People need to just accept that the Switch is a Nintendo device and, as such, is already underpowered as a console meaning it's not feasible to port to it and the because past efforts on Nintendo hardware were not rewarded are not going to invest in it. I feel it's very much people trying to justify the thing existing but, like past Nintendo hardware, Nintendo games will do that.
My Controversial opinion, Xenoblade Chronicles, I don't get it with you guys. It's interesting, fun in parts and I don't regret playing it, but "greatest JRPG" has me scratching my head.
A 7/10 is too generous. It's an incredibly disappointing game made more frustrating by the fact that it shows potential but the game is far too concerned with not giving a shit about anything.BotW is completely overrated, and a 7/10 at best. The storytelling is nonexistent, the open world is barren and empty, and the combat is incredibly repetitive and frustrating. The game actually seems to take the open world genre back of couple of paces with its archaic side quests and horrendous weapon durability.
BotW is completely overrated, and a 7/10 at best. The storytelling is nonexistent, the open world is barren and empty, and the combat is incredibly repetitive and frustrating. The game actually seems to take the open world genre back of couple of paces with its archaic side quests and horrendous weapon durability.
A 7/10 is too generous. It's an incredibly disappointing game made more frustrating by the fact that it shows potential but the game is far too concerned with not giving a shit about anything.
All the praise about its open world being a game changer/raising the bar is completely undeserved.
Nintendo as a game developer is overrated as all fuck. The majority of their games are stuff that would get mediocre sales on PS or Xbox platforms if Nintendo didn't have their own platform and had to compete with other third party developers for attention.
I think Nintendo has good ideas for games so very often, but they often choose the most mediocre path to build them. Too much safety, often reusing the same old stuff, even if they change some gameplay mechanics and graphics. It is boring. Seeing Ganon being the villain again in Breath of the Wild, Bowser yet again in Mario Odyssey, heck I wouldn't be surprised if they reused the same villain from Splatoon in the second game. They are more creative than that, why not put that creativity into characters, too?Nintendo as a game developer is overrated as all fuck. The majority of their games are stuff that would get mediocre sales on PS or Xbox platforms if Nintendo didn't have their own platform and had to compete with other third party developers for attention.
Is it controversial to think that Smash 64 is better than Brawl? I just find the controls more satisfying in 64. That and I feel like Brawl had too many gimmicky levels.
Awakening is the only FE game I found not to be slow and boring. Fates though? Total snooze fest..I think Fire Emblem games are slow and boring. Even when comparing them to other SRPGs.
The last great game Naughty Dog made was CTR.
Can you explain this?Nintendo really doesn't deserve most of the success they've had.
Nintendo really doesn't deserve most of the success they've had.
Just keep playing. There is actually a really good explanation.I started Horizon Zero Dawn today and have played about four hours so far. It's slowly getting better after that slog of an intro.
But did anyone else... not buy the setting? I can accept mankind reverting to a tribal state after the apocalypse, but the super religious stuff? The "All-Mother" who destroyed the "Faithless"? I want to believe that we know better as a species than to go back to THAT.
I can sort of see this from the perspective that they frequently make it so damn hard to buy their hardware (and at times, software. My dad has hated them ever since trying find me a copy of Mario 2 back in the day).Nintendo really doesn't deserve most of the success they've had.
Just keep playing. There is actually a really good explanation.
Can you explain this?
Like not saying your wrong but I'm very interesteted to know how this works.
Like they don't deserve the games they make to sell? I would argue that a lot of their software is rated far higher then I would, but the market clearly has spoken and they have tons of multi million selling franchises, so I'm just wondering how they don't "deserve" those sales.
I would ask this about any company who had this kinda comment by the way.
The first great game Naughty Dog made was The Last of Us.
The only bad game ND have made since the Mega Drive days is The Last of Us. I hated the fuck out of it. Nice graphics wrapped around a shitshow of awful gameplay and a story I gave less than zero fucks about, involving characters I cared fuck all about. Awful. Sold it straight off to Gamestop after I'd forced myself through that slog of a game.
I loved it, but a game that focus so much on story and on a kind of father-daughter relationship obviously isn't for everyone.The only bad game ND have made since the Mega Drive days is The Last of Us. I hated the fuck out of it. Nice graphics wrapped around a shitshow of awful gameplay and a story I gave less than zero fucks about, involving characters I cared fuck all about. Awful. Sold it straight off to Gamestop after I'd forced myself through that slog of a game.
Samus was never the same after the introduction of the Zero Suit. : /Zero Mission's Zero Suit is what damaged the image of the Metroid serie, not Fusion's story/linearity.
I mean more so in the sense of hardware. Their software is top notch and well deserving of the critical acclaim and sales they receive but it terms of a hardware maker, aside from a few exceptions, I can't see most of their success and continued operation as anything but luck.
The Gamecube:
- Mini-dics
- Little importance on online
-No DVD support (though to be fair, I believe the Xbox lacked this as well without a supplementing device)
- Underpowered severely
- Again little importance on OS and online play
- Lacking western and japanese major 3rd party titles (some exceptions)
- Non-standard controller (however I personally like the Wii Remote)
Wii U:
- Underpowered once again, but less so than the Wii
- Again little importance on online play
- Slow OS
- Overpriced
- Lacking major 3rd party titles and major nintendo 1st party releases at launch and for the 1st year
I feel as though any other type of company making blunders (minus the Wii, admittedly) such as these would have been out of the market a long time ago.
Now with the Switch, I feel Nintendo is doing great in terms of making the hardware the best they can for the price point given (seriously being able to play a game like Breath of the Wild or Splatoon 2 on the go or just simply dock and play on the TV is a thing of beauty) and they're giving compelling reasons to own one in the first year (Zelda, Splatoon 2, Mario Kart, Xenoblade 2, Mario Odyssey, etc). However, they really sully their image when we lack features such as simple messaging, reasonable voice chat or game invites, still need friend codes(despite the previous console doing away with that), STILL lacking major 3rd party titles, No/lacking bluetooth support, terrible and/or lack of eShop sales, retaining the MSRP of their titles for years, etc.
Samus was never the same after the introduction of the Zero Suit. : /
In my opinion I have yet to play a good Guerilla Games' game. Killzone 2, Killzone 3, Shadow Fall and Horizon: Zero Dawn.
Most overrated studio in my eyes, which is a shame, really wanted Horizon: Zero Dawn to do it for me.
Witcher 3 is one of the most overrated games in history. Its combat system is so bad and utterly unenjoyable that it ruins the game. It's one of the worst combat systems I have ever seen in an acclaimed title with an emphasis on combat.
I loved it, but a game that focus so much on story and on a kind of father-daughter relationship obviously isn't for everyone.
I vastly prefer The Last of Us over Uncharted or Crash Bandicoot games or really anything else they have developed, except for maybe Crash Team Racing.