Hearthstone is a game of luck. Regardless of what anyone says (and they're full of shit if they say otherwise), there's no skill involved. It's entirely up to whether the game wants to fuck you or your opponent. So many cards rely on chance. Stealing a random enemy. Gain cards from an opponent's class. Gain a card from an opponent's hand. Nothing more then luck. I also notice that if an opponent is playing a deck made up of small minions, Hearthstone will keep you from getting the spell cards you need to wipe them out in one play.
And don't get me started on fucking Tavern Brawls. They're always an unbalanced mess where either you or your opponent get fucked over.
I feel so invested in this game that I keep playing, but it's getting aggravating.
why is this hilariousHideo Kojima is a hack
and all those survival games on PC that seem to be forever in beta are stupid
Hey, I've got a new one.
NieR: Automata is the first Platinum game I can say I really like.
Quite frankly I find most debates online to be needlessly antagonistic.
-Liberal use of hyperbole and/or stating their opinion in an objective fashion to get their point across.
-Use of intellectualism as a tool to position oneself as an authority/superior to someone with an opposing viewpoint.
-Passive aggressive/subliminal attacks for liking/believing something someone else does/does not. So long as discourse is kept respectful on both sides, all opinions should be welcome.
-The incessant need to attack people and downplay any positives of a point of view while ignoring a majority if not all of your pov's criticisms is unfathomable to me.
-Hot takes are seemingly more valued and given attention to than thought out statements.
-Aiming for "Gotchas" or cherry picking posts in order to "win" an argument.
-Ultimately, 95% of discussions where there are opposing viewpoints usually devolve into arguments and no one's stances are changed or expanded, it's just people repeatedly talking past each other in circles and in certain topics the exact same posters.
Witcher 3's geralt voice is worst VA experiences for me
Hey, I've got a new one.
NieR: Automata is the first Platinum game I can say I really like.
why is this hilarious
Are we the same person?Yeaaaaah I tried so hard to enjoy this game. So hard. I put a lot of hours in, played a few of the "amazing" side quests, and just didn't see it.
Breath of the Wild as an open world that was actually compelling to explore was just so much better
I think this pretty common thinking, tbh.People falling over themselves about Scorpio because of its tech are short-sighted.
At this point in the "console war", MS have to push some amazing games for anyone to buy it in addition to a PS4/Pro, or push it as a high-end AV machine. Preferably both.
4k gaming doesn't matter if they don't have games I care about.
4k viewing doesn't matter if I don't have a TV capable of showing it off.
Scorpio thus leaves me cold - I have all the games I care about on PS4, and I can't justify a 4k TV anytime soon.
People seem to have forgotten that in the "omg, it's so amazing" of E3, there still needs to be a market to sell to.
No way I'd put Anthem in that category.Am I the only to find most of the games presented at E3 aesthetically dull and boring?! Some Indies games and all Nintendo games are colorful but despite the powerful technology it seems that all the AAA games have the same dark and gritty uninspired art direction.
Am I the only to find most of the games presented at E3 aesthetically dull and boring?! Some Indies games and all Nintendo games are colorful but despite the powerful technology it seems that all the AAA games have the same dark and gritty uninspired art direction.
People falling over themselves about Scorpio because of its tech are short-sighted.
Maybe look at more than one screenshot?Am I the only to find most of the games presented at E3 aesthetically dull and boring?! Some Indies games and all Nintendo games are colorful but despite the powerful technology it seems that all the AAA games have the same dark and gritty uninspired art direction.
Am I the only to find most of the games presented at E3 aesthetically dull and boring?! Some Indies games and all Nintendo games are colorful but despite the powerful technology it seems that all the AAA games have the same dark and gritty uninspired art direction.
Am I the only to find most of the games presented at E3 aesthetically dull and boring?! Some Indies games and all Nintendo games are colorful but despite the powerful technology it seems that all the AAA games have the same dark and gritty uninspired art direction.
Originally Posted by Jaloux Saboteur
Am I the only to find most of the games presented at E3 aesthetically dull and boring?! Some Indies games and all Nintendo games are colorful but despite the powerful technology it seems that all the AAA games have the same dark and gritty uninspired art direction.
