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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.


Imo a real profession game critic would have at least a BFA or good art history background. Imagine reading a review and not just seeing "the story was bad! the graphics, good!" but a genuine critical analysis of shape, color, form, function, technique, historical context, etc.

Most game critics are functionally illiterate for all the good they do.

Then again if i had my way it would probably take multiple playthroughs over hundreds of hours to review each single game.

If you really want to go that route then you'd need someone who was an English major, studied in art history (and probably fine arts), animation, programming, music AND has an interest in videogames.
No. I just don't like the mindset of a lot of devs who create the same 3-4 anime girls with different hair. anime games annoy me. Although Kat from Gravity Rush is my waifu :/

Except for the last part, I agree. I remember reading somewhere that the increased Sexism and otherwise creepiness is from their attempts to market towards Otaku/ "Whales" who'll go all out and buy every piece of Waifu Merchandise no matter if the game's good or not compared to regular consumers.

If I find the article I'll link it but I found it interesting.


No Mans Sky is just fine and dandy. It is enjoyable and provides hours of fun. The bug fixes have improved the game and new content will come as the HG team finishes squashing bugs and adding more staff.

In a year or so the game will be looked on very favorably much like D2 or D3 with their expansions.

Yeah, I definitely enjoyed it and certainly got my money's worth from it, but my long term opinion depends very much on how they develop and expand on the core game. If they don't it would be a huge wasted opportunity and that's how I'll end up looking back on it - as a massive 'what if'. I'm cautiously optimistic though.

Not sure if that's a controversial opinion, but then pretty anything you say these days about NMS could end up that way, so maybe.


Ehhhhh... I think they got something of a free pass because of how badly MS fucked up.

Putting online behind a paywall, long term studio closures, shoddy accessory build quality, uninspired and often delayed first party titles... they basically managed to skate past these without getting as much attention as maybe they deserved as a result.

My good will for Sony came long before the reveal and has nothing to do with hardware (putting online behind a paywall is awful, but it's simply following MS putrid idea).

The last four years of the X360 showed MS not at all interested in games, but only in monetizing their fans (which was me at that time). Some token Forza, Halo and Gears while they introduced advertisements and put more and more functionalities behind paywalls. This was at a time when Sony was actively trying to grow the medium with games like Flower, Journey, Unfinished Swan. Even now that MS has 'wisened up', you still basically see just games in the male 14-22 demographic. Practically nothing for kids, 30+ or women. Sony's output has been mediocre, but it's been there in a pretty diverse portfolio. I see the short term focus on a single demographic as regressive and ultimately very bad for the industry. In that sense, even if I still think Sony should do much more to break out of the 'gamer' demographic, they receive more good will from me than MS.


Okay, so I don't really know how to say this in a way that sounds stupid/joking (or making my entire life sound like a joke honestly), but..

I don't mind and often like when games "waste my time". Now, there are exceptions to this obviously; if a game is "wasting my time," by making me do unfun bullshit that I don't enjoy then I'm not going to like that. I mean things like level grinding in RPGs (some RPGs from the NES/Famicom era can go overboard with this but in general I like it), overly long tutorials, unnecessary NPC dialogue, and making you do shit you've already done. This is partially because I don't have a full time job or other hobbies that I take seriously so there's nothing better for me to be spending my time on (as evidence I've spent thousands of hours on websites I dislike). It's also partially because I believe in reincarnation so I don't view time as something that has an inherent value to it like most of the rest of the world.
I know I might get torn apart for this, but despite the Prey 2 debacle, I am looking forward to the Prey reboot.

Arkane's game design philosophy set in a space station? I'm in.
TXAA is almost as bad as chromatic aberration. I have no idea why any game uses it whatsoever.

FXAA is less effective but at least it's not as stupendously blurry, yet for some reason a lot of games seem to ignore it in favour of the worst AA method I've ever seen.
Don't know how many online strangers told me I'm an idiot in the past few days for buying PS4 Slim instead of PS4 Pro (not here on GAF though), since PS4 Pro is more powerful.

But I simply value the lower power consumption and the presumably less noise of the PS4 Slim more than the extra power of the PS4 Pro, especially after having an extremely noisy fat PS3 which eventually went YLOD.

I don't think we have precise figures on the PS4 Pro noise/power consumption levels yet do we?
I think "cinematic" games are terrible and that style of storytelling does more to hurt gaming as an artistic medium than it does to help it.


It's one of the reasons many game journalists have lost credibility to me: the new GOW scraps the series' tight mechanics and instead copies the TLOU...and gets heaps of praise? Fuck that

The distraction is ok since 30fps is fine.

