That's not controversial at all!Bloodborne is the best PS4 exclusive so far.
That's not controversial at all!Bloodborne is the best PS4 exclusive so far.
That's not controversial at all!
Nintendo rips off their fanbase harder than any company in the biz. But they get a pass because of nostalgia and brand loyalty.
Samething can be said about Apple.
Steve Job's interview where he talks about "product" and "sales" people is increasingly prophetic to what would happen to his own company.In recent years absolutely. There was a time when Apple offered the most impressive hardware (and in some cases they still do, their custom ARM SoC's are the best in the industry) and their products weathered the storm very well. But in recent years (since Tim Cook took over) they have kinda missed the mark on several iterations of their products and starting to become kind of overpriced crap.
I'd struggle with this. I think it's probably close to the best it's ever been in the series, but there are major issues I have with it. Swinging around and doing crazy moves should be possible in the campaign, but the AI's spot-on aim makes that near impossible. The gunplay when it happens is good but there's actually not enough of it. The gunplay also lacks weight. I guess for what it's worth that is why I've enjoyed the multiplayer.Uncharted 4 gunplay is awful.
Samething can be said about Apple.
In recent years absolutely. There was a time when Apple offered the most impressive hardware (and in some cases they still do, their custom ARM SoC's are the best in the industry) and their products weathered the storm very well. But in recent years (since Tim Cook took over) they have kinda missed the mark on several iterations of their products and starting to become kind of overpriced crap.
Obviously the contention is they're priced above what they're actually worth. Don't be pedantic.Selling expensive products is not "ripoff".
Obviously the contention is they're priced above what they're actually worth. Don't be pedantic.
I think Skullomania is lame.
It's sad how true this is.The gaming media is soft on Nintendo.
Could you imagine the media reaction if the new Xbox required a phone app to voice chat?
Argumentum ad populum is hardly a convincing way to discuss the value of a product. Millions of people probably think that a Double Quarterpounder is the height of culinary experiences. Doesn't mean anyone reasonable should accept that as a meaningful opinion.And who determine this? The market. I'm sure the millions who buy Apple products feel they are well worth their value.
Just because a product is above your deemed value doesn't make it a "ripoff".
Ripoff is when you sell your product with a false premise (like advertising features it doesn't have).
Argumentum ad populum is hardly a convincing way to discuss the value of a product. Millions of people probably think that a Double Quarterpounder is the height of culinary experiences. Doesn't mean anyone reasonable should accept that as a meaningful opinion.
And I hate to engage in definition quoting, but the definition of a ripoff is "a fraud or swindle, especially something that is grossly overpriced."
3D fighting games feel like they were just an experiment to show off what could be done in 3D to begin with, and they're outdated now. They are all incredibly clunky, and nearly all the major 3D fighting game franchises today started out when 3D in games was a new thing (PS1-era and slightly earlier). The fact that literally the only example I can think of that didn't originate in that time period is Pokken (which is pretty much a Tekken reskin anyway) proves this.
This is dumb. Because you don't like X, you perceive the cost of X to be too high. I'm multiplatform and there are a lot of games and features I love that I can't get on my PC or my Sony consoles. The biggest rip off Nintendo is doing right now is switching to paid online play.Argumentum ad populum is hardly a convincing way to discuss the value of a product. Millions of people probably think that a Double Quarterpounder is the height of culinary experiences. Doesn't mean anyone reasonable should accept that as a meaningful opinion.
And I hate to engage in definition quoting, but the definition of a ripoff is "a fraud or swindle, especially something that is grossly overpriced."
There are lots of things that I don't like that I understand the pricing behind. There are also things that I like that I think are exorbitantly priced. Not sure what your point is here.This is dumb. Because you don't like X, you perceive the cost of X to be too high. I'm multiplatform and there are a lot of games and features I love that I can't get on my PC or my Sony consoles. The biggest rip off Nintendo is doing right now is switching to paid online play.
This is dumb. Because you don't like X, you perceive the cost of X to be too high. I'm multiplatform and there are a lot of games and features I love that I can't get on my PC or my Sony consoles. The biggest rip off Nintendo is doing right now is switching to paid online play.
Sure, with an electric cable and a portable 4k tv, I can totally have all the Switch can offer in a portable fashion with higher fidelity, even.If I want to play a single Switch game, with a conventional controller I need to buy a console £280
Game £50
Controller £70?
Totalling around £400
For that I can buy a PS4 and an Xbox One, at time of print{MW}?gclid=CPWH6tj54dECFYM4Gwod8C4DNw
And the Switch isn't even out yet. It's not good value for money, no matter how you spin it.
The gaming media is soft on Nintendo.
Could you imagine the media reaction if the new Xbox required a phone app to voice chat?
Sure, here's an odd opinion of mine...
