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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.

Not controversial just a roll of the eyes pet peeve.

When someone posts to this forum or others with a legit issue they are dealing with and you get the ineffectual posts just saying "Not having that problem! Mine is working fine! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯".

Why even post that? Let others jump in to help the poster solve this issue. We all assume this isn't a problem across the board and you are cluttering the thread to just say your game, hardware, etc is fine. Great, you aren't helping the person with the problem they are experiencing.
I've never had a problem with that.
Final Fantasy 7 is one of the most overrated games of all time.

That's fine and all...

But at least it's not Final Fantasy 8.

Ff8 is complete dogshit horrible.


Video games are in a steady and pronounced decline.

Compared to the peak of the medium in the early 2000s, games today are worse in quality, creativity and diversity. One of the biggest indicators of this is the absolutely huge number of rereleases and ports we're seeing. It's basically these studios saying "hey guys remember when we used to make good games?". Big name releases tend to disappoint and the number of new "classics" is historically low. Creativity and intelligence in game design and storytelling have been replaced by psychological manipulation that makes people play the same kind of game (team-based FPS, MOBA, gatcha smartphone puzzler...) over and over again in a variety of "skins" and meaningless upgrades.

To make myself clear, I am NOT saying that games are shit these days. Rather I'm saying that the creative output of video games is absolutely worse than it was in their peak and it is getting worse.

Need to stop playing AAA games.

Super Metroid is the only perfect game ever made to date.


I miss the big dumb, b-movie action games with crazy ideas. I enjoyed Blacksite: Area 51, Jericho, Inversion, Fuse, Singularity, Binary Domain, Jurassic: The Hunted...semi-out there games that are based in reality.


I didn't count Zelda because you can just get it on a Wii U.

But I did miss Just Dance.
And the new Sonic game that's a Sonic Generations successor.

Um, Zelda should count still the NX version is probably the lead version and will be the 1st game everyone gets with the NX.
Current generation is the worst console generation since the early 80s. PS4 and Xbox One are full of DLCs, ports, remasters and paid online service. And now, 3 years after, finally both systems are getting more real "next gen games" than crossgen games and PS360 ports....and they are releasing mid gen upgrade....fucking hardware DLC....And what bothers me the most....People around here DEFENDING IT and ready for the DAY ONE bullshit!


Hi, I'm nortonff. I spend my life going into threads to say that I don't care about the topic of the thread. It's a really good use of my time.
I think VR is stupid and that people will only try it out leave it aside, just like 3D.
Metro: Last Light is a boring and bad game. I think it's controversial based on the metacritic and steam reviews? The game's atmosphere is amazing and its environments are stunning. I took countless screenshots while playing. The problem is just how non-interactive it is. It opens up later, but I'm pretty sure that if I bothered to measure it, the amount of time you spend in the first half of the game unable to really do anything other than press "w" or just wait while an in-game POV cutscene plays out would be staggering. As if that in itself isn't bad enough for a game, in my view, the characters just move and talk so... s l o w l y. There's no smoothness to their motions. Walk slowly forward. Turn to the door. Stop. Reach out to the door. Open the door. Straighten. Walk in ahead. Continue talking... s l o w l y.

I enjoyed the action\stealth\exploration segments when they occurred, but they occurred so damn rarely at the first half of the game. I really had to force myself to push through it. The controls also didn't feel good enough for an FPS for me. It felt as if actions needed to be separated by too lengthy a time to register. Holding down E right after an action wouldn't make you pick up that weapon you're staring at. You need to wait a second or two after stopping, then press E. Want to sprint? You need to separate it with a break from your last action too. Etc, etc. Maybe this is an issue only in the redux version? I doubt it. Either way, it created a very stiff experience.

The bear boss fight was what left a final sour taste. Maybe I just missed some trick, but to me it seemed as if all you needed to do was run away and empty all your magazines into the bullet sponge. Hardly enjoyable boss encounter for the last stretch of the game.


I miss the big dumb, b-movie action games with crazy ideas. I enjoyed Blacksite: Area 51, Jericho, Inversion, Fuse, Singularity, Binary Domain, Jurassic: The Hunted...semi-out there games that are based in reality.

Have you tried Metal Gear Solid series?



  • Nothing about the Dishonored series looks good to me, and the Dishonored 2 trailers looks like it is filled with bland environments and an overpowered player.

