- Ocarina Of Time was and still is vastly overrated, even back in the day. Dungeons are great and the real highlight of the game, but the overworld is lacking and barren as hell. Majora's Mask easily outdid it only a year or so later with a way shorter development cycle.
- Dark Souls 2 is still genuinely a great game, despite not being nowhere up to snuff compared to the other two games in the series in terms of polish and overall design, and a worthwhile entry into the series regardless.
- Half Life 2 is mostly boring as fuck after Ravenholm, and City 17 towards the end is really fucking dull, thought the game didn't deserve nowhere near the legendary status it recieved from critics and fans back then when I played it, outside of how revolutionary it was visually.
- Breath of the Wild? A great game, but 97% Metacritic? Don't make me laugh. There's some great stuff in there, and the sheer amount of freedom is liberating, but half of the dungeons and a lot of the shrine challenges were pretty underwhelming to me, truth be told!
- The new GoW reboot? Not deserving of the crazy high scores it got in my opinion. God Of War's pacing and story falls apart about halfway through after reaching Hellheim, and never really seems to recover, a lot of the awe and spectacle was blown in the first half of the game.
- Red Dead Redemption 2, yet again, like God of War, doesn't deserve the adoration it gets either in my opinion. Sure it's gorgeous and the acting is fantastic, but the story started losing me as I got closer to the end, and the general clunkiness of the gameplay took me out of it all eventually. Good game, but not my game of the generation so far like a lot of people think.