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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.


You mean like you've been able to do on the DS/3DS for YEARS now? And to tie back into my other point--Mario Kart 7 is still $30. It came out 5 years ago.

You also ignored the part where I straight up said--if you're using it exclusively as a portable, it's not a terrible value. But as a console compared to other available consoles, it's a shit value. $80 joy cons? You out of your minds?
You got me, I can play old Mario Kart on old hardware. I also can also use my PS1 instead of buying a PS4, it has way more / better games too. Really?

And yes, my Switch will rarely be docked.
You take that back.
I don't have to because it's true!

I like you, a lot of reasonable opinions that I share.

Mine is that I applaud Nintendo (and other risk-taking devs) that don't listen to their fans and do whatever the hell they want to do. Just because I want to see now ideas spawn, I usually feel "meh" about incremental improvements to existing series. Find me new ways to play, surprise me every time! Leave a legacy of trail-blazing :)
Well, than I like you too I guess :) also agree with your statement!

Your last point invalidated your entire post and made baby Cthulhu cry. :p
That's baby Cthulhu's problem, but do you agree with the rest?

Are you my sworn enemy or something...?

Edit: since I am in the thread, let me whine again about Xenoblade 2 character design for the hundredth time: it is trash, Trash, TRASH.
So I take it you disagree with everything I said then, well I guess you like the "popular things" then.


Resident Evil 7 is better than Resident Evil 4.


As someone who detests the way RE4 controls, I completely agree. The new transition to first person was excellently done, and intuitive. I never understood the appeal of old RE gunplay. It was never about the fact that the character stops to aim, that I think is an interesting pacing idea. It's the use of the laser sight and the articulation of aiming that is deplorable.

Dr. Buni

BOTW Zelda is by far the worst looking Zelda. In fact Link sucks too. Hell the art direction for the characters models in general are horrible. It makes me appreciate baby face more.
It looks like those anime games, which I don't like the look of. With the death of low specs handhelds, I don't think we will see another game like A Link Between Worlds, which is just sad.
BOTW Zelda is by far the worst looking Zelda. In fact Link sucks too. Hell the art direction for the characters models in general are horrible. It makes me appreciate baby face more.

It looks like those anime games, which I don't like the look of. With the death of low specs handhelds, I don't think we will see another game like A Link Between Worlds, which is just sad.

It doesn't look that different from something like Twilight Princess/Skyward Sword, to me. It has more vibrant color and a different shading style, but the actual models have similar proportions. What makes it so different, even anime-inspired to you?

I'm not doubting your opinion. I'm just looking for some clarification.


PS4 + Uncharted 4 + Controller - $300
Doom for PS4 - $20
Fallout 4 for PS4 - $20
TLOU Remastered for PS4 - $20
GTA V for PS4 - $40
Bloodborne for PS4 - $20

So your whole reasoning why the PS4 is a good alternate console to a Nintendo system is a list of 5 MA15 or R18 titles. Im generally platform agnostic with a slight bias towards Nintendo, but come on.

Asking the average person to spend 300 dollars on a console whos games consist of Demon/Zombie/Hooker/Mercenary murder simulators is hardly good value.

Edit: controversial oppinion time. None of those games is better then a 7/10


The Last Guardian would've been fantastic as a late PS3/launch PS4 title, but as it is is outdated.

It's beautiful, no doubt. But...

The camera is awful, constantly trying to fight it's generic auto-movement and "Hey look at this set piece!" movement. There's also very little analogue movement on the right stick - it barely moves, or it moves a lot, with the sensitivity adjusting the extremes.

The puzzles are obtuse. From the nonsensical nature of Trico eating barrels (thus, using barrels to guide it), to solving something by calling Trico but only after moving past a certain point.

The level design (as in, design, not look/feel) is meh.

The animation of the boy is way too clunky to be useful for gameplay. More responsiveness and fluidity was needed.

Maybe it'd be better on the Pro in some ways - camera and animations - but generally, so disappointing.


Neo Member
The Nintendo Switch is a far better "gimmick" than VR.

VR means $$ and being tethered and a gimmick (3D) that nobody really wants to spend a great deal of time with.

The Switch, however, is a gimmick that people can use in a variety of ways. It's a console and a portable and a table-top device.

Bold statements. :)


Nioh is a poor attempt at SoulsBorne games.

It's influences are obvious, but it's got no feel for what makes SoulsBorne games good. Too many cut-scenes, a voiced protagonist, story-centred but the story is just... boring.

