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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.

7th gen of consoles (360, PS3, Wii, PSP, DS) is the worst generation in gaming history, primarily for least innovation (Original IPs with Original Gameplay) contributed to gaming) in software content.

Reasons Against:
1. Drought of RPGs (Mass Effect, Valkyria Chronicles, Jean of Arc & Lost Odyssey are only ones I respect)
2. Drought of New IPs (Erratic frenzy of Remakes/Remaster/Delays)
3. Golden Age of Shooters (I only remember shooting Zombies/Aliens/Terrorists) and I didn't see much difference in gameplay mechanics.

Reasons For:
1. The Wii made gaming mainstream and gave us Family/Casual Players
2. Some Innovative Games: Demon/Dark Souls, BioShock, Super Mario Galaxy, Rainbow Six Vegas, No More Heroes, Folklore, Valkyria Chronicles, Deadly Premonition, Little Big Planet, Vanquish, Contact DS, Indie Games too of course
3. The best 'Shooter' controller for consoles (even though D-pad is terrible for fighter games)


7th gen of consoles (360, PS3, Wii, PSP, DS) is the worst generation in gaming history, primarily for least innovation (Original IPs with Original Gameplay) contributed to gaming) in software content.

Reasons Against:
1. Drought of RPGs (Mass Effect & Lost Odyssey are only two I respect)
2. Drought of New IPs (Erratic frenzy of Remakes/Remaster/Delays)
3. Golden Age of Shooters (I only remember shooting Zombies/Aliens/Terrorists) and I didn't see much difference in gameplay mechanics.

Reasons For:
1. The Wii made gaming mainstream and gave us Family/Casual Players
2. Some Innovative Games: Demon/Dark Souls, BioShock, Super Mario Galaxy, Rainbow Six Vegas, No More Heroes, Folklore, Valkyria Chronicles, Little Big Planet, Vanquish, Contact DS, Indie Games too of course
3. The best 'Shooter' controller for consoles (even though D-pad is terrible for fighter games)

The Last of Us
Blue Dragon
Dragon Age
Lollipop Chainsaw
Shadows of the Damned
Dearth Smiles
Bug Princess
Sonic Racing

The return of Afterburner and a great Outrun

Just off the top of my head. I don't agree.


Ad long as we have childish gaming celebrities who are praised like idols like Jim Sterling and Angry Joe the gaming community will continue to appear as nothing more than a children's hobby to some people
Ad long as we have childish gaming celebrities who are praised like idols like Jim Sterling and Angry Joe the gaming community will continue to appear as nothing more than a children's hobby to some people
I could see the argument about AJ, but I'm not sure what your problem with Jim is when he actually does more journalistic endeavors than most supposed journos.


I could see the argument about AJ, but I'm not sure what your problem with Jim is when he actually does more journalistic endeavors than most supposed journos.
I find myself agreeing with some of his points, but it's the way he delivers his opinions at times that I find childish.
The Last of Us
Blue Dragon
Dragon Age
Lollipop Chainsaw
Shadows of the Damned
Dearth Smiles
Bug Princess
Sonic Racing

The return of Afterburner and a great Outrun

Just off the top of my head. I don't agree.

I agree on Crackdown & mostly Suda51, tbh he is my personal favourite Game Designer, although LC & SOTD (I finished both btw) seemed to be him bending over to be mainstream, and I should have mentioned Red Faction Guerilla (Multiplayer) too.

The problem I have is that 'Bug Princess' is not originally a 7th gen game (PS2 first port), Death Smiles is also a manic shooter, you must be a manic shooter fan so if you could PM me the top 5 manic shooters you ever played, I'd be happy! I find it hard to see what's innovative about them atm

With all due respect, I am afraid that the rest are more like polished games acting as successors with no IP rights, (Bayonetta, a polished DMC experience), Sonic Racing (A less casual/more hardcore Mario Kart experience) and yes, I played both and enjoyed them.

Thanks for making your point, I appreciate and respect it ^_^
Anno 2205 is confusing as shit and the first ever Anno not to immediately hook me for over a 10 hour play session from the get go. ...the disappointment hurts.

Any Anno fans that love 2205? Or am I shouting in an empty valley over here?


I find myself agreeing with some of his points, but it's the way he delivers his opinions at times that I find childish.

I think childish is a perfect label for something like Angry Joe, The Angry Video Game Nerd, or any other permutation of that gaming personality.

I can see why Sterling may bother you, and why his humor may not sit with you, but I wouldn't call it childish. I think it is more an example of alternative comedy. A style which has always rubbed many people the wrong way (which is sorta the point).