  • People should be able to preorder without hearing "Don't preorder".
Nothing about the Dishonored series looks good to me, and the Dishonored 2 trailers looks like it is filled with bland environments and an overpowered player.

Now I understand why you were cranky about Dishonored 2's threads in that ''When will early access to games before official release end?'' thread earlier :p

Then again, I feel most people who complain about powers in Dishonored being too OP are crazy, anyways.


Neo Member
  • God of War III ruined the series for a time...Thank God the new one is practically taking the path of a reboot, because it was needed.
  • Giants: Citizen Kabuto did a lot of the things that Halo gets credit for such as rechargeable shields, quick-button grenade throwing, lush green and colorful outdoor open combat areas, and vehicles in single-player and multiplayer....and it did it all a year prior to Halo and in many ways better.
  • Gaming would be better and certainly more creative if Sega had stayed in the console race and Microsoft had stayed out.
  • BioShock 2 and Minerva's Den are better than BioShock, have a more original storyline, and are the two best games in the series and the genre.
  • Prince of Persia 2008 was a great game and is severely underrated.
  • Half-Life: Opposing Force is better than Half-Life
  • San Andreas is not nearly as good as Vice City, which had a far better focus on it's depicted era and a far better soundtrack.
  • Thief: The Dark Project got boring very fast and had broken level design.
  • Prey was a much better game than either Doom 3 and Quake 4.
Other than Mario64 and Pokémon red which I played +100 hours, I've never spent more than an hour with a Nintendo game. They all suck!
Also, other than N64, never had a Nintendo console for more than a month. I always regret buying them the second I boot them up.



  • Nothing about the Dishonored series looks good to me, and the Dishonored 2 trailers looks like it is filled with bland environments and an overpowered player.

  • People should be able to preorder without hearing "Don't preorder".

I think there's some legitimacy behind it, but I think the thing I really hate about the "don't preorder," mentality is that it completely ignores the fact that games come out in certain regions earlier. If I preorder a game that came out months ago in Japan after reading Japanese reviews/impressions that's hardly any different from waiting until reviews and impressions for a game after it comes out, and I get it at a decent price because of the Amazon Prime preorder discount thing.


Have you tried Metal Gear Solid series?

Played MGS 1 and 4, it just takes itself too seriously in the sense of story? Not sure how else to explain how I feel like it is trying to be serious and trying to be "A-movie"/actual movie.

Plus, I don't care for the gameplay.
Oh I guess I have one of these now.

After watching Kotaku's absolutely hilarious footage of the Batman VR game, I'm convinced that PSVR is going to utterly tank. The whole concept looks like it needs another few years in the concept stage but they were incredibly eager to get it out. The pricing is way too much for the average consumer, for something that is inherently individualised and cumbersome.

But seriously that Batman footage is really good for a laugh.


Played MGS 1 and 4, it just takes itself too seriously in the sense of story? Not sure how else to explain how I feel like it is trying to be serious and trying to be "A-movie"/actual movie.

Plus, I don't care for the gameplay.

Yeah, that's fair. It tries to be serious, but personally I can't take most of it very seriously with all the wacky shit going on. I do like the series a lot though. Much of the charm comes when it's not that serious.


Dark Cloud has possibly the worst combat ever created in a game. How anyone played that game through to the end I don't know

Switch Back 9

a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
Ubisoft has not made a good game in years. Even For Honor, which was a creative, innovative approach to multiplayer gaming in a market flooded with shooters, was plagued with Ubisoft's trademark awfulness and I guarantee the final release will have even more.

Overcrowded HUD, flashy "press button now" bullshit handholding, endless DLC and Season's passes and all that garbage, location markers for fucking everything, a screen filled to the brim with maps and menus and markers and noisy information, too much focus on having a "cool" story or characters instead of excellent gameplay. Blech.
LordRaptor said:
Gaming for 'passive' storytelling - ie, "cutscene" storytelling, where you watch "actors" perform "lines" - absolutely is the worst medium for storytelling as it inherits all of the technical downsides of gaming as a medium (comparatively poor image quality, acting, and writing) but provides none of the features that gaming uniquely brings (interactivity, non-linearity, unpredictability)

And this makes gaming as the worst medium ever for storytelling how exactly?

He literally just explained how. Maybe you'd have an argument if you could provide a counterexample?

