Dino Crisis 3 (taken on its own without comparing it to previous entries, and playing it on Easy mode) is a great game. The futuristic environments are full of exploration and even minor platforming from time to time. The music suits the atmosphere. The game harkens to Metroid at times (being in a space station is like Metroid Fusion, and at certain points in the game you shift the formation of the space station to access new areas) You use certain sub-weapons to unlock certain doors. There are certain sections with zero gravity, and you use your jetpack to move about in these sections! The jectpack is a versatile tool which allows you to move faster, hover in the air for a limited time, and to circle-strafe enemies in combat. Speaking of combat...I found it pretty repetitive. You auto-aim at enemies (although you can aim manually in first person, but then can't move and shoot), and spam your automatic rifle that has unlimited ammo at them. Circle-strafing around them with the jetpack and using subweapons can vary up the combat, especially if the sub weapon is the enemies weakness. However, the sub weapons double as keys, which makes me less inclined to use them in combat. The story of this game...I don't remember much of, other than the dinosaurs are cloned from DNA or something. Both main characters are generic and forgettable. There's a fair amount of loading screens, which hurts the satisfaction of exploring to a degree. I feel the positives outweigh the negatives, and the game might have been much better received if it was a new IP altogether, as the story barely is involved with the much more cherished first two games aside from minor details which could be considered easter eggs