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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.


I should rephrase myself, I just don't get the hype for the switch. It's Nintendo and they have series and third party libraries on previous systems I like. But trying get into the switch's games feels underwhelming. But if Japan likes what it likes. That's fine too.

But hey, Fire Emblem is excellent as always. We can all agree on that. Right?

and Astral Chain still looks dope.


The nicest person on this forum
"Limitation breaths creativity" is absolutely true. I feel like some developers so caught up trying to make most technical impressive game they miss big picture and wont bother make actual gameplay fun and engaging. This how I felt when watched recent DF video on Star Citizen.
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  • Blizzard makes bad games
  • Skyrim is the worst mainline Elder Scrolls game
  • Grand Theft Auto IV is the best game in the series
  • Batman Arkham Knight is the best Arkham game and probably the best superhero game ever made
  • Fallout 4 is the worst fallout game(not including 76 and Shelter)
  • Metal Gear Rising Revengeance is the best Metal Gear game


  • Graphics are on the bottom of my list in terms of what makes a fun game.
  • I enjoy campy/cheesy/budget titles as much (or more) than a lot of AAA games. Applies to all gens.
  • I have fun with Fallout 76. Yes, it's buggy and no, it's not great, and shouldn't even be considered a true Fallout game, but I still enjoy playing with friends.
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The Alien

  • Blizzard makes bad games
  • Skyrim is the worst mainline Elder Scrolls game
  • Grand Theft Auto IV is the best game in the series
  • Batman Arkham Knight is the best Arkham game and probably the best superhero game ever made
  • Fallout 4 is the worst fallout game(not including 76 and Shelter)
  • Metal Gear Rising Revengeance is the best Metal Gear game
Agreed on Arkham Knight.

(Yeah, I didnt even mind the batmobile sections).


Hideo Kojima is overrated and would rather make movies than games and hasn't made a good game since the PlayStation 2 era. He peaked with MGS2, MGS3, and ZOE.
ZOE1 was mostly Noriaki Okamura, who was in charge of MGS3D.
IGNPS2: What kind of musical tracks will we be hearing? Will the score be interactive, like in MGS2?

Okamura: We took Mr. Kojima's suggestion of using techno-pop. In a normal situation the music is quite calm, but when you encounter an enemy, a couple of tracks are added. Once you're fighting, we add more tracks, and when you're about to be killed, there are even more. When you start defeating robots or escaping from them, we remove a few tracks and change the pitch and volume. The music really conveys the emotion of what's going on.

IGNPS2: Has Kojima-san had much influence into the game's design?

Okamura: Mr. Kojima is the producer. He's created the perfect environment where our team can create the best game we can. Nowadays, he's been giving us a lot of useful hints and tips regarding the actual development of the game.
ZOE2 (ANUBIS) was mostly Shuyo Murata.

—Does this stance differ from the first Zone of Enders, where you were also Producer?
Kojima: I deliberately put some space between me and everyone this time. Ultimately, I feel the game design part of the development should be done by the game designers. If I start tinkering with the work they’ve done it would be weird. I did ask what their intentions and ideas were, but I didn’t know what was really going on. If I had started meddling there, it would be like punching holes in the foundation of a building. “This column looks funky—take it out!” And then the whole thing collapses. I did a little meddling in the first Zone of Enders, unfortunately, but this time I was resolved not to. Well… I did speak up a bit there at the end of the development. (laughs)

That’s why my work for Anubis was mainly macro level: I decided the overall direction and appointed staff, added new staff as they were needed, went to E3 to get some good promotion going, invited Kazuma Kaneko as a guest designer, asked GONZO to join and help with the anime, and did other promotion and filming at various game shows… all stuff like that.

All medieval fantasy setting single player RPG's are boring and MMORPG's are a lot more fun.(The Witcher series, Elder Scrolls, etc.)

Out of any type of RPG I've put more time into MMORPG's (World of Warcraft, SWTOR, and Guild wars 1&2.)

The worlds and cities in singleplayer RPG's are boring and lifeless and I find it more fun just simply being around other people while I play and occasionally playing with randoms.\

Any video game that comes from China, S. Korea, and Japan sucks.
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All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
I don't care about Kojima hype. His games aren't that good, and I'm currently ignoring every Death Stranding thread that pops up.


Turn-based JRPGs have boring, uninteresting, unfun gameplay that almost rivals that of point-and-click adventure games.

Watching a bunch of character models do the same animations over and over while watching numbers tick down and hoping the enemy dies soon isn’t fun. It’s mind-numbing at best.

There are only a few turn-based RPG series that I enjoy. One of them is Pokemon, and that’s only because of the sheer level of customization you have when it comes to party composition, and customization in games is my fetish. The other series that cones to mind are the Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi series, and that’s only because those games try their hardest to add interactivity to the turn-based combat wherever they can, so it’s at least somewhat engaging.