Rexatality said:
Its not a fact, its an opinion. And a misguided one at that. It reeks of arrogance and pettiness.

Seems like you would know.

Aaron D.

I love how game environments of and by themselves can tell stories, allowing the player to put the pieces together on their own and at their own pace. That's pretty unique to any story-telling medium, and it rewards imagination and critical thinking.

This is all before we even get to a single word of in-game storytelling, be it text or speech.

Environmental storytelling titles like Gone Home have proven to me that video games can be a fantastic vehicle to carry meaningful storytelling.

I know it's easy to be cynical and snide about story in games ("LOL, Oscar-caliber writing!"), but there's a lot of fantastic work being done out there if you approach the subject with an open mind.
Ah, so you don't have an argument, then.

Ignorance is bliss. Carry on.

The thread is for controversial gaming opinions. You expect me to have arguments?

Then again, I'm not much into debates anyways. Frankly, its a waste of time arguing with people who are not willing in changing their opinions and beliefs.
Gears of War 2 is the best Gears campaign.

Also as someone who played the trilogy a month ago, I think they all hold up well. Sorta confused how people think the games are boring or tired


Neighbours from Hell
I hate achievements and trophies and think they're a total waste of time. Many get you to do arbitrary thing you wouldn't care about doing if trophies didn't exist... Like The Witcher 3 sliding down a long slope unfettered. And the ones that don't, come after beating bosses, missions, solving puzzles, etc.... Stuff you'd be happy to accomplish anyway without getting an achievement or trophy. On the flip side, fun things like cheat devices, save editing, things like that can get your console banned because you hacked an achievement and got more Gamerpoints... the gaming equivalent of Brownie Points. Oh no!

When I say useless and waste of time, I obviously only speak for myself.


I hate achievements and trophies and think they're a total waste of time. Many get you to do arbitrary thing you wouldn't care about doing if trophies didn't exist... Like The Witcher 3 sliding down a long slope unfettered. And the ones that don't, come after beating bosses, missions, solving puzzles, etc.... Stuff you'd be happy to accomplish anyway without getting an achievement or trophy. On the flip side, fun things like cheat devices, save editing, things like that can get your console banned because you hacked an achievement and got more Gamerpoints... the gaming equivalent of Brownie Points. Oh no!

When I say useless and waste of time, I obviously only speak for myself.

I like achievements and trophies but I think most people here will agree with you.


Oh I guess I have one of these now.

After watching Kotaku's absolutely hilarious footage of the Batman VR game, I'm convinced that PSVR is going to utterly tank. The whole concept looks like it needs another few years in the concept stage but they were incredibly eager to get it out. The pricing is way too much for the average consumer, for something that is inherently individualised and cumbersome.

But seriously that Batman footage is really good for a laugh.

There was a VR push in the 90s but what held it back then was technology. Now we have the technology but I think that we are held back by not having good games. Most of these VR games seem to be gimmicks and the ones that are not are just as playable without VR.
There was a VR push in the 90s but what held it back then was technology. Now we have the technology but I think that we are held back by not having good games. Most of these VR games seem to be gimmicks and the ones that are not are just as playable without VR.
It's like how motion control could have been used inventively for lots of different things but more often than not just replaced the "X/Square" button for attacking in an unsatisfying way. I'm not so sure we have the technology either when they're expecting this thing to work on the standard PS4.
I can't overlook TW3's hollow gameplay nor the fact that you receive a miniscule amount of xp from downing tough enemies so I dropped the game and have no intentions of playing it again.

I agree bought the game for 35 dollars and played for about a week before I got bored with it. For a game with that much combat the controls were often very clunky.
Gears of War 2 is the best Gears campaign.

Also as someone who played the trilogy a month ago, I think they all hold up well. Sorta confused how people think the games are boring or tired

I recently played 3 to get prepared for 4 and it's crazy to me that people just write-off Gears as a dumb meathead game.


Current generation is the worst console generation since the early 80s. PS4 and Xbox One are full of DLCs, ports, remasters and paid online service. And now, 3 years after, finally both systems are getting more real "next gen games" than crossgen games and PS360 ports....and they are releasing mid gen upgrade....fucking hardware DLC....And what bothers me the most....People around here DEFENDING IT and ready for the DAY ONE bullshit!

Yep the mid gen upgrade is so dumb. Im shocked GAF loves it.
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