Ugh. Way to prove his point.


I think "cinematic" games are terrible and that style of storytelling does more to hurt gaming as an artistic medium than it does to help it. I don't think Naughty Dog has made a good game since the first Jak and Daxter.

From my point of view, they hadn't made a game I'd want to buy before Uncharted 2. It was TLOU which actually got me interested in Uncharted series as well. For me, the likes of Crash Bandicoot and Jak & Daxter were games, that just weren't fun to play.

I also think the countless mascot platformers hindered the medium's progress, by making the uninformed public think games are just for kids. We're paying for that misconception even today, when games still aren't allowed to offer experiences like the other entertaiment mediums are.


Linear cinematic AAA games are shit and don't fit the medium, go read a book or watch a movie instead.

And platformers aren't linear?

"A video game is an electronic game that involves human interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device such as a TV screen or computer monitor."
Unlike books and movies. So, why wouldn't the story-driven games fit the medium?


I also think the countless mascot platformers hindered the medium's progress, by making the uninformed public think games are just for kids. We're paying for that misconception even today, when games still aren't allowed to offer experiences like the other entertaiment mediums are.

Games with mascot characters were popular throughout the 80s, prior to platformers and helped immensely in popularity. Donkey Kong, Pac Man, Bubble Bobble etc. The irony is that kids were barred from entering arcades in some countries. Euro computer game scene had both mature and sophisticated games coexist with Euro platformers.

Reaction to violent games were strong even with Atari2600 (eg Haloween). Games status was raised from kids to teens/youth affair at least. You even see vg advertisements in major sports events


Neo Member
And platformers aren't linear?

Unlike books and movies. So, why wouldn't the story-driven games fit the medium?
Sorry if my post seemed aggressive, I just threw my opinion unaware of the discussion above.
Anyway, the plots of those games are relatively lacking. So I'd rather to just watch or read something from my backlog than to play one.


Games with mascot characters were popular throughout the 80s, prior to platformers and helped immensely in popularity. Donkey Kong, Pac Man, Bubble Bobble etc. The irony is that kids were barred from entering arcades in some countries. Euro computer game scene had both mature and sophisticated games coexist with Euro platformers.

Reaction to violent games were strong even with Atari2600 (eg Haloween). Games status was raised from kids to teens/youth affair at least. You even see vg advertisements in major sports events

Yeah, I remember seeing something like that regarding Sega's Splatterhouse. Those kind of reactions manifested even later on, with games like Thrill Kill and Rule of Rose.

Thrill Kill was developed in the late 1990s for the Sony PlayStation by Paradox Development, later Midway Studios - Los Angeles. There was much hype surrounding the game, billed as the new Mortal Kombat, and expectations were high in the gaming community. The original publisher was to be Virgin Interactive, which was acquired by Electronic Arts for £122.5 million in the summer of 1998.

By this point Thrill Kill had already finished development in entirety. A few weeks before shipping, the game was scrapped by EA because they didn't want to "publish such a senselessly violent game", as they felt that it would harm their image. They also stated that they deemed the game so offensive that they would not even attempt to sell the game nor to have it released by another publisher.

At E3 2006 Atlus announced that it would be releasing Rule of Rose in the United States, following Sony's decision to pass on an American release. This was on the grounds of the game's erotic undertones involving a cast of female minors. The developers disagreed with this, saying that the sexual themes are only a small part of the game. In November 2006, three French deputies introduced a bill asking for the game to be banned for sale, arguing that the goal of the game was to "rape, beat up and kill a little girl", and that if nothing was done, video games could become an "uncontrollable factor of decadent violence in our society." That same month, 505 Games' Australian distributor, Red-Ant advised that the game's Australian and New Zealand release would be canceled. The game had yet to be rated by the Classification Board. During the same time frame, Poland's Ministry of Education raised questions concerning its appropriateness for minors (the game was rated 16+) because of the themes of child violence and sexuality. The ministry informed the prosecutor's office of possible crime.

European Union justice minister Franco Frattini attacked the game as containing "obscene cruelty and brutality." He also called for changes to the PEGI rating system in place across Europe and for government officials to engage in discussions with industry representatives. Frattini received a letter from Viviane Reding, commissioner for the information society and media, who criticized Frattini's actions: "It is...very unfortunate that my services were not pre-consulted before your letter to the Ministers of Interior was sent out," reminding him of the commission-backed self-regulating ratings system called PEGI that has operated across the European Union since 2003. The PEGI system of classification, according to Reding's letter, offers "informed adult choice" without censoring content: "This is in line with the Commission's view that measures taken to protect minors and human dignity must be carefully balanced with the fundamental right to freedom of expression as laid down in the Charter on Fundamental Rights of the European Union." On March 7, 2007, a group of Member of the European Parliaments presented a Motion for a European Parliament resolution on a ban on the sale and distribution in Europe of the game and the creation of a 'European Observatory on childhood and minors'.

