once of a team of monsters with active skills that 1) caused gems of a certain color to drop far more often and 2) extended the size of the board to the top of the screen for a limited duration, so the turn consisted of a gigantic cascade of monocolored orbs.
Busty Hermes
Are those giant shields attached to his shoes?Busty Hermes
Busty Hermes
Well at least he doesn't have 20 magic circles, but him and Artemis' ultimate artwork have way too much going on (guessing Ares will continue this trend). Besides the light sub element he'll probably get based on the color change of his suit, I'm assuming he'll get a sub type of either Balanced or Attacker, with his leader skill affecting those types as well.
Well at least he doesn't have 20 magic circles, but him and Artemis' ultimate artwork have way too much going on (guessing Ares will continue this trend). Besides the light sub element he'll probably get based on the color change of his suit, I'm assuming he'll get a sub type of either Balanced or Attacker, with his leader skill affecting those types as well.
I went to wikipedia to read a lil about him and:Busty Hermes
I really like their attention to the exact details!Hermes (/ˈhɜrmiːz/; Greek : Ἑρμῆςis an Olympian god in Greek religion and mythology, son of Zeus and the Pleiad Maia. He is second youngest of the Olympian gods.
Hermes is a god of transitions and boundaries. He is quick and cunning, and moved freely between the worlds of the mortal and divine, as emissary and messenger of the gods,intercessor between mortals and the divine, and conductor of souls into the afterlife. He is protector and patron of travelers, herdsmen, thieves, orators and wit, literature and poets, athletics and sports, invention and trade.In some myths he is a trickster, and outwits other gods for his own satisfaction or the sake of humankind. His attributes and symbols include the herma, the rooster and the tortoise, purse or pouch, winged sandals, winged cap, and his main symbol is the herald's staff, the Greek kerykeion or Latin caduceus which consisted of two snakes wrapped around a winged staff.
In the Roman adaptation of the Greek pantheon (see interpretatio romana), Hermes is identified with the Roman god Mercury,who, though inherited from the Etruscans, developed many similar characteristics, such as being the patron of commerce.
I've been playing this like a match 3 this whole time... this is like finding out the twist in Fez. Oh man!
Mines only level 53 but I can put it up. Let me know when you're in please.Anyone have an Awoken Satan they want to put up? I want to try smacking Laophraig in the face with a Satan team.
Sorry, my wife asked me to assemble a console table, so I couldn't play. Thank you, though!Mines only level 53 but I can put it up. Let me know when you're in please.
Dammit where my Shiva busty?
Time to hunt for those elusive Green Carbuncles!
Relatively new to the game, just saw the thread. What is this about trading at level 20?
Just hit 20 a few days ago.
There's some design problems with the dungeon for Ancient Light Dragon. In Legend floor 5 contains 2 demons that only bind a specific color while in Master it contains 2 thunder chimeras that can cast double bind infinitely and I got my whole team binded. As a result you can safely tank Legend with a 4/1/4 team but you can't easily do that in Master.
You get a one time trade with another player for a "Starter dragon". When you send the present you and the receiving person will both get a random starter dragon (light and dark have a chance as well).
Dammit where my Shiva busty?
Yeah, the Indian pantheon could use a small boost. Everyone outside of Parvati, really. Lakshmi's pitiful Active in particular could use some new effect.
I'm in Group B. I ran it 6 times and only got 2 supers. This has been the norm for me with this dungeon from the beginning. Not 1 super outside of the last floor in all 6 runs. Should have spent my stamina elsewhere.
There's some design problems with the dungeon for Ancient Light Dragon. In Legend floor 5 contains 2 demons that only bind a specific color while in Master it contains 2 thunder chimeras that can cast double bind infinitely and I got my whole team binded. As a result you can safely tank Legend with a 4/1/4 team but you can't easily do that in Master.
Is there a list of recommended monsters (particularly gods) to give awoken skills?
not yet, but I've found ones that drop enhanced orbs are particularily nice. Stat boosts are 'meh' IMO unless you REALLY use a monster a lot.
Is there a list of recommended monsters (particularly gods) to give awoken skills?
Is there a list of recommended monsters (particularly gods) to give awoken skills?
Yeah the list is damn big. My gods, Luci, Artemis and Odin don't have that.
Does 2 bind resist = 100%?
i believe bind resist is 20% each, not sure how it is calculated : .2 * .2 or .2 + .2 (i think its the latter)
Doesn't have to be your leads. Some subs you use often are good choices as well, since the awoken skill applies to every monster you use, not just the leads.
Enhanced Fire
Enhanced Water
Enhanced Wood
Enhanced Dark
Enhanced Light
Figure out which team you run and act accordingly. Start with harder to acquire mobs (2 Heroes, anything from Descended dungeons, etc)
Huh that's weird. Bind resist on the pad wikia says 50%.
I don't have too many gods, but I'm not going to use a Tamadra on something farmable.
you're right...I was thinking blind. Stilll....i don't know if its X + X or X * X.