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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.


After my 6 attempt, I still don't see myself enjoy witcher3, even though I can run it at 60fps on a high end pc, I still can't stand the control and the combat system
I just don't understand how people enjoy it
People need to just accept that the Switch is a Nintendo device and, as such, is already underpowered as a console meaning it's not feasible to port to it and the because past efforts on Nintendo hardware were not rewarded are not going to invest in it. I feel it's very much people trying to justify the thing existing but, like past Nintendo hardware, Nintendo games will do that.

That's not a controversal opinion, this is just misinformation

My Controversial opinion, Xenoblade Chronicles, I don't get it with you guys. It's interesting, fun in parts and I don't regret playing it, but "greatest JRPG" has me scratching my head.

Well it came out during a time when a bunch of high profile console JRPGs cut on many aspects such as huge world maps, optional content, tons of dialogue between party members, a lot of twists, etc. Therefore it was refreshing to finally see someone trying to make a huge epic adventure post 6th gen. The people saying it's the best JRPG since Chrono Trigger sound like they haven't played much since it really, even if you limit yourself on Nintendo platforms you can still find better, ex Tales of Symphonia scratches the same itch. Xenoblade has too many fatal shortcomings to be in the conversation of "best JRPG", such as the broken combat(agility stat is way too strong, way too much reliance on pre-battle strategies with the gems if you wanna beat strong enemies), repetitive structure(zero interactivity with the world besides jumping and turning on switches. Every interior area is a rehash of the mine) and not enough good and memorable sidequests.


BotW is completely overrated, and a 7/10 at best. The storytelling is nonexistent, the open world is barren and empty, and the combat is incredibly repetitive and frustrating. The game actually seems to take the open world genre back of couple of paces with its archaic side quests and horrendous weapon durability.


BotW is completely overrated, and a 7/10 at best. The storytelling is nonexistent, the open world is barren and empty, and the combat is incredibly repetitive and frustrating. The game actually seems to take the open world genre back of couple of paces with its archaic side quests and horrendous weapon durability.
A 7/10 is too generous. It's an incredibly disappointing game made more frustrating by the fact that it shows potential but the game is far too concerned with not giving a shit about anything.

All the praise about its open world being a game changer/raising the bar is completely undeserved.
Is it controversial to think that Smash 64 is better than Brawl? I just find the controls more satisfying in 64. That and I feel like Brawl had too many gimmicky levels.
BotW is completely overrated, and a 7/10 at best. The storytelling is nonexistent, the open world is barren and empty, and the combat is incredibly repetitive and frustrating. The game actually seems to take the open world genre back of couple of paces with its archaic side quests and horrendous weapon durability.

A 7/10 is too generous. It's an incredibly disappointing game made more frustrating by the fact that it shows potential but the game is far too concerned with not giving a shit about anything.

All the praise about its open world being a game changer/raising the bar is completely undeserved.

I think in pure mechanics and straying from the worst elements of open world design it should be commended.

As a Zelda game I am deeply disappointed. The story, the characters and towns, the music, the dungeons, no fun items opening up to me... All a let down.

So when people love BotW I get it. But when they single out each of those elements I listed above and claim they are the best in the series to date it irks me.
The only things I like about Breath of the Wild are the art style, music, and exploration.

The combat is super flawed, the shrine dungeon designs range from mediocre to just plain bad, and the story is easily one of the worst in the Zelda series.

On top of that, the enemy variety is piss-poor, the world bosses aren't exciting to fight after the first time because they each have an easily exploitable weakness that removes all of the tension from the fight.

After I finished exploring each region, I had zero desire to continue playing the game. It didn't help that the final boss was basically 50% passable fight and 50% setpiece that requires no skill to complete.

It's probably going to win GotY here too. Oh well.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Nintendo as a game developer is overrated as all fuck. The majority of their games are stuff that would get mediocre sales on PS or Xbox platforms if Nintendo didn't have their own platform and had to compete with other third party developers for attention.
Nintendo as a game developer is overrated as all fuck. The majority of their games are stuff that would get mediocre sales on PS or Xbox platforms if Nintendo didn't have their own platform and had to compete with other third party developers for attention.