Anthem's visuals are amazing, but the gameplay looked so dull. It does nothing for me, but I thought the same about Destiny before playing it as well, so I would be gladly proved wrong.
Night Hunter
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Originally Posted by Jaloux Saboteur
Am I the only to find most of the games presented at E3 aesthetically dull and boring?! Some Indies games and all Nintendo games are colorful but despite the powerful technology it seems that all the AAA games have the same dark and gritty uninspired art direction.
That's just disingenuos. You took one similar looking Screenshot from each game. And you couldn't even really manage that...
I love Zelda games. Link to the Past, Minish Cap, Link's Awakening DX, Oracle of Seasons and Ages... love them and replay them regularly.
I'm just about to finish Ocarina of Time (3D) for the first time. I played it years ago on the N64 but never got past the Water Temple (surprise!). And... I kinda didn't like it? I thought it was kinda boring and the control was infuriating at times, especially the camera. Fighting one enemy at the time is fine, but throw two enemies at the same time at me and everything goes to pieces. I'm not a fan of Z-targeting these days. I can totally see how this game is considered a pinnacle in the evolution of gaming, though. It just didn't click with me in 2017.
I was considering going through all the Zeldas I missed (which, coincidentally, are all the 3D ones...) before finally starting Breath of the Wild. But now I'm seriously thinking about skipping Majora's Mask. The 3DS version has Circle Pad Pro support, which is natively incorporated in the N3DS, so I guess I'll give it a try to see if that alleviates my issues with the game :/
Edit: Finally beat it. I found that last dungeon, Ganon's Tower, to be a massive chore. My opinion of the game didn't change much. It's kinda cool at certain spots, but I just can't get into it after having played so many other games... and especially loving the 2D Zeldas so much. I think I'm going to skip Majora's Mask. Having to play basically the same game with the same mechanics, plus the added constraint of time, doesn't sound appealing at all to me.
I'm not saying that these games are clones or that they don't have colors nor different sceneries. What I say is that on a aesthetic level they look the same. It looks like it's the same post-apocalyptic, space or fantasy medieval universe.
I understand that is what sells and why developer gravitates toward those visuals. But for an artist point of view it's boring.
Mario Odyssey looks like any other Mario games but no games look like Mario. It has its unique visual identity. Splatoon, Zelda Botw, Zelda WW, Mirror's Edge, Monument Valley, Fez, etc. have a distinctive style. Well that's it, what I blame in most of the big games is the lack of visual style.
Oh man, I hope you reconsider, Majora's Mask is so much more than that. It's the Zelda game with absolutely THE most character depth and character story. It's sad, it's scary, it's a fucking awesome game. The time constraint isn't like a Mario level where you have to beat it within a certain amount of time, it's so much more than that. The game is like the movie Groundhog Day, everything happens over and over, and it's your job to intervene and make people's lives better, all while trying to save the world. It's fucking fantastic.
The port begging for Switch is out of control. It absolutely wasn't this bad back when the PS4 and Xbox One released.
Making those threads isn't going to push publishers into porting those games to Switch, so I don't see the point either. I'm not even against everything being ported to it. I hope it happens, but just stop begging. It's weird.
People asking for sequels to franchises that hasn't had a new game in 15+ years are for the most part ignorant, especially in regards to various Square Enix franchises. Practically none of those games' creators are still with the company. It would be a different type of experience no matter how you put it, so you might aswell ask for a new franchise to get made.
Yes it was, it was just framed in the form of "cross gen must die" / "why arent all these games made for PS4/X1 only"
I don't think this is true. You sometimes get some of the original creators sticking around. And even without them, it's not like a new team can't analyse what made the old games tick and play to their strengths.
In fact I'd argue that a new team with a fresh perspective can make a better product than a bunch of old developers who have lost their touch or just don't care about making that kind of game anymore.
With cross gen you're still getting the games. That's an entirely different thing. You're not begging for games as much as you're begging for games to look graphically better by dropping the previous gen.