Maybe you mean vulgar? Both shows can be vulgar. However, it is important to remember that vulgarity isn't, in itself, childish.


Heavy Rain is, arguably, the worst "video game" ever made. At least, it's the worst one I have ever played. It was the game that finally made me sell the disappointing PS3 (awful compared to the PS2)

Dark Souls 2's DLC is the best content in the series. It is better than the Old Hunters (bosses, level design, environmental interaction, creativity, etc.)

Bloodborne and DSIII are both disappointing (especially DSIII), yet they are still some of the best games ever (the series is really that good).

Paper Mario 1 is much much better than TTYD. It has less annoying backtracking, the levels felt more thought out (overall). I replayed TTYD a few months ago, and it was not as enjoyable/flawless as I remembered it being. Still, a decent-good game.

Likewise, I recently replayed Demon's Souls, which I used to consider one of the best games in the series. Now, I would say it is the worst, despite being a wonderful masterpiece (which demonstrates how good the series really is). Every other game is more refined, complete, in depth, and challenging.

Super Mario 64 has not aged well. The 2 Galaxy games and 3D World destroy it, in terms of quality, bosses, music, level design, tedium, etc.. Still, it is a good/important game.

Will post more someday


I thought that now I'm a member I might as well post here.

1. Esports should never be considered a real sport and it certainly doesn't belong in the Olympics. I don't get where this big push for it came from.

2. Sonic 2006 is Sonic Adventure 3. That's why Sega have never released another SA game since.

3. Super Smash Brothers is a great party game series. I love it to bits but no, they're not fighting games and they don't belong at EVO. Sakurai shouldn't have listened to the vocal minority that think they are fighting games and Smash 4 shouldn't have 'balance patches'. I don't like how the community seems to look down on people who like playing with the items on and it puts me off playing it with my friends because they refuse to let me turn them on. The items give it a element of randomness that makes it more fun to play.

4. Balance patches for games in general are weird. Unless they're fixing a game-breaking glitch that renders it unplayable, people should just suck it up and get used to the way the game is. People will eventually find ways to counter 'overpowered' characters/weapons and constantly changing the gameplay every few weeks just makes things confusing and no-one will be satisfied. But if a game is released and no balance patches happen, people will eventually stop complaining about how 'unbalanced' it is and just get used to the way it is.
The text noise in Dragon Quest Builders is absolutely horrible, and massively detracts from the enjoyment of playing it

I'd maybe buy it if there was an option to turn it off, doesn't seem so though

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
4. Balance patches for games in general are weird. Unless they're fixing a game-breaking glitch that renders it unplayable, people should just suck it up and get used to the way the game is. People will eventually find ways to counter 'overpowered' characters/weapons and constantly changing the gameplay every few weeks just makes things confusing and no-one will be satisfied. But if a game is released and no balance patches happen, people will eventually stop complaining about how 'unbalanced' it is and just get used to the way it is.

I always felt this attitude is a holdover from people conditioned to see games as fixed products that spring into existence fully formed and never change - those who grew up playing arcade cabinets and cartridge-based game consoles. I don't actually see many people upset at or confused by balance adjustments in the modern era. People seem quite happy that games can be refined with ease, today.

Games are balanced tested and adjusted before they're released to the public as well. Post-release balance adjustment is the continuing refinement of the game, nothing more. As games become more complex, it gets increasingly difficult to balance a game well with a limited testing pool. With multiplayer games especially, they ultimately must be turned loose against the public so that the entire world can beat on them, and reveal unexpected issues. "Just deal with it" only goes so far. Quite frequently, poor game balanced results in the game not being played the way the designers intend, or even the way most players want the game to be played.

The nostalgic "golden age" when games could not be patched is full of games people dealt with only because there was nothing better. Hardly anyone is playing all the old unbalanced fighting games from the 90s or early 2000s.


SNES/GBA etc games have more charm and character to it then most indy pixel games today. Im talking about the charm of the pixel art. Not gameplay.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
SNES/GBA etc games have more charm and character to it then most indy pixel games today. Im talking about the charm of the pixel art. Not gameplay.

The classic problem with imitation is that even the best imitation suffers from photocopy fade.

Pixel art for older games weren't basing character design and art direction off a previous generation of pixel art. Many of the artists were skilled in traditional media and brought a wealth of experience to creating pixel art.

Modern indie stuff, while often technically skilled, often lacks a sense of originality, warmth, and depth to the art direction. Most of it is copying fondly remembered pixel art of yore rather than being influenced by sources from the outside.
4. Balance patches for games in general are weird. Unless they're fixing a game-breaking glitch that renders it unplayable, people should just suck it up and get used to the way the game is. People will eventually find ways to counter 'overpowered' characters/weapons and constantly changing the gameplay every few weeks just makes things confusing and no-one will be satisfied. But if a game is released and no balance patches happen, people will eventually stop complaining about how 'unbalanced' it is and just get used to the way it is.