This isn't so much an opinion as it is a conveniently impossible to prove speculation. The "Legend of Belda" angle was already discussed to death in the review thread though.

Dr. Buni

Nintendo as a game developer is overrated as all fuck. The majority of their games are stuff that would get mediocre sales on PS or Xbox platforms if Nintendo didn't have their own platform and had to compete with other third party developers for attention.
I think Nintendo has good ideas for games so very often, but they often choose the most mediocre path to build them. Too much safety, often reusing the same old stuff, even if they change some gameplay mechanics and graphics. It is boring. Seeing Ganon being the villain again in Breath of the Wild, Bowser yet again in Mario Odyssey, heck I wouldn't be surprised if they reused the same villain from Splatoon in the second game. They are more creative than that, why not put that creativity into characters, too?

As someone who loves both gameplay, characters, story and music, it is hard to justify caring about Nintendo lately.
Is it controversial to think that Smash 64 is better than Brawl? I just find the controls more satisfying in 64. That and I feel like Brawl had too many gimmicky levels.

To me and my friends smash 64 felt like it had harder hits than any of the sequels. And that was satisfying
Unpopular opinion, huh?... Challenge accepted!

Zelda II is the best Zelda game and the only one I could ever be bothered to finish. Guess I wouldn't mind checking out BotW someday
(when it's emulated on PC)

Nintendo hasn't released a compelling piece of hardware since SNES. Wish they would get out of the hardware business entirely.

Super Mario 64 turned me off from Mario forever. Really just can't stand how ugly and annoying 3D Mario is... mute 8- or 16-bit Mario ftw.


I started Horizon Zero Dawn today and have played about four hours so far. It's slowly getting better after that slog of an intro.

But did anyone else... not buy the setting? I can accept mankind reverting to a tribal state after the apocalypse, but the super religious stuff? The "All-Mother" who destroyed the "Faithless"? I want to believe that we know better as a species than to go back to THAT.

Beth Cyra

Nintendo really doesn't deserve most of the success they've had.
Can you explain this?

Like not saying your wrong but I'm very interesteted to know how this works.

Like they don't deserve the games they make to sell? I would argue that a lot of their software is rated far higher then I would, but the market clearly has spoken and they have tons of multi million selling franchises, so I'm just wondering how they don't "deserve" those sales.

I would ask this about any company who had this kinda comment by the way.
I started Horizon Zero Dawn today and have played about four hours so far. It's slowly getting better after that slog of an intro.

But did anyone else... not buy the setting? I can accept mankind reverting to a tribal state after the apocalypse, but the super religious stuff? The "All-Mother" who destroyed the "Faithless"? I want to believe that we know better as a species than to go back to THAT.
Just keep playing. There is actually a really good explanation.


Nintendo really doesn't deserve most of the success they've had.
I can sort of see this from the perspective that they frequently make it so damn hard to buy their hardware (and at times, software. My dad has hated them ever since trying find me a copy of Mario 2 back in the day).


The nicest person on this forum
Personally I enjoyed the open world part of the Nier Automata (which u would barely call that "open world") more than Horizon Zero Dawn. For simple fact that in Nier Automata there is actual things to find. in Horizon is really not matter of finding things is more "if I'm not too lazy enough to get to that marked place.

Even traveling on foot in Horizon becomes pointless when half way through the game your inventory becomes full even tho upgraded to the max.

I also really hate towns in Horizon I really do. It dosent feel like a town, because it just filled with bunch of NPC repeating same line over and over again, even the quest givers keep asking me to talk to them even tho already done their quest.

