TLOU ending is shit.
I really don't like the Witcher series because Geralt looks like the stupidest character I've ever seen.
William from Nioh is more interesting to me.
But William looks almost like a carbon copy of Geralt...
TLOU ending is shit.
I really don't like the Witcher series because Geralt looks like the stupidest character I've ever seen.
William from Nioh is more interesting to me.
But William looks almost like a carbon copy of Geralt...
TLOU ending is shit.
I really don't like the Witcher series because Geralt looks like the stupidest character I've ever seen.
William from Nioh is more interesting to me.
I gave up because of the grinding. no time for that
People who complain about grinding can't just admit they can't understand a game's battle system.
Never heard of Cobra Triangle, but yeah Silver Surfer makes Battletoads look like a NSMB game with the invincibility bubble on.Cobra Triangle and Silver Surfer are arguably a lot harder than Battletoads.
In 99% of good RPGs, this does not have to be done.My usual complaint is if I cannot level up enough to keep pace with the main story while following the main story, the game did a bad job. I should only have to grind for optional stuffs like new game+ content, super bosses, and post game dungeons.
Not sure. But agreed, most godd RPGs have proper leveling flow. Some FF games are extremely guilty of this.In 99% of good RPGs, this does not have to be done.
Are people complaining about Persona 4 grinding people who experimented with buffs, debuffs, and fusions? I doubt it!
Is it controversial to say they the dungeons and combat of Persona 4 are one of the most boring experiences one can have playing video games?
It's far more controversial to say that you enjoyed those parts.
I did.
My usual complaint is if I cannot level up enough to keep pace with the main story while following the main story, the game did a bad job. I should only have to grind for optional stuffs like new game+ content, super bosses, and post game dungeons.
Arkham Origins is the best Arkham game.
Pokemon is overrated.
From what I've seen, yeah this is common. It seems like some people find the idea of ever losing a battle in a jrpg to be an unacceptable waste of time. Personally I find that stepping back and rethinking my strategy or fighting a bit to learn new abilities or find new weapons to be one of the main things that draws me to the genre in the first place. And sometimes backtracking after hitting a brick wall of a boss leads me to things I totally missed my first time around which can be really satisfying. I guess some folks are more concerned with seeing the next cutscene or the instant gratification of clearing a fight vs actually being challenged by a fierce encounter. I know I used the lv down thing in Xenoblade for a few bosses because I wanted to see the story unfold so I'm not immune to this.People who complain about grinding can't just admit they can't understand a game's battle system.
GTAV is boring
And this is why I'll never touch those games. They really seem to boil down to dating sim stuff, so I can't comprehend why it's often treated as this amazing, (relatively) modern classic of videogames. I don't feel like even the best dating sim ever would deserve such praise.Not really, even most people who love Persona 4 seem to agree that the dungeons and combat leave a lot to be desired.
I would like this option.I'm sure I'm generalizing but I've seen so many people lose their shit over the slightest amount of backtracking or repetition that it makes me think there should be a "no grind" instant win button in rpgs for those who can't be bothered.
Finally! I've always felt like I was the only one on the planet who thought Origins was better than City or Asylum. The boss battles and well thought-out detective scenes really push it ahead of the others to me, especially Knight.
- Too-frequent balance patches are killing some games - fighting games especially. There needs to be more time for people to truly come to grips with the limits of the engine and each character and for a real clear meta to develop before balance patches happen. Frequent balance patches mean that you have to be CONSTANTLY grinding the game, mmo style, if you want to stay competitive. This is happening to a lesser extent in games like Overwatch too. Force people to learn matchups, counters and the limits of certain characters. Stop catering to the vocal minority who always have the next balance complaint on their mind.
I enjoyed Metroid: Other M. I'll take the heat.
Chrono Trigger is the most overrated game I've ever played, and I find Cross to be far better.
- POP 2008 was a good game. I think I may like it better than Sands of Time. It deserved a sequel to work out the combat, and fine tune the platforming.
