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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.

Resident Evil (the original) is the best in the series.

The Saturn version of Resident Evil trumps the PSX version (minus door loading hiccups). The character models look better.

Kingdom Hearts is f***ing awful.

Naughty Dog games are technically impressive but the gameplay is trash.

A Link Between Worlds is garbage.
Majora's Mask is garbage.
Skyward Sword is garbage.
Wind Waker is garbage.

Mario Sunshine trumps Galaxy 1 & 2

The only good game that Suda51 made is Killer7

Silent Hill 2 is overrated.

Miyamoto needs to retire.
Yup, 500 for a console with no bundled games is a big NO from me. That's why I'm just gonna get a PS4 Slim instead. Just waiting on a good bundle. It's sad that a 379 is a good price for a 3 year old console :(

I am probably going to buy a ps4 this year so I was interested in the PS4 Pro but the reveal left me disappointed.
So there's the PS4 slim, even though the little price cut was also disappointing. I'll wait and see the holiday deals. Now I'm thinking I might just a buy a second hand OG PS4.

Who knows, maybe there's 2-3 years left before a new cycle begins.
And i hope that touchpad would have been reduced by half on the DS4 by then
Sony's good will is absolutely deserved, even if the hype surrounding the Trinity wasn't. (A game designed with last gen sensibilities that won't stand the test of time, a remake of a game designed with the sensibilities of three generations ago that certainly doesn't stand the test of time, and a game that wasn't even in development when it got 'revealed'). It's fucking nothing and people lost their minds over it.

How can that be so when both Ico and Shadow of the Colossus have stood the test of time? Ueda's games have shown to be timeless, so I'm expecting the same here.

Joey Ravn

HDR and 4K are distracting people of the fact that 30 FPS will be standard once again. And that is one of the main reasons console gaming is just not for me.


HDR and 4K are distracting people of the fact that 30 FPS will be standard once again. And that is one of the main reasons console gaming is just not for me.

I dunno, let us see what happens. FPS barring Destiny seem to be 60fps and that's just the current gen. You could say Dark Souls would be nicer at 60fps but they aren't exactly excelling, it could probably be done if they put the effort in. Since the mid gen upgrade is still the same gen I imagine many 30fps games will get the boost to 60fps. 30fps is still fine for many games and don't forget some have 60fps online modes. If anything 60fps standard seems closer than 30fps at 4K. Just have to see what the devs go for game by game.


I think "cinematic" games are terrible and that style of storytelling does more to hurt gaming as an artistic medium than it does to help it. I don't think Naughty Dog has made a good game since the first Jak and Daxter.
I didn't like the Witcher 3 that much. I refuse to elaborate.

I don't really like how new consoles are sort of becoming like PCs. I think that it's going to end up with consoles just getting more and more expensive, and after a certain point it'll be pointless for there to be consoles and PCs.

A lot of really hyped multiplayer games (League, DOTA, etc) I can't get back into because of how bad the community is.

I actually don't have much of a problem with how expensive games are getting. Aside from the nickel and dimming DLC practices which I absolutely hate, I think that it makes sense that as time goes on and as graphics get more and more detailed, certain games should naturally become more expensive. (Of course, this doesn't excuse certain games being really basic but still charging almost 80$ Canadian).

The outrage around the Mass Effect 3 ending was really overblown for me. As much as I hated the ending as well, it's just a bad story. Death threats aren't and were never necessary.


Sony's good will is absolutely deserved

Sony's body of good will being undeserved is a bit strange to claim.

Ehhhhh... I think they got something of a free pass because of how badly MS fucked up.

Putting online behind a paywall, long term studio closures, shoddy accessory build quality, uninspired and often delayed first party titles... they basically managed to skate past these without getting as much attention as maybe they deserved as a result.


I think "cinematic" games are terrible and that style of storytelling does more to hurt gaming as an artistic medium than it does to help it. I don't think Naughty Dog has made a good game since the first Jak and Daxter.