505 Games chose to cancel the release of the game in the United Kingdom following complaints by Frattini and other EU officials, and "largely misleading" commentary from the British press. It was released in the rest of Europe. Review copies of the title had already shipped to British journalists when this was announced. The British body which had granted the title its 16+ PEGI rating (the Video Standards Council) responded to the press and Frattini's comments: "I have no idea where the suggestion of in-game sadomasochism has come from, nor children being buried underground. These are things that have been completely made up. [...] We’re not worried about our integrity being called into question, because Mr Frattini’s quotes are nonsense."

The first PlayStation managed to broaden the image of games, particularly in Europe with its daring advertising, but games still have a hard time with offering a similar content for adults like the movie industry. Not to mention, that with the current culture of offense and outrage, I think games like Silent Hill 2 might be impossible to make.

Sorry if my post seemed aggressive, I just threw my opinion unaware of the discussion above.
Anyway, the plots of those games are relatively lacking. So I'd rather to just watch or read something from my backlog than to play one.

No problem. I thought it was directed at my post. We all have our opinions, but watching a movie or reading a book isn't the same experience as playing a story-driven game. For example, horror games can be much more terrifying than movies or books due to the interactivity, and the feeling of being there. Hell, I had problems with playing SOMA as it stressed me more than any horror movie could. ;)
That most opinions, especially in this medium, aren't controversial. You're not stirring up controversy because you don't like X game that's popular, you don't like X game that's popular, that's cool with me.

If you have an opinion and back it up with something why the fuck would it be controversial? NeoGAF in particular loves to hive mind around people not liking a popular game when it's like, really? Is you saying "terrible post" more constructive than someone who stated their opinion? If your response to someone not liking a game is "terrible post" or something of its ilk, thank you, you've wasted collective seconds of our lives.

Anyway, the 3DS is a huge step down from the DS in every conceivable way, and it is thoroughly outclassed by the Vita's library too. There.


I'm not a huge Nintendo fan, yes they made a lot of great games in the past. But I don't think paramount greatness is exclusive to them, nor do I think they're untouchable.


-Batman Akrham City is the "Resident Evil 4" of last gen

-Resident Evil 3 is the best classic RE

-Crash trilogy > Uncharted trilogy


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Nintendo's first party titles have never been the best games available on their consoles. Especially on the NES and SNES third party pubs published games that were vastly much better than Nintendo's output.

Team Ico's never made a game that deserved the praise it got.



Except for the last part, I agree. I remember reading somewhere that the increased Sexism and otherwise creepiness is from their attempts to market towards Otaku/ "Whales" who'll go all out and buy every piece of Waifu Merchandise no matter if the game's good or not compared to regular consumers.

If I find the article I'll link it but I found it interesting.
Yup, ridiculous animu sexual pandering is pretty much whale hunting, and it sucks :( Why can't people fap before playing games so we don't have to suffer through character designs that are downright embarrassing? I'll never understand this. I'll never understand the need to have only/mostly overly sexualized characters, and getting insanely defensive when someone tries to discuss about it.

And it's like - I'm perfectly okay with the existence of Dead or Alive: Beach Breasts and Record of Agarest, really, but I don't like when those elements infect other games that were not previously like that. I honestly haven't even finished Fire Emblem: Fates despite it being a solid game, I just don't enjoy the tone of the series anymore.


What? Hell no. I can review and rate what ever the fuck I want. I have no idea ehat this discussion is about but jut in general, why would I have to be professional to rate stuff?

You can do anything you want, but if you are working for a site and you are paid for it, don't you think you need to get some kind of qualification just like every other job?
the whole fuckkonami thing is dumb
they've been turning their franchises into pachinko machines for years and no one cares, then suddenly it's all OMG my precious metal gear. get over it, they were always gonna do it.


If it wasn't for Undertale's soundtrack there would be almost nothing redeemable from it. It's a poor man's Mother with insufferable characters and an even more insufferable fanbase.
Most game critics are functionally illiterate for all the good they do.


It is for this reason I don't really stray far from USgamer. Mackey and Parish due to their respective backgrounds bring a depth and perspective to their critique that is sorely missing elsewhere in the industry.
The whole assertion is that gaming is the worst storytelling medium is frankly bullshit and I don't believe every fucking story in video games should be thought-provoking.