Nier Automata's open world is far from perfect but least to me much more interesting to explore.

this might be not related to open world part of the Horizon but why every NPC laying down on ground has same exact pose? i mean horizon big budget game they could have atleast effort to do different poses.
Action RE isn't not the scourge many on this board seem to think it is. RE 4 is one of the best games of all time (yes, it counts as action RE) and RE 5 is a solid follow up which feels amazing in Coop. RE 6 is where things go wonky, but the core gameplay is still damn great and Mercenaries took up at least 60 hours of my time.

Joey Ravn

Playing it now for the first time, I'm finding FFVII to be passable at best, outright bad (both as a game and as a Final Fantasy) in certain spots.

I feel it's a step down in terms of gameplay and story from the three previous titles. Only the "woah" effect of the 3D characters feels to me as an improvement, but it quickly becomes an annoyance when I'm trying to guess what parts of the pre-rendered background I can go through and which are just decorations. The story is very simple, but presented in a very convoluted way, although it is strongly influenced by the plots of FFV and FFVI. It never reaches the depths of those games, though.

I don't know. I think FFVII is just there. A stepping stone between the pinnacle of the 2D series and the more fleshed-out 3D titles, like X or XII.


I'm starting to genuinely believe that someone else should replace Microsoft in the console space.

The need for competition is real, and the last thing we want is Sony or Nintendo becoming complacent, but MS hasn't really offered much at all in nearly a decade now. The first couple of years of the 360 were incredible and revolutionary with the way they handled the system OS, XBL and Arcade, but since then it's either been chasing the crowd (kinect) or the shitshow of the XB1 launch. They've implemented a couple of interesting ideas, but none of them new. Play anywhere was something Sony had been doing for a while with the Vita (and even PC with Portal 2), cross platform play was again a thing last generation, and backwards compatibility is something that's been around for a long long time (even if it has been forgotten about recently).

I know many people won't agree, but I'd much rather have someone who is going to go all in on the console space rather than try and be the jack of all trades, master of none that Xbox has become. It's part of the reason I was hoping for much, much more from their E3 presser this year.
Microsoft needs to stop buying successful game studios. They have run almost 100% of the studios they've heavily invested in right into the ground. Realistically they should just dump money on some developers and tell them to make good games. Reading the story about what happened to the Phantom Dust guys is pretty compelling evidence that Microsoft sucks at dealing with companies outside the bare essentials.


Can you explain this?

Like not saying your wrong but I'm very interesteted to know how this works.

Like they don't deserve the games they make to sell? I would argue that a lot of their software is rated far higher then I would, but the market clearly has spoken and they have tons of multi million selling franchises, so I'm just wondering how they don't "deserve" those sales.

I would ask this about any company who had this kinda comment by the way.

I mean more so in the sense of hardware. Their software is top notch and well deserving of the critical acclaim and sales they receive but it terms of a hardware maker, aside from a few exceptions, I can't see most of their success and continued operation as anything but luck.

The Gamecube:
- Mini-dics
- Little importance on online
-No DVD support (though to be fair, I believe the Xbox lacked this as well without a supplementing device)

- Underpowered severely
- Again little importance on OS and online play
- Lacking western and japanese major 3rd party titles (some exceptions)
- Non-standard controller (however I personally like the Wii Remote)

Wii U:
- Underpowered once again, but less so than the Wii
- Again little importance on online play
- Slow OS
- Overpriced
- Lacking major 3rd party titles and major nintendo 1st party releases at launch and for the 1st year

I feel as though any other type of company making blunders (minus the Wii, admittedly) such as these would have been out of the market a long time ago.

Now with the Switch, I feel Nintendo is doing great in terms of making the hardware the best they can for the price point given (seriously being able to play a game like Breath of the Wild or Splatoon 2 on the go or just simply dock and play on the TV is a thing of beauty) and they're giving compelling reasons to own one in the first year (Zelda, Splatoon 2, Mario Kart, Xenoblade 2, Mario Odyssey, etc). However, they really sully their image when we lack features such as simple messaging, reasonable voice chat or game invites, still need friend codes(despite the previous console doing away with that), STILL lacking major 3rd party titles, No/lacking bluetooth support, terrible and/or lack of eShop sales, retaining the MSRP of their titles for years, etc.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
The first great game Naughty Dog made was The Last of Us.