It drives me nuts when most of sony's output tries to emulate this.
-Halo 4 has the best campaign of the Halo games
-Persona 4 Golden is an abomination because of the new voice actors
-Final Fantasy 6 isn't that great. It's characters somehow feel deep until examined closely---then they appear mostly paper-thin
-The Uncharted games are boring and make better movies than video games


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild looks visually better than Horizon: Zero Dawn.

This is controversial I guess lol.
Hmmm...idk if its controversial but I did get quoted questioning how I could possibly think so the other day, so maybe it is? You'd think people'd understand that sometimes a thing is decided between artstyles before graphics quality and techniques are even considered.

Ehhhhh... I think they got something of a free pass because of how badly MS fucked up.

Putting online behind a paywall, long term studio closures, shoddy accessory build quality, uninspired and often delayed first party titles... they basically managed to skate past these without getting as much attention as maybe they deserved as a result.

Perhaps. But I remember it a bit differently as to MS fucking up, i.e. Sony made it such that they fucked up or at least exacerbated it by not following suit.

But again, I don't have a PS4 or follow Sony closely so I don't know just how bad the online charge or build quality issues are. I'm just assuming they don't cancel out the above, at least completely.

-Final Fantasy 6 isn't that great. It's characters somehow feel deep until examined closely--

Idk. I didn't get that they felt deep; I don't really think any classic Final Fantasy character is particularly deep. VI's characters are charming, go on cool adventures, and save the world and are more chatty and fleshed out than, say, most classic DQ characters. That's the old school Final Fantasy charm. I do feel the cast of VI is over-bloated and the special abilities are an unbalanced mess. Also, the Esper system is what I don't want in an RPG. At least Materia had stat bonuses and penalties and limited equipment slots.

I do think FFVI often gets held up as the champion of old FF against FFVII + and that makes me scratch my head a bit. VIII may be, and in fact is, both weird and trash, but VII and IX are very much in line with old school FF.
Most complaints about Dishonored's chaos system or complaints that the game punishes you for playing lethally are exaggerated and hyperbolic bullshit

Joey Ravn

After playing DQ 1, 2 and 3 and Final Fantasy 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6, and currently being playing through FF4...

I think Dragon Quest is a much better series than Final Fantasy (from what I've played so far).

The distraction is ok since 30fps is fine.

Ah, I didn't know that it was fine. I thought SDR and 1080p were also fine, but it seems they were not. My mistake!


Most complaints about Dishonored's chaos system or complaints that the game punishes you for playing lethally are exaggerated and hyperbolic bullshit

I'd actually say its the opposite tbh - most of the fun tools the game gives you to play with are centred around high chaos playthroughs, playing pure stealth (never seen, no kills) doesn't give as big of a toolbox


PS4 doesn't deserve it's leading position. Sony's first party efforts are overshadowed by Xbox's exclusive so far.
I'd actually say its the opposite tbh - most of the fun tools the game gives you to play with are centred around high chaos playthroughs, playing pure stealth (never seen, no kills) doesn't give as big of a toolbox
It's true that non lethal was limited compared to lethal in the first game, but I never felt it punishes you for playing that way

Then again, the sequel is adding more options and tools for non lethal, so non lethal players shouldn't have any problems


PS4 doesn't deserve it's leading position. Sony's first party efforts are overshadowed by Xbox's exclusive so far.

I wouldn't say that's controversial. However, Sony does deserve their lead as it's the lead they've had from the launch which 6 months prior to involved a remarkable and communicative campaign.

In saying that, I totally agree with you (as someone who only owns a PS4) that Xbox have eclipsed Sony in terms of support this generation.


Uncharted (at least 1 and 2) isn't mostly a "movie," it's definitely very video gamey, but it still isn't very good. I don't see what people who love it or loathe it see in it; it's mostly just a really mediocre third-person shooter with a story that does a decent job of aping Indiana Jones.
Uncharted (at least 1 and 2) isn't mostly a "movie," it's definitely very video gamey, but it still isn't very good. I don't see what people who love it or loathe it see in it; it's mostly just a really mediocre third-person shooter with a story that does a decent job of aping Indiana Jones.