- A Link Between Worlds is not good. I think people fawn over it because it gives you the freedom to do the dungeons in whatever order you want. But when the dungeons arent even good, who cares? I also think it gets a pass because its a return to form for 2d Zelda after Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. But to me it feels cheap and soulless, like the first New Super Mario Bros on the DS. Honestly, I think I might actually prefer Spirit Tracks over A Link Between Worlds. Sure its over world is trash, but the dungeons & bosses, & puzzles are better. Also I have a soft spot for the music in that game, and ghost Zelda rocks.
And this is why I'll never touch those games. They really seem to boil down to dating sim stuff, so I can't comprehend why it's often treated as this amazing, (relatively) modern classic of videogames. I don't feel like even the best dating sim ever would deserve such praise.
I've never understood the hate for 2008 POP. It was fun to play, beautiful to look at, and had a surprisingly poignant ending. I think if Ubi had just named it something else it would be more fondly remembered.
And this is why I'll never touch those games. They really seem to boil down to dating sim stuff, so I can't comprehend why it's often treated as this amazing, (relatively) modern classic of videogames. I don't feel like even the best dating sim ever would deserve such praise.
I don't think my position is unreasonable, lol. From everything I've read about this game, and that includes what its fans say about it, it's not something I'd enjoy. Giving this game a chance would require spending time and money on something I likely won't like. And yet, I can wonder why it's so highly praised. I'm not bashing it after all.I have so much trouble understanding why people like games I will never touch.
Totally. I love MGS4 and all its over the top cutscenes. I love everything about it that makes people dislike it (except the second half of the ending, that was pretty weak). I just realized I kind of love cutscenes in general if I'm liking a game's story. I don't think I've ever thought any game had too many - as long as they're good, keep them coming!
Another one - I love Nintendo's games, but I absolutely hate their need to "innovate" control. The Wii U is my favorite Nintendo system since the SNES, in a large part because, for once, the control is usually just dual analog plus a normal d-pad, and normally positioned buttons.
fist bump
TLOU ending is shit.
The Kingdom Hearts series is the most egregious example of "Oh, I have a bunch of beloved licenced characters? Fuck that, I want to focus on my own shitty creations instead" since EAs Marvel Nemesis: Rise Of The Imperfects
are there any other series where this happens
because I can't think of any tbh (there might be but I just can't think of them)
People hate on POP 2008? It has its fair share of problems, but it's at the very least a solid game.- POP 2008 was a good game. I think I may like it better than Sands of Time. It deserved a sequel to work out the combat, and fine tune the platforming.
People hate on POP 2008?
I thought POP 2008 was/is universally liked too.
Hmmm...The worst facet of this is the assumption to revive series perceived to be flagging or absent is to make them into a Souls game or a Platinum character action game.Dark Souls 1 is my favourite game of all time but, holy hell, the deified status that Souls and Bloodborne have reached on this forum is fucking unbearable.
At least once a week, we get a thread named something completely uninventive like "Bloodborne/Souls is the fucking best" with absolutely no intention of any meaningful discussion but circlejerking. Unsurprisingly, followed by about 3 pages of...
"Wow, I like this game too!"
"Best game of the generation!"
"Des < DS > DS2 > BB <><>< DS3"
Before the thread fizzles out after 3 pages before the next thread in a week or two. Does this forum not get sick of just constantly praising this game with the same comments over and over again?
We get it! This forum loves the Souls games, I love the Souls games! We don't need reminding every single week (Not to mention the threads that get derailed by Souls fans as well). What's worse is, when a user earlier this week tried to make a similar thread about Ubisoft games, a mod changed the title and derailed it into making fun of Ubi games and the OP. If that sort of thing happened with a BB/Souls thread, people would cry bloody murder.
You tried
He tried what? To have an opinion.
Solid bump.
Zelda is the most overrated series of all-time.