I mostly agree, but A Link Between Worlds is awesome. Enjoyed it more than TP, though it couldn't match the joy that sailing in WW gave me. All 3 games are great, and my favorite Zelda titles. Not really a fan of the others I've tried, although I admit they are really good games.Here's one: Wind Waker and Twilight Princess shit on all 2D Zeldas. The only legit good 2D Zelda is Alundra.
....except I'm clearly talking about the Xbox One and the Scorpio?
I'm asking for a whole bunch of crap saying this I know it.
I owned the original xbox and there were some pretty great titles on that system, but honestly since the around mid 360 gen and forward I feel like Microsoft's exclusive's output is soulless and creatively bereft, not bad games per se. just not very artistically inspiring or unique in their scope. Just not enough weirdness for my taste, but I'm sure its probably a perception issue more than anything else.
This is an intriguing write-up! I never knew Dino Crisis 3 existed until a few weeks back and it gave me an itch to run the series. Sounds like it would interesting enough to try and find a copy.Dino Crisis 3 (taken on its own without comparing it to previous entries, and playing it on Easy mode) is a great game. The futuristic environments are full of exploration and even minor platforming from time to time. The music suits the atmosphere. The game harkens to Metroid at times (being in a space station is like Metroid Fusion, and at certain points in the game you shift the formation of the space station to access new areas) You use certain sub-weapons to unlock certain doors. There are certain sections with zero gravity, and you use your jetpack to move about in these sections! The jectpack is a versatile tool which allows you to move faster, hover in the air for a limited time, and to circle-strafe enemies in combat. Speaking of combat...I found it pretty repetitive. You auto-aim at enemies (although you can aim manually in first person, but then can't move and shoot), and spam your automatic rifle that has unlimited ammo at them. Circle-strafing around them with the jetpack and using subweapons can vary up the combat, especially if the sub weapon is the enemies weakness. However, the sub weapons double as keys, which makes me less inclined to use them in combat. The story of this game...I don't remember much of, other than the dinosaurs are cloned from DNA or something. Both main characters are generic and forgettable. There's a fair amount of loading screens, which hurts the satisfaction of exploring to a degree. I feel the positives outweigh the negatives, and the game might have been much better received if it was a new IP altogether, as the story barely is involved with the much more cherished first two games aside from minor details which could be considered easter eggs
Yeah, I agree. It's true about any company that receives too much praise. For instance, I love TW series and CDPR, but I worry that the amount of adoration TW3 received will slow down the insane progress they made between games up until it and blind them to its problems. Thing is... it's what people enjoy, apparently? No incentive to develop too much beyond a point where everyone loves your products as they are. Even if they can be better (though I suppose those that love them as they are don't think they can be much better, in a significant way).Not really controversial opinion neccessarily but since there has been some UC4 talk here:
I think Naughty Dog is held back by the critical and fan praise their games get (well, mostly UC4). I really like UC4 but it's not a 93+ MC game and as long as they don't get called out on stuff I fear they don't feel the heat to improve. The pacing is bad and it's really sad that the people who can make absolute top tier cutscenes end up making a game where a big chunk of the narrative is told by forced walking/climbing sections. It wouldn't be so bad but there is a tooooooon of it, way more than the previous games. Also there is no point in more open non-action areas if there is nothing exciting to discover. The exploration element of the series could have been a great point to improve on the last game with bigger areas but sadly it's just the same old boring treasures. Hell, Resident Evil 4, 5 and 7 have more exciting exploration and those games have nothing to do with treasure hunting when it comes to the premise!
The action gameplay in UC4 is the best in the series but otherwise it falls short of the other games. I just fear the universal praise for UC4 will be a major enabler for whatever TLOU2 turns out to be.
And as long as I'm on this topic: Kingdom Hearts fanbase is way too defensive (thankfully not really on GAF) on much of the crap the series has. I feel like some vocal criticism from the fanbase could do the series a ton of good in the long run.
Chill OrbitalBeardJr. Zelda will be good, too.Horizion is gonna be the biggest flop of 2017, they put a embargo on reviews because everyone knows the gameplay is super repetitive. I mean, guerrilla games can not make a good game to save there lives recently.
Key Points
. Gameplay is boring and repetitive, dodge and kill mech, do that for 7 hours.
. Great Graphics to cover up the fact from above
. Story is probably the weakest that GG has ever put out
. Will be in the bargain bin in probably three months
Horizon is gonna be the biggest flop of 2017, they put a embargo on reviews because everyone knows the gameplay is super repetitive. I mean, guerrilla games can not make a good game to save there lives recently.
Key Points
. Gameplay is boring and repetitive, dodge and kill mech, do that for 7 hours.
. Great Graphics to cover up the fact from above
. Story is probably the weakest that GG has ever put out
. Will be in the bargain bin in probably three months
Horizon is gonna be the biggest flop of 2017, they put a embargo on reviews because everyone knows the gameplay is super repetitive. I mean, guerrilla games can not make a good game to save there lives recently.
Key Points
. Gameplay is boring and repetitive, dodge and kill mech, do that for 7 hours.
. Great Graphics to cover up the fact from above
. Story is probably the weakest that GG has ever put out
. Will be in the bargain bin in probably three months
This is an intriguing write-up! I never knew Dino Crisis 3 existed until a few weeks back and it gave me an itch to run the series. Sounds like it would interesting enough to try and find a copy.
Tales of Symphonia 2 > Ni No Kuni(lol)
I can't find a good reason why the Souls/Bourne games are praised so highly. I've played them all, and I still don't get the appeal.
I bought it and I'm barely into it, but I posted some concerns about the quality of environments in Nioh.
While I appreciate the frame rate, the environments are just so dull coming off of DS3 and BB.
I still cannot stand The last of us, i think it is one of the worst games ever made and also Mario 64 was a horrible p.o.s game.
I couldn't stand Mario64. I put it down to the atrocious n64 controller but recently replayed it via emu with a 360 pad and still found it to be a dull, clunky and fiddly affair.
Best game ever? Not for me thanks
I hate this thread. Hate hate hate.
Reading makes me cringe soooo hard, but it's like a car crash in slow motion. I can't take my eyes off of it.
I need to argue with so many people, but I can't. This thread is a haven for these miscreants and I can't do anything about it... But I keep coming back.
Please help.
TLoU is one of the worst games ever made? Lol You don't have to like it but saying it's one of the worst games ever made is objectively wrong.I still cannot stand The last of us, i think it is one of the worst games ever made and also Mario 64 was a horrible p.o.s game.
I can recall just about every single moment of Metroid Prime, despite only having played through the whole game once.My people.
Also if Retro makes another Metroid Prime they better step it up because MP3 was mediocre as hell.
I hate this thread. Hate hate hate.
Reading makes me cringe soooo hard, but it's like a car crash in slow motion. I can't take my eyes off of it.
I need to argue with so many people, but I can't. This thread is a haven for these miscreants and I can't do anything about it... But I keep coming back.
Please help.
I think Counter Strike: Global Offensive is one of the worst fps games ever made.
I played Source for a few years and loved it, but the way people are in the GO community and the way they're handling microtransactions for keys is ridiculous.
I used to harshly criticize Neil Davidge for his un-Halo soundtrack in H4. Now I think his music style was pretty varied and stood out despite that though.
I don't like any of the newcomers. Really they seems to be KoF characters more than SF.
The Switch is gonna sell like gang busters but ultimately settle into the same niche segment of the market the WiiU is in due to a lack of substance beyond the usual 1st party affairs.