People who love Uncharted 2 don't think it's a mediocre third-person shooter
Imo a real profession game critic would have at least a BFA or good art history background. Imagine reading a review and not just seeing "the story was bad! the graphics, good!" but a genuine critical analysis of shape, color, form, function, technique, historical context, etc.

Most game critics are functionally illiterate for all the good they do.

Then again if i had my way it would probably take multiple playthroughs over hundreds of hours to review each single game.

I would actually love that. I think Gaming Journalism could actually be more legitimate if we just had actual standards.
People who love Uncharted 2 don't think it's a mediocre third-person shooter

I like the movie The Number 23 and think it's a pretty good film.

Sometimes, people are just wrong.

I would actually love that. I think Gaming Journalism could actually be more legitimate if we just had actual standards.

I like this idea. I've always thought gaming journalism and critique wasn't all that good. Adam Sessler used to try some of that, but it never really took off.
Since Final Fantasy XIV relaunched, it has been the best MMO out there and is currently better than WoW.

And always will be.

Also: Sephiroth is a much better antagonist than Kefka will ever be.

But it's basically WoW but with an hour long global cooldown and a Final Fantasy theme. Both games are video game Nyquil.


99% of anime games are garbage

Most Japanese games are filled with sexist shit.

edit: reading above, I hate overly complex and detailed reviews. People who try to push some kind of "games art and art is beauty. life=living" hipster shit in their reviews. See Vince Ingenito's review of Nidhogg for the type of bullshit I hate reading.
No Mans Sky is just fine and dandy. It is enjoyable and provides hours of fun. The bug fixes have improved the game and new content will come as the HG team finishes squashing bugs and adding more staff.

In a year or so the game will be looked on very favorably much like D2 or D3 with their expansions.
No Mans Sky is just fine and dandy. It is enjoyable and provides hours of fun. The bug fixes have improved the game and new content will come as the HG team finishes squashing bugs and adding more staff.

In a year or so the game will be looked on very favorably much like D2 or D3 with their expansions.

Will the game actually be like it was and still is advertised in all of its trailers one year from now?


Don't know how many online strangers told me I'm an idiot in the past few days for buying PS4 Slim instead of PS4 Pro (not here on GAF though), since PS4 Pro is more powerful.

But I simply value the lower power consumption and the presumably less noise of the PS4 Slim more than the extra power of the PS4 Pro, especially after having an extremely noisy fat PS3 which eventually went YLOD.

Also, as a huge fan of animé and JRPGs of the 90s, I think most of what we get today is bad. I mean, really bad. Seems to focus more on fanservice and panty shots rather than a good story, it's just so damn immature.

Also again, I played a lot of games in the 80s and 90s where CRTs were normal, and I can't fucking stand these scanline emulation thing going on these days. It just makes it look so much worse. I really don't understand how people can be obsessed with CRTs and scanlines when we now have what I consider a vastly better option available. Oh well, different opinions and all that :p
It's exactly what was advertised as is. I got the exact thing that I expected.

Oh so they added desert planets, giant ships that move, faction warfare, the universe getting 'stranger' when you get closer to the center, animals that effect the terrain, laning on astroids, stars that aren't just some skybox that you'l never be abe to reach and the ability to see each other into the game?


Also, as a huge fan of animé and JRPGs of the 90s, I think most of what we get today is bad. I mean, really bad. Seems to focus more on fanservice and panty shots rather than a good story, it's just so damn immature.

Also again, I played a lot of games in the 80s and 90s where CRTs were normal, and I can't fucking stand these scanline emulation thing going on these days. It just makes it look so much worse. I really don't understand how people can be obsessed with CRTs and scanlines when we now have what I consider a vastly better option available. Oh well, different opinions and all that :p

JRPGs of old did pass through a quality assurance test, hence why you'd see only a fraction of those getting released outside Japan in the 90s. Same for anime series. It was unlikely for TV channels to have series with fanservice and if they did arrive they were heavily edited.But whether you like it or not, such games are regarded as exclusives and deranged people would go through any hardship in order to play them.

As for CRTs, they made games more tiresome to play. Even on computer monitors that had better quality and higher refresh rates. Filters on newer monitors make you forget how straining it was.
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