Semantics. Different art styles. They both look good in their own way.The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild looks visually better than Horizon: Zero Dawn.
This is controversial I guess lol.
Semantics. Different art styles. They both look good in their own way.The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild looks visually better than Horizon: Zero Dawn.
This is controversial I guess lol.
Gun is better than Red Dead Redemption
And? A lot of people make it sound as if developers do them with malicious intentYou have a 300kbps connection or lower? Didn't think so.
Yup, 500 for a console with no bundled games is a big NO from me. That's why I'm just gonna get a PS4 Slim instead. Just waiting on a good bundle. It's sad that a 379 is a good price for a 3 year old console![]()
Gun is better than Red Dead Redemption
Sony's good will is absolutely deserved, even if the hype surrounding the Trinity wasn't. (A game designed with last gen sensibilities that won't stand the test of time, a remake of a game designed with the sensibilities of three generations ago that certainly doesn't stand the test of time, and a game that wasn't even in development when it got 'revealed'). It's fucking nothing and people lost their minds over it.
Silent Hill 2 still hasn't been surprassed in the survival horror genre, P.T. looked promising though.
Can't even tell if that's contreversial.
HDR and 4K are distracting people of the fact that 30 FPS will be standard once again. And that is one of the main reasons console gaming is just not for me.
I like RD Revolver better than Redemption XD
HDR and 4K are distracting people of the fact that 30 FPS will be standard once again. And that is one of the main reasons console gaming is just not for me.
HDR and 4K are distracting people of the fact that 30 FPS will be standard once again. And that is one of the main reasons console gaming is just not for me.
I don't think thats too controversial lolSince Final Fantasy XIV relaunched, it has been the best MMO out there and is currently better than WoW.
And always will be.
And? A lot of people make it sound as if developers do them with malicious intent
Sony's good will is absolutely deserved
Sony's body of good will being undeserved is a bit strange to claim.
I think "cinematic" games are terrible and that style of storytelling does more to hurt gaming as an artistic medium than it does to help it. I don't think Naughty Dog has made a good game since the first Jak and Daxter.
It drives me nuts when most of sony's output tries to emulate this.
Hmmm...idk if its controversial but I did get quoted questioning how I could possibly think so the other day, so maybe it is? You'd think people'd understand that sometimes a thing is decided between artstyles before graphics quality and techniques are even considered.The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild looks visually better than Horizon: Zero Dawn.
This is controversial I guess lol.
Ehhhhh... I think they got something of a free pass because of how badly MS fucked up.
Putting online behind a paywall, long term studio closures, shoddy accessory build quality, uninspired and often delayed first party titles... they basically managed to skate past these without getting as much attention as maybe they deserved as a result.
-Final Fantasy 6 isn't that great. It's characters somehow feel deep until examined closely--
The distraction is ok since 30fps is fine.
Most complaints about Dishonored's chaos system or complaints that the game punishes you for playing lethally are exaggerated and hyperbolic bullshit
I agree, but at the same time PS4 has many many non-Sony exclusives that Xbox doesn't have. Mostly Japanese games, and that's why I want a PS4 nowPS4 doesn't deserve it's leading position. Sony's first party efforts are overshadowed by Xbox's exclusive so far.
PS4 doesn't deserve it's leading position. Sony's first party efforts are overshadowed by Xbox's exclusive so far.
It's true that non lethal was limited compared to lethal in the first game, but I never felt it punishes you for playing that wayI'd actually say its the opposite tbh - most of the fun tools the game gives you to play with are centred around high chaos playthroughs, playing pure stealth (never seen, no kills) doesn't give as big of a toolbox
PS4 doesn't deserve it's leading position. Sony's first party efforts are overshadowed by Xbox's exclusive so far.
Uncharted (at least 1 and 2) isn't mostly a "movie," it's definitely very video gamey, but it still isn't very good. I don't see what people who love it or loathe it see in it; it's mostly just a really mediocre third-person shooter with a story that does a decent job of aping Indiana Jones.
Imo a real profession game critic would have at least a BFA or good art history background. Imagine reading a review and not just seeing "the story was bad! the graphics, good!" but a genuine critical analysis of shape, color, form, function, technique, historical context, etc.
Most game critics are functionally illiterate for all the good they do.
Then again if i had my way it would probably take multiple playthroughs over hundreds of hours to review each single game.
People who love Uncharted 2 don't think it's a mediocre third-person shooter
I would actually love that. I think Gaming Journalism could actually be more legitimate if we just had actual standards.
Since Final Fantasy XIV relaunched, it has been the best MMO out there and is currently better than WoW.
And always will be.
Also: Sephiroth is a much better antagonist than Kefka will ever be.
Dishonored's art style is shit.
Now that's what I call edgy
No Mans Sky is just fine and dandy. It is enjoyable and provides hours of fun. The bug fixes have improved the game and new content will come as the HG team finishes squashing bugs and adding more staff.
In a year or so the game will be looked on very favorably much like D2 or D3 with their expansions.
It's exactly what was advertised as is. I got the exact thing that I expected.Will the game actually be like it was and still is advertised in all of its trailers one year from now?
It's exactly what was advertised as is. I got the exact thing that I expected.
Also, as a huge fan of animé and JRPGs of the 90s, I think most of what we get today is bad. I mean, really bad. Seems to focus more on fanservice and panty shots rather than a good story, it's just so damn immature.
Also again, I played a lot of games in the 80s and 90s where CRTs were normal, and I can't fucking stand these scanline emulation thing going on these days. It just makes it look so much worse. I really don't understand how people can be obsessed with CRTs and scanlines when we now have what I consider a vastly better option available. Oh well, different opinions and all that![]()
99% of anime games are garbage
Most Japanese games are filled with sexist shit.