The whole assertion is that gaming is the worst storytelling medium is frankly bullshit and I don't believe every fucking story in video games should be thought-provoking.

Gaming for 'passive' storytelling - ie, "cutscene" storytelling, where you watch "actors" perform "lines" - absolutely is the worst medium for storytelling as it inherits all of the technical downsides of gaming as a medium (comparatively poor image quality, acting, and writing) but provides none of the features that gaming uniquely brings (interactivity, non-linearity, unpredictability)
Final Fantasy 7 is one of the worst in the series
WWE games haven't been good since PS2 era
MGS 1 is the only good one in the series
Star wars Galaxies was a good game


Video games are in a steady and pronounced decline.

Compared to the peak of the medium in the early 2000s, games today are worse in quality, creativity and diversity. One of the biggest indicators of this is the absolutely huge number of rereleases and ports we're seeing. It's basically these studios saying "hey guys remember when we used to make good games?". Big name releases tend to disappoint and the number of new "classics" is historically low. Creativity and intelligence in game design and storytelling have been replaced by psychological manipulation that makes people play the same kind of game (team-based FPS, MOBA, gatcha smartphone puzzler...) over and over again in a variety of "skins" and meaningless upgrades.

To make myself clear, I am NOT saying that games are shit these days. Rather I'm saying that the creative output of video games is absolutely worse than it was in their peak and it is getting worse.
Video games are in a steady and pronounced decline.

Compared to the peak of the medium in the early 2000s, games today are worse in quality, creativity and diversity. One of the biggest indicators of this is the absolutely huge number of rereleases and ports we're seeing. It's basically these studios saying "hey guys remember when we used to make good games?". Big name releases tend to disappoint and the number of new "classics" is historically low. Creativity and intelligence in game design and storytelling have been replaced by psychological manipulation that makes people play the same kind of game (team-based FPS, MOBA, gatcha smartphone puzzler...) over and over again in a variety of "skins" and meaningless upgrades.

To make myself clear, I am NOT saying that games are shit these days. Rather I'm saying that the creative output of video games is absolutely worse than it was in their peak and it is getting worse.

Idk. I don't see that as true. Maybe the most popular games are less creative, but we had The Witness, Inside, Virginia, and many more incredible indie games this year. I think there's more creativity than ever. With VR starting to take off I think we'll see even more amazing stuff that we've never experienced before.


To make myself clear, I am NOT saying that games are shit these days. Rather I'm saying that the creative output of video games is absolutely worse than it was in their peak and it is getting worse.

The argument will be that games development is significantly more expensive and time consuming.

But that excuse is bullshit, developers are choosing to spend those amounts of money, on top of that they're less willing to take risks, which goes back to the cost of development.

You can make a great game without a ridiculous budget or development time. Perhaps if developers spent less money they'd be more inclined to take more risks.

I hate the focus of the gaming industry, games are pretty much shallow, micro transaction, online focused bullshit. There are exceptions of course but they're rare.

As a consumer it feels as though the only creativity is developers and publishers looking for the most creative way to make me bend over and sell me extra content.

Dr. Buni

I really don't think VR is a good thing at all for games...
The whole assertion is that gaming is the worst storytelling medium is frankly bullshit and I don't believe every fucking story in video games should be thought-provoking.
Gaming is actually my favorite medium for story telling, because of how interactive it is. I don't care if the stories are technically worse than stories found in books, movies, etc. Thankfully many games have decent to great stories.

Dr. Buni

Have you tried VR?
No and I have no interest in trying it.

Honestly, I don't really care if VR is fun or not, that is not what makes me think it might not be a good thing for gaming. That being said, before VR fans start attacking me, I am not saying VR shouldn't exist just because I don't think it is the next cool thing.
Hmm let's see if I can come up with some fresh ones.

I feel like Kojima is probably just as much to blame as Konami for their AAA efforts being completely evaporated. We might still have gotten Silent Hills at least if Kojima didn't insist on MGSV being open world (as much as I love the gameplay) that pretty much amounted to nothing rather than a much tighter package and with better budget management. Hell, after Death Stranding being announced as an open world I became way more sceptical on the title.

Silent Hill Homecoming is pretty fun romp and I don't get the hate, especially when it followed The Room that was hardly a masterpiece (tho I kinda like that too).


Video games are in a steady and pronounced decline.

Compared to the peak of the medium in the early 2000s, games today are worse in quality, creativity and diversity. One of the biggest indicators of this is the absolutely huge number of rereleases and ports we're seeing. It's basically these studios saying "hey guys remember when we used to make good games?". Big name releases tend to disappoint and the number of new "classics" is historically low. Creativity and intelligence in game design and storytelling have been replaced by psychological manipulation that makes people play the same kind of game (team-based FPS, MOBA, gatcha smartphone puzzler...) over and over again in a variety of "skins" and meaningless upgrades.