Right. Those 50 million people play LoL and Dota every month are just confused and unsatisfied. Explains why they're still playing it 5 post-launch after thousands of balance changes.

This is part of the modern medium of gaming, and it's not going away. In my experience, people get really pissed when a balance change affects an element of the game that they were personally attached to. It's possible to "ruin" the game for someone in this way, but I would argue that's where you need to suck it up and deal with it.


I always felt this attitude is a holdover from people conditioned to see games as fixed products that spring into existence fully formed and never change - those who grew up playing arcade cabinets and cartridge-based game consoles. I don't actually see many people upset at or confused by balance adjustments in the modern era. People seem quite happy that games can be refined with ease, today.

Games are balanced tested and adjusted before they're released to the public as well. Post-release balance adjustment is the continuing refinement of the game, nothing more. As games become more complex, it gets increasingly difficult to balance a game well with a limited testing pool. With multiplayer games especially, they ultimately must be turned loose against the public so that the entire world can beat on them, and reveal unexpected issues. "Just deal with it" only goes so far. Quite frequently, poor game balanced results in the game not being played the way the designers intend, or even the way most players want the game to be played.

The nostalgic "golden age" when games could not be patched is full of games people dealt with only because there was nothing better. Hardly anyone is playing all the old unbalanced fighting games from the 90s or early 2000s.

Street Fighter 3 still has a strong following. People who play that game make jokes about how overpowered some of the characters are but it's still possible to counter them with the worst character in the game if you know what you're doing. Compare that to League of Legends which has balance changes every two seconds and no-one seems to be happy with the way the game is.
Dota 2 would be much, much worse without balance patches. It'd still be fun as there is very rarely a game-breakingly overpowered hero/combo, but when something is unbalanced, people use it over and over again until its nerfed. Gets boring seeing the same heroes in every game.
Street Fighter 3 still has a strong following. People who play that game make jokes about how overpowered some of the characters are but it's still possible to counter them with the worst character in the game if you know what you're doing. Compare that to League of Legends which has balance changes every two seconds and no-one seems to be happy with the way the game is.

The top tiers in Third Strike being overpowered is fact. Yun, Ken and Chun have no matchups lower than an even 5-5, but annihilate the worst characters like Q and Twelve by 7-3 or even 8-2. The fact that people got used to it because they had no choice, or because the game overall is amazing (my personal favorite in the series, in fact) doesn't make such massive balance problems a good thing. As much as I love it, Third Strike would be a much better game if the tier list were a lot flatter.

I would much rather the devs at least attempt to fix things than simply leave the broken shit broken forever.


I'm currently addicted to Cave games on Steam, and I'd argue not playing strictly 1CC-only doesn't ruin the game. While brute force credit feeding might, a talented player can maneuver and internalize well enough that they continue to improve at the game, and honestly I'd imagine all but the most hardcore would be willing to pop a dollar into a machine to clear it.

I don't know. Guess I don't get the "1CC or Die" mentality when they're arcade games designed to take your money, and I'm having a blast clearing and learning Black Label on two continues.
See-through hardware shells are ugly. All of them.





I'm glad this style is gone. It belongs in the trash, just like people who like them.

I was semi joking in that last line


WTF is Mirror's Edge? I tried playing it for a while and had no idea what was going on because you're supposed to run and jump around but also punch people, but trying to fight someone when you're going Sonic speed is a terrible idea.

I feel like it tried to be a first person Super Mario 64, and I feel if VR was a thing at the time I might've enjoyed it, but it wasn't so it just played terribly to me. I feel like it's not a bad game, but my experience with it was really bad.


The Uncharted series feels like the 3D Sonic games, there's a lack of depth to the gameplay and it just feels like a rollercoaster - all you do is go for a ride and get off when it ends.
Just finished Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons for the first time and the story did nothing for me. I also really hated the "vocals" in the music and the Simlish they speak just sounds bad. Still a good game, but not it didn't tug on my heartstrings like everyone said it would. I did like the world a lot, though.


I'm currently addicted to Cave games on Steam, and I'd argue not playing strictly 1CC-only doesn't ruin the game. While brute force credit feeding might, a talented player can maneuver and internalize well enough that they continue to improve at the game, and honestly I'd imagine all but the most hardcore would be willing to pop a dollar into a machine to clear it.