Then we get to the gameplay - gank-squads everywhere, but the revenant fights (Nioh's version of the NPC invaders, I guess) are ridiculously easy. Boss's who are overwhelming, but not that interesting. Stunlocking.

It's a very "meh" game. Missed the demos, so bought it digitally. Now wishing I hadn't.


Nintendo Switch is going to be a big success and GAF's collective inability to swallow crow as they try to backpedal out of previous statements is going to be glorious.


Q1 2017 isn't really that impressive. Most the games coming out aren't really my type of game. For the first few months of the year, I'm only anticipating Zelda and Persona 5. The rest of the games that I want are still undated.


Wonder why I never posted in here. Here goes, Super Mario Sunshine is GOTY quality.

I never got around to playing Sunshine. :( What's it do that makes people hate it so?

(I had a Gamecube and spent most of my time playing Super Monkey Ball whilst drinking with the friends. Seriously, funniest shit ever after 3 or 4 rum and cokes - turning the voiceover language for SMB to German (well, funniest ever for a bunch of uni students in the UK)).


Q1 2017 isn't really that impressive. Most the games coming out aren't really my type of game. For the first few months of the year, I'm only anticipating Zelda and Persona 5. The rest of the games that I want are still undated.

That's your fault, and doesn't take away from the amount of games coming in this quarter.
I feel RE7 loses a lot of steam once you get to the ship part and everything after that. I just wasn't having nearly as much fun as i was in the baker house.


Chrono Trigger is the most overrated game I've ever played, and I find Cross to be far better.
I agree. TBH, if it weren't for both of them having stellar soudtracks, I find them both horribly, horribly dull. I've tried on several occasions to play them, but lose all interest a quarter of the way through.


Nintendo Switch is going to be a big success and GAF's collective inability to swallow crow as they try to backpedal out of previous statements is going to be glorious.

Well, seeing as you're ready to serve crow on others why don't YOU define big success?!!?!



Nes games don't hold up well to time,and it was quite evident when I bought a nes classic that it was not the games that brought me back.

Also, I never liked the first Zelda game, Even though it had an awesome gold cartridge.


Q1 2017 isn't really that impressive. Most the games coming out aren't really my type of game. For the first few months of the year, I'm only anticipating Zelda and Persona 5. The rest of the games that I want are still undated.

The first quarter is packed for me with RE7, Horizon, DS3 DLC, and ME: Andromeda. Whereas I'm not really interested in Persona 5.


Neo Member
Persona 4 has been extravagantly praised. I am not denying the potential, the story and the gameplay at all.. but honestly speaking, it does not engage gamers easily at all! The opening of the game is boring as hell. I will give 5 a chance and hopefully, they fix the repetitiveness of the dungeons.


Nes games don't hold up well to time,and it was quite evident when I bought a nes classic that it was not the games that brought me back.

Also, I never liked the first Zelda game, Even though it had an awesome gold cartridge.

I agree on NES. Mega Man is about the only series IMO that still holds up really well. Nostalgia aside, I think the SNES hits a sweet spot where gameplay, graphics, and music come together in a more timeless way.

I played through the original Zelda a few times as a kid. I much preferred Zelda II for its challenge, RPG elements, and music, and still consider it the best Zelda game. It wasn't a black sheep when it came out as there was no true Zelda formula yet, and the rest of the people who look down on it were either A) Not good enough to keep up with the challenge when it came out .. or B) Younger gamers who have been coddled and REALLY can't handle the challenge when going back and trying it for the first time.


BOTW Zelda is by far the worst looking Zelda. In fact Link sucks too. Hell the art direction for the characters models in general are horrible. It makes me appreciate baby face more.

How can anyone take this seriously? "By far worst looking Zelda". Yeah, I'm sure you prefer Zelda 2's looks to BotW. Right.
Not really controversial opinion neccessarily but since there has been some UC4 talk here:

I think Naughty Dog is held back by the critical and fan praise their games get (well, mostly UC4). I really like UC4 but it's not a 93+ MC game and as long as they don't get called out on stuff I fear they don't feel the heat to improve. The pacing is bad and it's really sad that the people who can make absolute top tier cutscenes end up making a game where a big chunk of the narrative is told by forced walking/climbing sections. It wouldn't be so bad but there is a tooooooon of it, way more than the previous games. Also there is no point in more open non-action areas if there is nothing exciting to discover. The exploration element of the series could have been a great point to improve on the last game with bigger areas but sadly it's just the same old boring treasures. Hell, Resident Evil 4, 5 and 7 have more exciting exploration and those games have nothing to do with treasure hunting when it comes to the premise!