Final Fantasy XIII is a better game than Final Fantasy X. The latter has some of the most bland world building in the franchise, with long treks through muddy grasslands and an obnoxious encounter rate that covers a majority of the game. It's such a colossal step down from, let's say, the previous Final Fantasy IX's beautiful world that it feels unfair to compare them, and this isn't even going into X's awful dungeon design - probably some of the worst in the series.
Anyway, X's combat and its focus on switching characters to defeat certain enemies is tedious since it barely evolves past that. XIII's combat actually kicked me down bad because I started to get comfortable without certain paradigms, and it remains one of my favourite battle systems since I had to get good at it.
Both of their casts are awkward but Tidus grates on you since he's written to be intentionally clueless and overly dramatic. The characters all clearly hint at what's going to happen for the players, but you'll still have to endure Tidus not getting it for another 20 hours. Lightning isn't very good either but I'd choose her instead any day.
Final Fantasy X does have a few benefits in that its intro and ending sequences are miles beyond XIII's, but as a game I much prefer XIII.
However and unfortunately, the good of XIII doesn't exactly last since Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII is one of the worst games I've ever played.
Because people on the grand scale of things enjoy their stuff.The Evil Within is a dumpster fire
Everyone is soft on Nintendo. They're Nintendo. They get a pass on just about anything.
They are already going 3rd party, namely the only one that truly matters: mobile.I think that the Switch might cause the Nintendo to go third party.
That's what I thought when I read your post.What does this even mean?
Franz Brötchen;229185521 said:Sure, with an electric cable and a portable 4k tv, I can totally have all the Switch can offer in a portable fashion with higher fidelity, even.
This is dumb. Because you don't like X, you perceive the cost of X to be too high. I'm multiplatform and there are a lot of games and features I love that I can't get on my PC or my Sony consoles. The biggest rip off Nintendo is doing right now is switching to paid online play.
I love Psychonauts despite not being a fan of the genre. Standard 3D platforming doesn't really enthuse me in general but Psychonauts is so good in all other aspects it doesn't matter. It's my personal favourite in the genre.Psychonauts is the best platformer in regards to being a whole package (fun gameplay, story, characters, creativity) of the xbox/ps2/gamecube generation
Final Fantasy 8 is one of the best FF games and it absolutely does not deserve the hate it gets. Squall is also one of the best protagonists in Final Fantasy.
Damn right!
Mass Effect is so unbelievably flawed mechanically that I couldn't wait to finish it and never touch it again.
The Wii U was a thing.I hope the Switch fails spectacularly. It's an overpriced, lousy concept from a company that dines out on nostalgia and abusing its fans. I wish just once, Nintendo fans would do the industry a favour and vote with their wallet. Spoiler: they won't.
Even the forum gets trashed on its announcement with Nintendo fans squirting out every minor switch related thought that enters their head.
This is not controversial, it's just plain wrong.3D fighting games feel like they were just an experiment to show off what could be done in 3D to begin with, and they're outdated now. They are all incredibly clunky, and nearly all the major 3D fighting game franchises today started out when 3D in games was a new thing (PS1-era and slightly earlier). The fact that literally the only example I can think of that didn't originate in that time period is Pokken (which is pretty much a Tekken reskin anyway) proves this.
The first game? Hell yes. It is a a shithouse with a nice comic to read while you are there. Tbh I never headed anyone like it mechanically.
This is like, the entire point. You buy Nintendo stuff because you like their games, and you can't play them anywhere else. BTW you said "sure, I can't play my PS4 on the go BUT" as if that wasn't THE reason why the Switch is priced like that. It's form factor is supposed to be a selling point and a differentiator. So no, unless you tell me I can play Mario Kart on my train to work, you can't sell me a PS4 as a cheaper alternative. Way to miss the point, lol.Unless you absolutely cannot live without their IP (which I can).
Is this a controversial opinion? Because it's my opinion as well. Console industry is shrinking and will die if it stays on the current path. The amount of new gamers is small, and I doubt whether in ten years time even half of the target group of twenty year olds will own a TV.Franz Brötchen;229186237 said:They are already going 3rd party, namely the only one that truly matters: mobile.
In general, that's my most important controversial opinion on this forum: What happened to Japan will also come to the West. Home console gaming will decline in terms of number of consumers and many ambitious developers won't survive. I struggle to see how an average 10 year old child with a smartphone and a tablet in 2017 is supposed to grow up into a console gamer. Heck, he/she possibly won't even want a TV that badly.
Franz Brötchen;229186029 said:Because people on the grand scale of things enjoy their stuff.
Naughty Dog gets a free pass for mediocre gun play and horribly anachronistic goon factory type shootouts because visuals are nice and Nathan and Ellie are likeable characters.
Warner Bros. published games aren't as much attacked for the bs that Ubisoft or EA pull with their games because it's Batman or it's the Lord of the Rings setting.
It's easy to get a free pass:
Make something special and overall still good, people won't treat you as harshly.
So no, unless you tell me I can play Mario Kart on my train to work, you can't sell me a PS4 as a cheaper alternative. Way to miss the point