I don't know. Guess I don't get the "1CC or Die" mentality when they're arcade games designed to take your money, and I'm having a blast clearing and learning Black Label on two continues.
The main thing is being able to set some kind of limitation or goal for yourself when you play them. It doesn't have to be 1CC but at least something that forces you to attempt to learn the game in way using 40 credits to brute force it wouldn't. They don't work as content tourism games for that to be fun.

If these games used checkpoint systems instead of respawning exactly where you died then maybe full on credit feeding would still be fun as you'd still have to beat each section.
I've just finished Undertale, and the game was kinda dissapointing lol
The characters are bland and the gameplay was just there, music was good, though.


The top tiers in Third Strike being overpowered is fact. Yun, Ken and Chun have no matchups lower than an even 5-5, but annihilate the worst characters like Q and Twelve by 7-3 or even 8-2. The fact that people got used to it because they had no choice, or because the game overall is amazing (my personal favorite in the series, in fact) doesn't make such massive balance problems a good thing. As much as I love it, Third Strike would be a much better game if the tier list were a lot flatter.

I would much rather the devs at least attempt to fix things than simply leave the broken shit broken forever.

I understand. I heard that when 3S Online was in the works they were considering rebalancing the characters, but they ultimately decided not to. As broken as Chun-Li is, though, if you're god-like with your reflexes and parrying, you could beat her with Sean. It's uncommon, but I have been wrecked by Seans/Twelves online before.


You're gonna hate me for some of this...

- Even though i've been a playstation guy since the beginning, i hope Sony falls straight on their ass with either the PSVR or the PS4 pro, Microsofts attitude and support has been so much better ever since Phil Spencer took over, i like the dude, he's cool as hell in my opinion. I don't want arrogant sony to return...

- Apparently it's controversial to like The last of us from what i've read in this thread so yeah. It's one of the best games of the last generation and the remaster is among the best of this generation. I've never experienced a game this well written and paced.

- Dead Space 2 is better than Dead Space 1, the sprawl is incredibly awesome, and the environments in general are much much more interesting.

- I can't explain why, it's just personal preference so it doesn't really count..but Golden Sun 1 and 2 are miles better than the Chrono games, i'm sorry for that.

- The Dualshock 4 is the best controller i've ever had in my hands.
1. I can't stand Rockstar games. They usually bore me to tears gameplay-wise, and the so called "provocative and satyrical" writing is actually childish and not so provocative at all. Main offenders: GTA (all but V, which I haven't played yet) and RDR, for which I was REALLY hyped for but ultimately failed to like (I never even cared to avenge John).

Sole exception: Undead Nightmare. By far the best zombie game ever made. Once you strip Rockstar games from bad writing and forced gritty-ness, and let them enjoy crazyness, you end up with an actual REALLY GOOD game.

2. SFIII has the worst soundtrack in fighting game history

3. FIFA has never been an actually good football game. Maybe just the 2D ones, '94-'96. PES lost its way during the whole 360/PS3 era, and that gave FIFA the chance to rise again... but it was all due to PES faults, not his own merits.


The main thing is being able to set some kind of limitation or goal for yourself when you play them. It doesn't have to be 1CC but at least something that forces you to attempt to learn the game in way using 40 credits to brute force it wouldn't. They don't work as content tourism games for that to be fun.

If these games used checkpoint systems instead of respawning exactly where you died then maybe full on credit feeding would still be fun as you'd still have to beat each section.

Yeah, I totally agree with everything you said. A lot of people just seem to be very black and white about it.


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is my favorite Zelda game and also my game of all time still. I have Midna's Imp form tattooed on my upper right arm, looks quite like my profile pic.

The reason why it is because i enjoyed playing it so much in my childhood with my friends together and having fun as wolf link with the story dungeons etc. Thats also pretty much why i got the Tat.

So yeah thats probaly my controversial gaming opinion.


Neo Member
The Dreamcast and the Vita are terribly overrated.

No modern futuristic racer can hold a candle to Wipeout and Wipeout XL.

The original Xbox is Microsoft's best console.

The God of War and Uncharted series are utterly boring and repetitive.

SyFy movies generally have better written and more coherent stories than video games do.

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories has the best version of "Always On My Mind" ever recorded.
I could see why people wouldn't like them, but garbage, really? I'd love it if you explained why you think that.
Also they aren't SMT games so how are they a shame to the name?
The story is bad, the dungeon design is awful, and the daytime activities are boring.
The battle system is the game's only redeeming quality, and even that is not as good as other SMT games.
Of course they belong to the SMT franchise, it's even in their title


I thought most people feel the same way about this.

Really? I could definitely be wrong, if so i apologize, but from what i've gathered around the web, a lot more people seem to favor the Xbox controllers. Like i said, i could be mistaken though.
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