The action gameplay in UC4 is the best in the series but otherwise it falls short of the other games. I just fear the universal praise for UC4 will be a major enabler for whatever TLOU2 turns out to be.

And as long as I'm on this topic: Kingdom Hearts fanbase is way too defensive (thankfully not really on GAF) on much of the crap the series has. I feel like some vocal criticism from the fanbase could do the series a ton of good in the long run.


This time next year Switch WW LTD >= PS4Pro + PSVR + Scorpio

Also that latest "PS4Pro just runs everything higher clocked" patch is because developers don't want to have to make 2 versions of all of their games, and you're going to stop seeing third parties making "Ps4Pro version" patches

Aaron D.

- Many complain that Visual Novels are overpriced for what you get. They're wrong.

- Paradox Interactive are industry leaders in DLC production and others would be wise to take note.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
Calling a sequel "...part 2" sounds pretentious. It's an attempt to make it sound like it was always intended, but it doesn't mask the fact that it's a cash-in on a franchise - like every other sequel.

That goes for movies, too.
This time next year Switch WW LTD >= PS4Pro + PSVR + Scorpio

Also that latest "PS4Pro just runs everything higher clocked" patch is because developers don't want to have to make 2 versions of all of their games, and you're going to stop seeing third parties making "Ps4Pro version" patches

This was a passing thought I had as well, not sure it will happen but it could influence some decisions. Also when Scorpio releases and turns out to be a more powerful console than PS4 Pro that may cause even more work for developers considering they'll have four different consoles to keep in mind regarding Sony/Microsoft.


This was a passing thought I had as well, not sure it will happen but it could influence some decisions. Also when Scorpio releases and turns out to be a more powerful console than PS4 Pro that may cause even more work for developers considering they'll have four different consoles to keep in mind regarding Sony/Microsoft.

My initial thoughts are certainly that an unappealing console with a not-particularly compelling library doesn't become particularly more appealing at a higher price point and being able to play those exact same titles but with MOAR POWAR, but its really too early to come to that conclusion given how little is know about it.

I mean, if theres an E3 blowout and its actually getting titles literally unplayable anywhere else except high end PC, thats an entirely different value proposition.
Dino Crisis 3 (taken on its own without comparing it to previous entries, and playing it on Easy mode) is a great game. The futuristic environments are full of exploration and even minor platforming from time to time. The music suits the atmosphere. The game harkens to Metroid at times (being in a space station is like Metroid Fusion, and at certain points in the game you shift the formation of the space station to access new areas) You use certain sub-weapons to unlock certain doors. There are certain sections with zero gravity, and you use your jetpack to move about in these sections! The jectpack is a versatile tool which allows you to move faster, hover in the air for a limited time, and to circle-strafe enemies in combat. Speaking of combat...I found it pretty repetitive. You auto-aim at enemies (although you can aim manually in first person, but then can't move and shoot), and spam your automatic rifle that has unlimited ammo at them. Circle-strafing around them with the jetpack and using subweapons can vary up the combat, especially if the sub weapon is the enemies weakness. However, the sub weapons double as keys, which makes me less inclined to use them in combat. The story of this game...I don't remember much of, other than the dinosaurs are cloned from DNA or something. Both main characters are generic and forgettable. There's a fair amount of loading screens, which hurts the satisfaction of exploring to a degree. I feel the positives outweigh the negatives, and the game might have been much better received if it was a new IP altogether, as the story barely is involved with the much more cherished first two games aside from minor details which could be considered easter eggs


My initial thoughts are certainly that an unappealing console with a not-particularly compelling library doesn't become particularly more appealing at a higher price point and being able to play those exact same titles but with MOAR POWAR, but its really too early to come to that conclusion given how little is know about it.

I mean, if theres an E3 blowout and its actually getting titles literally unplayable anywhere else except high end PC, thats an entirely different value proposition.
The hilarious part here is that you call the PS4 an unappealing console.
I'm asking for a whole bunch of crap saying this I know it.

I owned the original xbox and there were some pretty great titles on that system, but honestly since the around mid 360 gen and forward I feel like Microsoft's exclusive's output is soulless and creatively bereft, not bad games per se. just not very artistically inspiring or unique in their scope. Just not enough weirdness for my taste, but I'm sure its probably a perception issue more than anything else.
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