If you think multiplayer shooters and mobas are successful because of hats and skinner box tactics, you're so wrong it's not even funny. These games work first and foremost because the gameplay loop is crazy good. Competition against other players and wanting to get better is the main reason. Hats are just there to get more money from whales.

Some people are so ingrained in their single player mindset that they seem unable to understand that yes, a game can remain fun even after hundreds or thousands of hours, so they like to pretend that people that do it are dumb and/or addicted. They can't be possibly having fun, they're just crackheads.

Aaron D.

Watching the latest trailers for Gears of War 4, CoD: Infinite Warfare, God of War 4, Titanfall 2, FF XV, etc....

...titles with bad-ass dudes running around doing bad-ass things...basically any game big enough to get TV commercial rotation...

...makes me feel like a 30 year old* standing in a Pacific Sunwear store.


"I...I'm too old to shop here anymore."

Still recognize the quality and TLC that goes into these bombastic titles. I'm just no longer a part of their target demographic.

Something that oddly makes me both happy & sad at the same time.

That PacSun reference may or may not be a real-life story.
Gaming for 'passive' storytelling - ie, "cutscene" storytelling, where you watch "actors" perform "lines" - absolutely is the worst medium for storytelling as it inherits all of the technical downsides of gaming as a medium (comparatively poor image quality, acting, and writing) but provides none of the features that gaming uniquely brings (interactivity, non-linearity, unpredictability)

And this makes gaming as the worst medium ever for storytelling how exactly?

Fam, video games being the worst medium for storytelling is fact.

Its not a fact, its an opinion. And a misguided one at that. It reeks of arrogance and pettiness.
No and I have no interest in trying it.

Honestly, I don't really care if VR is fun or not
Hey man, ignorance is bliss, you do you.

And this makes gaming as the worst medium ever for storytelling how exactly?

Its not a fact, its an opinion. And a misguided one at that. It reeks of arrogance and pettiness.
How is it misguided? Have you never seen a movie or read a book by any chance? Even aside from the hilarious statement that "not every game has to be thought provoking" as if that's anyone argument, you're in a medium with much less impressive writing, dialogue, scripts, acting, tones, and nearly every other standard of storytelling than any other medium. This is a medium where the good stories that come out every year can be counted on your hand, and the true great ones are so rare and far between.

Most of what passes as good in these stories would be competent at best in other mediums. Just look at how movies handle oppression versus video games; in a movie, you'll get a tonal piece like 12 Years a Slave versus a completely misguided attempt like Deus Ex Mankind Divided, where you control a powerful cyborg that can mow down anyone in his path while trying to create a narrative that acts like he's oppressed. Look at the most acclaimed video game stories of recent times like The Last of Us and compare that to a similar movie like Children of Men and the latter rips the former apart in narrative depth and substance. Even Bloodborne's compelling take on Lovecraft isn't nearly as rich as Lovecraft's himself.

My favorite video game story, and I'm not saying there aren't any good ones, is 999, and where that game falters is in its interactive storytelling. This happens to a lot of other stories thanks to ludonarrative dissonance, something gamers conveniently like to throw aside when explaining Nathan Drake's murder sprees aren't clashing with his personality in cutscenes.

The best storytelling this medium has done is often in its unique facet, its interactivity. On that front, it's been quite weak. We get some great moments sometimes, like the Valley of Defilement in Demon's Souls, but we're also hamstrung by a creatively bankrupt AAA space where the ends to a mean for most story is often killing. That very much limits the interactive storytelling this medium can have, and until that's fixed, along with dozens of other storytelling issues, video games are absolutely, unequivocally not as deep, not as smart, and not as good of a medium for storytelling as any other one out there.


And this makes gaming as the worst medium ever for storytelling how exactly?

Well I just explained how if you talking about "sit and watch" storytelling gaming is the worst available medium for that kind of story, unless you want to get super-obscure and start comparing to victorian era tech or something, because the biggest budget most AAA graphics you can imagine look like shit compared to the most budget-ass video camera you can imagine filming real people in real world environments.
Not controversial just a roll of the eyes pet peeve.

When someone posts to this forum or others with a legit issue they are dealing with and you get the ineffectual posts just saying "Not having that problem! Mine is working fine! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯".

Why even post that? Let others jump in to help the poster solve this issue. We all assume this isn't a problem across the board and you are cluttering the thread to just say your game, hardware, etc is fine. Great, you aren't helping the person with the problem they are experiencing.
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