The only bad game ND have made since the Mega Drive days is The Last of Us. I hated the fuck out of it. Nice graphics wrapped around a shitshow of awful gameplay and a story I gave less than zero fucks about, involving characters I cared fuck all about. Awful. Sold it straight off to Gamestop after I'd forced myself through that slog of a game.


The only bad game ND have made since the Mega Drive days is The Last of Us. I hated the fuck out of it. Nice graphics wrapped around a shitshow of awful gameplay and a story I gave less than zero fucks about, involving characters I cared fuck all about. Awful. Sold it straight off to Gamestop after I'd forced myself through that slog of a game.

I never really cared about Crash Bandicoot and Jak & Daxter games. The gameplay just didn't do anything for me, and the same goes for the visual style, and the lack of proper story and atmosphere. I think they took the right direction with Uncharted series, and perfected it with TLOU. As a horror fan, it was the best gaming experience I've had since Silent Hill 2.

There was just too much shooting for my taste in the earlier Uncharted entries, which is why I liked that they emphasized adventure over action in the last entry. I don't find its premise nowhere near as interesting as that of TLOU though.

Dr. Buni

The only bad game ND have made since the Mega Drive days is The Last of Us. I hated the fuck out of it. Nice graphics wrapped around a shitshow of awful gameplay and a story I gave less than zero fucks about, involving characters I cared fuck all about. Awful. Sold it straight off to Gamestop after I'd forced myself through that slog of a game.
I loved it, but a game that focus so much on story and on a kind of father-daughter relationship obviously isn't for everyone.

I vastly prefer The Last of Us over Uncharted or Crash Bandicoot games or really anything else they have developed, except for maybe Crash Team Racing.

Ninja Dom

I mean more so in the sense of hardware. Their software is top notch and well deserving of the critical acclaim and sales they receive but it terms of a hardware maker, aside from a few exceptions, I can't see most of their success and continued operation as anything but luck.

The Gamecube:
- Mini-dics
- Little importance on online
-No DVD support (though to be fair, I believe the Xbox lacked this as well without a supplementing device)

- Underpowered severely
- Again little importance on OS and online play
- Lacking western and japanese major 3rd party titles (some exceptions)
- Non-standard controller (however I personally like the Wii Remote)

Wii U:
- Underpowered once again, but less so than the Wii
- Again little importance on online play
- Slow OS
- Overpriced
- Lacking major 3rd party titles and major nintendo 1st party releases at launch and for the 1st year

I feel as though any other type of company making blunders (minus the Wii, admittedly) such as these would have been out of the market a long time ago.

Now with the Switch, I feel Nintendo is doing great in terms of making the hardware the best they can for the price point given (seriously being able to play a game like Breath of the Wild or Splatoon 2 on the go or just simply dock and play on the TV is a thing of beauty) and they're giving compelling reasons to own one in the first year (Zelda, Splatoon 2, Mario Kart, Xenoblade 2, Mario Odyssey, etc). However, they really sully their image when we lack features such as simple messaging, reasonable voice chat or game invites, still need friend codes(despite the previous console doing away with that), STILL lacking major 3rd party titles, No/lacking bluetooth support, terrible and/or lack of eShop sales, retaining the MSRP of their titles for years, etc.

All you have to do is look at this:

And you can see exactly how many hardware sales these systems sold. And yes, from the three systems you listed above, two of them got crushed in sales battles with its competitors.

But as you admitted, their software is top notch and how do you play that software? By buying their hardware.


Quite a few people claim that the combat mechanics of the Zelda games are outdated and weak, yet most games have not surpassed it. The only games where I would say have better combat are Dark Souls and maybe Dragons Dogma.
In my opinion I have yet to play a good Guerilla Games' game. Killzone 2, Killzone 3, Shadow Fall and Horizon: Zero Dawn.

