Arena stone get. Took five attempts as a blind clear without looking up each floor. Might have made it through earlier had I been paying more attention, but it was good practice and I'm not using up stamina right now anyway. Don't have anything else to add that isn't a rant about certain upcoming changes, so I'll leave it at that.
You can probably just use Isis herself on most/all the whiskey dragon dungeons; that was the strategy most of us used back then.So I want Awoken Isis. But for that I:
- Need to get Cleopatra as my last mat
- To get Cleopatra, I need to first unlock the dungeon for it, which first means beating Ancient Dragons' Mystic Realm
- Beating that means I either have to struggle through Scarlet Desert Isle on a prayer with Verdandi or get a better Tricolor lead
- I have Shiva, but to survive the dungeon I'll first need to awaken him
- Can't awaken Shiva until I get 1 more Red Jewel
- Will have to pray to the RNG gods that I get a Red Jewel from the PAL Egg Machine
- PAL Egg Machine only here for the next week
This game
Need some advice on a couple monsters. I finally managed to get the jewels for Awoken Sakuya.
For a light team I need to use Indra. Which uevo is best for Sakuya? I'm thinking the first to retain god typing since the extra row awakening isn't going to be useful terribly often with Sakuya.
The other is Pandora, I don't plan on using her to lead (I have AALuci, and the MP for YomiDra) should I go UUevo or Awoken? If I had two this would be a no brainer.
Is Gadius worth investing in if I've got a basically ideal A. Shiva team?
EDIT: Also anyone use AALuci a lot? He's been carrying me through Hera-Beorc and it hurts when he's not available.
PS: Yami you have no idea how many clears I put in today thanks to your AALuci. Awoken Sakuya exists almost entirely on the back of him.
I have just about enough points for a mp Dragon. I just pulled eschamali last god fest and I already have haku, akechi, okuni, castor, diza, etc... I wanted to buy yomi Dragon, but with arena 1 going away I'm hesitant.
I already have a Shiva Dragon with 3 Ares, so I don't need any farming help. I don't have the proper subs for ra Dragon.
So gaf, any advice? Is it worth getting yomi Dragon still, or should I wait for something else? I already have the mats ready for him as it was my plan at first.
Yeah, the investment is still valid it seems.I've only seen Arena 2 teams with Ra Dragon and Indra with enough dark/light/hp latent to counter the first turn attack, so maybe that's a better investment?
Edit: I think Yomi Dragon works better as subs for Lucifer in Arena 2. Rest of the team is essentially the same.
I have just about enough points for a mp Dragon. I just pulled eschamali last god fest and I already have haku, akechi, okuni, castor, diza, etc... I wanted to buy yomi Dragon, but with arena 1 going away I'm hesitant.
I already have a Shiva Dragon with 3 Ares, so I don't need any farming help. I don't have the proper subs for ra Dragon.
So gaf, any advice? Is it worth getting yomi Dragon still, or should I wait for something else? I already have the mats ready for him as it was my plan at first.
Wow, challenge descend 8 has 25 dungeons? I wonder how long it will last.
PADX says 1 week, from the 7th to the 13th.
ROFL at 12 cost legend Tengu required for the snowglobe this time around....
Arena stone get. Took five attempts as a blind clear without looking up each floor. Might have made it through earlier had I been paying more attention, but it was good practice and I'm not using up stamina right now anyway. Don't have anything else to add that isn't a rant about certain upcoming changes, so I'll leave it at that.
So I think I can beat challenge level 9, didn't think I had a chance since no awakenings is always tough.
Made it to Zeus on my first try but couldn't stall long enough for lkali active. I think if I replace one of the kalis with echidna or another delay I can get it done.
Made it to Zeus on my first try but couldn't stall long enough for lkali active. I think if I replace one of the kalis with echidna or another delay I can get it done.
Dammit I thought we were done with those low cost dungeons.
Nice man. That's the exact same team I would like to run (except debating whether I should pull the trigger on YomiDra b/c I don't have Okuni). How is the burst dmg comparing with RaDra (assuming using an avg Haku+Akechi board)?
It's not even a L/D snowglobe; its a blue one.
For those in the thread looking for it, there is a dark resist latent behind Sonia Gran.
Piis are Zeus+Hera, Deus ex Machina, and the three Special(Rogue) dungeons.
I'm impressed at the people that got to C9 and C10. I was thrilled for clearing C7, looked at Indigo's 11 million HP in C8 and just said NOPE and called it a day. One day, the RNG will eventually let me roll the components for a decent high end team.
Not going to waste stamina on level 10. Should be able to get 4 runs of preDRA infestation later tonight without stoning.
Decent xp and free fangan drop tooNew JP Challenge dungeon is interesting in that every mob has a CD of 99, meaning it's purely a test of your ability to combo hard with the fixed team of Horus.
Jeez, I am having bad luck. Got at least 5 of every other latent but 0 dark.Didn't get to farm Predras last time, but I spent 3 stones this time.
Fire: 2
Water: 2
Wood: 2
Light: 2
Dark: 8
HP: 0
ATK: 2
RCV: 2
TE: 5
AutoRCV: 0
Not sure how to spend all these. Put the RCV on A.Ama and a few TE on SS Isis. Thinking about making a couple rainbow resist cards, and putting the rest of the darks on my Arena 1/2 teams.
Do Luci/Pandora Arena 2 teams still use dark resists primarily?
Do you have some info about A.U&Y? My alt has 2 of them and kinda curious to see what would I need to get them Awoken.How many months will it take until we get Awoken U&Y ?
Right now im not interested in playing much PaD but i know will be back in full force once U&Y gets a new version.
And that leads to another problem, not being able to clear descends where one gets right subs (A.Haku ie). For example Yesterday managed to clear twice (and fail twice) Descended Carnival and got Sopdet for Ra, but still missing Sphinx. I got Noah too tho
How many months will it take until we get Awoken U&Y ?
Right now im not interested in playing much PaD but i know will be back in full force once U&Y gets a new version.
A.ALucifer doesn't need Dark Izanami at all. He's already ridiculously tanky. Slot Eschamali over her. You may even consider dropping A.Haku for another more row oriented sub since Escha does that job well enough.
A.Pandora is pretty good. Her uuevo might be even better due to stats. Zuoh looks great, but keep in mind that he brings a considerable drop in RCV. Maybe it's best to keep A.Haku for at least that reason, but it's going to depend on how comfortable you are running the team with different RCV thresholds. I would suggest you experiment a bit and see which choice feels right. I will hunt you down if you don't use Eschamali, heh.
I have a spare 297 waiting for a home. I'll probably feed it to Guan Yinping to try to tackle Tengu. I could also lead with Gilgamesh. I'll need to give my low cost units some exp before I try though.
Everything should still be the same. Note the rogue dungeons at the top have a very high invade rate. It would be really nice if we get 10x to overlap this weekend.
You also need to finish Tengu to earn the second all dungeons clear stone.
I do have hyper A.ALuci up in a slot most of the time now.I made my single Pandora in NA the awoken form and don't regret it, but the uuevo is an option to consider if you pull a second.
Since jewel invades are on for Challenge Descended 8, here's the old rewards/invades chart from when this set ran in JP:
Everything should still be the same. Note the rogue dungeons at the top have a very high invade rate. It would be really nice if we get 10x to overlap this weekend.