After that will be Zeus Dragon & Hera Dragon, Loving Dragons
Loving Ryu is easy cause you're beautiful
Do-do do do-do
After that will be Zeus Dragon & Hera Dragon, Loving Dragons
I'm getting further in challenge 5 but now I can't get the attack power to take down the boss. Gonna try a red lead team next and keep my fingers crossed. Can't believe how much stamina I've spent on this damn thing!
I used a Awoken Amaterasu team with Arcline for the boss. The first time I wasn't prepared for the 50% light resist and constant healing back to full if you don't one shot her.
What's Arcline?
I've got Ammy but not Awokened. Dont have the jewels to awaken her, either, alas...
What's Arcline?
I've got Ammy but not Awokened. Dont have the jewels to awaken her, either, alas...
Grats on the clear! In short order, more and more descends will be toppled.I.... did it! I finished my first Descends! I know I know, basic stuff. But after a lot of toying with a few teams and only being rank 124, I beat my first Legend Descends "Holy Goddess" with my LKali team! Consisted of LKali, Echidna, Castor, Jize, and Thumbelina. Last two were fillers but actually helped a lot, considering Jize got rid of a mask (they came in at all the same countdown, even though I did wind up Koing them all accidentally), and Thumbelina makes fire->heart, and castor heart ->dark which helped clear a bad board.
I didn't get the drop though, and apparently really do need the unit to move on to other ones. But I only had one LKali on my friend list. So...
317,696,348 for any LKali friends! I'm still learning how to use her properlly, but she's max level and fully awoken so you'll get your money's worth out of a friend request!
REM sub with a damage boost for light attacks as an active skill.
The light armored knight (monster # 1656). 2.5x atk for healers for 1 turn.
Blue probably gonna have a rough time due to green resisting. Maybe lead with Andromeda, pair with I&I, and burst like your life depends on it?I seem to get the furthest with my franken-blue healer (kind of) team of Gabriel/Karin/Andromeda/BValk/SunQuan/A&A.
Does great except for the end where I didn't have enough burst to get through. Ahhhhhh I'm running out of ideas.
Blue probably gonna have a rough time due to green resisting. Maybe lead with Andromeda, pair with I&I, and burst like your life depends on it?
Oh my god thank you. I couldn't figure out why I was healing Sopdet on level 7. I was using Yomidra and just doing TPAs, but it must have been Lucifer breaking through.Anyone have a. Panda? I want to beat 10 but vishnu is a pain with luci. Sometimes I can do decently but the god killer makes it really hard to predict my damage out.
Panda would be better with the 4x for some and no God killer.
Anyone have a. Panda? I want to beat 10 but vishnu is a pain with luci. Sometimes I can do decently but the god killer makes it really hard to predict my damage out.
Panda would be better with the 4x for some and no God killer.
Who's ready for Arena 2.0...
For such a popular and well supported character
For such a popular and well supported character
They sure stuck it with a bad artist
Complete a line of technical dungeons starting with mechdragons massive fortressI need to get Cleopatra to evolve Isis into Awoken Isis, how do I unlock Dragon Knight Sanctuary dungeons?
You crazy, the art is fine
It's no Hino or RaitaMan, you cra cra.
Blue probably gonna have a rough time due to green resisting. Maybe lead with Andromeda, pair with I&I, and burst like your life depends on it?
Anyone have awoken Ceres they can put up for a bit? Heard she makes c10 easy. Want to try that over going on with kirin.
I need at least 14 dub-mythlits and the bastards don't wanna drop. I think I'm gonna cry.
Anyone got any recommendations for a good One-Shot challenge team for me? I'm so bad I can't even beat 4. Feels like a waste cause I haven't really worked on any mono teams yet.
What's your id? Mine is max skilled but no plus eggs
Anyone have awoken Ceres they can put up for a bit? Heard she makes c10 easy. Want to try that over going on with kirin.
Put mine up just now in case you still need it. Looking at it on PDX, I'm wondering how Ceres is supposed to handle the Goemon floor. Are we looking at a "you need to pop Susano/Kushinada before going to the 2nd floor, then kill between 50 and 30%" sort of scenario?
Yeah burst down the first 50 percent and then you have 75 percent damage reduction on goemon is the idea.
I wonder if a. Hades could do it as well. Has the same resistance and could be better with his active (gravity) against goemon. You could push into that range a little more easily.
(All my dark cards are also a little more developed than my green ones)
Started playing PAD last February, tailed off after a few months, save for logging in and accumulating eggs. Cashed'em in to get as many gods as possible during a Godfest, and am lucky to have chosen a best friend last year who has an ultra-maxed assortment.
Have rolled through Normal dungeons up to King of the Gods and a Queen's Divine Castle, but have hit a wall hard. It's clear I'll have to grind like whoa (been doing the Legendary Dragons' Footprints dungeons), but am a little directionless. I'm guessing getting Hera is the next step? I'm wondering what the best way to do so without going nuts on IAP would be given my team below (sorry, iOS):
- GOdin
- 2x Cao Cao
- GSonia
- Norn Urd
- Blazing Maiden, Princess Valkyrie
- All the non-Mystic Knight farmable stuff in Normal dungeons and some limited stuff (healer girls, ripper dragons, legendary dragons, Mechdragons, Skydragons)
I've read a little about using an Odin resist team (in the PAD forums thread for such a team); would it make sense to try ultra-max GOdin, use a friend GOdin (which I don't have), and go that route?
Yeah that could work! I'm thinking Metatron could do well too.maybe cobble together a healer team and lead with a Valk?
Do you have a solid Yomidra team? It wasn't too bad with this setup.Any tips on challenge 8? Indigo is rough...
Do you have a solid Yomidra team? It wasn't too bad with this setup.
Still pretty new, started with a Ronia team, I want to work on a new team soon since Ronia isn't as good these days. What's the best dark team I could make with my collection. I'm thinking a Pandora team of some sort.