Most overrated studio in my eyes, which is a shame, really wanted Horizon: Zero Dawn to do it for me.

Joey Ravn

I'm playing through FFVII right now for the first time ever. I honestly think it's a twisted, over-complicated mess of a game that doesn't do anything better than either FFV or FFVI. Its characters are half-baked, the story is basically nonesensical at several points, the dialogue is terrible (even with the revised translation), the Materia system pales in comparison to jobs... The only aspect of the game that I can see as revolutionary (in context) was the move to 3D graphics, although navigating those 2D backgrounds is also a mess in some areas.

Samus was never the same after the introduction of the Zero Suit. : /

She appears in a swimsuit in Metroid on the NES. It's not like somehow Zero Mission was the starting point of the sexualization of the character. If anything, the Zero Suit is even less revealing than some of the previous designs she had gone through...

In my opinion I have yet to play a good Guerilla Games' game. Killzone 2, Killzone 3, Shadow Fall and Horizon: Zero Dawn.

Most overrated studio in my eyes, which is a shame, really wanted Horizon: Zero Dawn to do it for me.

I've never played any Killzone game and I liked Horizon when it came out... but every day since I got Platinum for it, I've become more and more sour about it.


Witcher 3 is one of the most overrated games in history. Its combat system is so bad and utterly unenjoyable that it ruins the game. It's one of the worst combat systems I have ever seen in an acclaimed title with an emphasis on combat.
The Switch's library is awful so far and the only games that are getting any substantive amount of time from me are those NeoGeo ports.
Shock Troopers is the best game on the platform right now.
Is this even controversial?


I think that all multiplayer-focused games should be F2P/freemium with constant development instead of iteration releases.

I.e. instead of FIFA 16 -> 17 -> 18, we would have one FIFA that is regularly patched and updated, increasing overall game quality and adding new content. Same with yearly shooters, racing games and so on. It'll allow publishers save on marketing and distribution, while gamers would enjoy investing in one game, and not starting everything from the scratch every (other) year.
As a PC (gamer with a pretty decent rig) and a PS4 pro owner, I prefer gaming at 1080p or 1440p with all the bells and whistles, and locking the game to 60 fps over 4K or checkboarding with sacrifices made elsewhere in image quality.

Having 4k or cb and all the settings turned up to 11 is great too, but I feel more pro enahnced games should feature improved lighting, anisotropic filtering, AA, texture quality, hbao, and frame rate over resolution.
Witcher 3 is one of the most overrated games in history. Its combat system is so bad and utterly unenjoyable that it ruins the game. It's one of the worst combat systems I have ever seen in an acclaimed title with an emphasis on combat.

Not controversial. People calling the combat "serviceable" just don care about combat which is fine but don't bother to comment on it then if doesn't impact your enjoyment one way or the other anyway. I'm in a boat with you in having a hard time naming an open world game with worse combat. I'm pretty sure I had more fun with trashy combat in Risen or Two Worlds 2.

And indeed you got to fight a LOT on Witcher 3. Not even sure how that is debatable. The game is plain unenjoyable if you can't look past the combat because you fight consistently.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
I loved it, but a game that focus so much on story and on a kind of father-daughter relationship obviously isn't for everyone.

I vastly prefer The Last of Us over Uncharted or Crash Bandicoot games or really anything else they have developed, except for maybe Crash Team Racing.

I don't mind focus on story in games, but I cared fuck all for the relationship between Joel and Ellie. Which is why I'm kinda eh on the story in the new Dad of War. I have littoe interest in lugging around his son, so I hope it ends in one of two; either his son dies and Kratos goes back in rage mode, or Kratos dies, his son gets pissed and becomes the new God of War.

The Last of Us was also way too much stealth for me, as I absolutely hate stealth games besides MGS (and I only like those because I can play them as third person shooters on the lowest difficulty to enjoy the batshit story).

As for Jak, I only cared about the first game. The rest is eh.
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