I know the main focus in these kinds of games is the story, but I can’t get invested in the story if I’m not really having fun doing it. Gameplay always comes first.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Media in general suffers from this.

I think the difference is that most other media that contain narrative are stratified by their stories to a great extent. Well made movies aren't considered good if they have bad stories. But video games have gameplay to lean on, and do lean on visuals (whether or not they should,) and narrative is usually a secondary or tertiary consideration. The idea that stories like The Last of Us or Mass Effect are some of the best storytelling in gaming (when in other media they'd just be passably good) should say more to people who enjoy games than they seem to acknowledge.


Unconfirmed Member
I think the difference is that most other media that contain narrative are stratified by their stories to a great extent. Well made movies aren't considered good if they have bad stories. But video games have gameplay to lean on, and do lean on visuals (whether or not they should,) and narrative is usually a secondary or tertiary consideration. The idea that stories like The Last of Us or Mass Effect are some of the best storytelling in gaming (when in other media they'd just be passably good) should say more to people who enjoy games than they seem to acknowledge.
Hold up what? TLoU has a terrible story.


The nicest person on this forum
I think the difference is that most other media that contain narrative are stratified by their stories to a great extent. Well made movies aren't considered good if they have bad stories. But video games have gameplay to lean on, and do lean on visuals (whether or not they should,) and narrative is usually a secondary or tertiary consideration. The idea that stories like The Last of Us or Mass Effect are some of the best storytelling in gaming (when in other media they'd just be passably good) should say more to people who enjoy games than they seem to acknowledge.
Another fact is each game has different purpose, like games like Bayonetta you don't need some well written stories because that game is all about doing stylish combo and over the top story fits the vibe of that game. We also have games will tell their stories through gameplay like NieR, 999 and ICO team games and also have game just tell their stories through lore like Souls and Bloodborne.

My point is you can really compare games too books or movies, they just different medium.


Unconfirmed Member
Another fact is each game has different purpose, like games like Bayonetta you don't need some well written stories because that game is all about doing stylish combo and over the top story fits the vibe of that game. We also have games will tell their stories through gameplay like NieR, 999 and ICO team games and also have game just tell their stories through lore like Souls and Bloodborne.
You are agreeing with his point on videogames having gameplay to make up for a less than stellar story.


I like that this thread is getting active again.

Turn-based JRPGs have boring, uninteresting, unfun gameplay that almost rivals that of point-and-click adventure games.

Watching a bunch of character models do the same animations over and over while watching numbers tick down and hoping the enemy dies soon isn’t fun. It’s mind-numbing at best.
Damn, what do you think of games which doesn't even show the characters like most dungeon crawlers, the first 7 Dragon Quest/Warrior games, and Earthbound? Also, you neglect to mention the great atmosphere most of the highest regarded RPGs have in these turn based battles.
  • Metal Gear Rising Revengeance is the best Metal Gear game
This certainly is not controversial among Platinum fans


The nicest person on this forum
You are agreeing with his point on videogames having gameplay to make up for a less than stellar story.
Sure, but there are also stories can only be told in video game, I can imagine games like Shadow of the Colossus can work as a book or movie.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Sure, but there are also stories can only be told in video game, I can imagine games like Shadow of the Colossus can work as a book or movie.

That's not a matter of quality per se though. Games can definitely do things that other media can't do, but that's not an excuse for bad narrative when narrative is a focus of a game. Right now I'm playing Middle Earth Shadow of War. It's not about story, it's about stabbing orcs, and if you like stabbing orcs you'll have a great time. But it's based on narrative fiction in The Lord of the Rings. If you're a fan of the book, it's known for being a really good story. If you're a fan of the movies, they're know for translating that story very well to film and adding visual spectacle. Both capture the imagination for those who enjoy them, so it stands to reason that someone who likes the book or the movies and wants to explore that world in a video game would pick up Shadow of War.

The problem is, in a world driven by narrative, Shadow of War falls well short of the source material. If you were to take just the story parts of the game and string them into a little movie, it would be incredibly boring and sparse on content. It wouldn't even compare favorably to most soap operas. So while orc stabbing is a roaring good time and Shadow of War is fun to play, I find myself wanting to skip the cutscenes most of the time. While I've managed not to let myself skip any yet, because I do want to know what the story is, I've had to make an effort to absorb the narrative.

Why is a game based on movies based on a book known for their amazing storytelling so bad at telling a story? If I were that person who'd read the book or watched the movie and wanted to play the game, I probably would feel very let down by the story. If I were the property owner, I might look at the story in this game and wonder if I should let this branch of the brand continue, since it doesn't meet the expectations people will have and may not add to the prestige of the name.

When story telling is the goal, why do games get to get away with such low quality? When storytelling is an established part of a franchise, why don't games have to live up to the benchmark of their sister media?


The nicest person on this forum
When story telling is the goal, why do games get to get away with such low quality? When storytelling is an established part of a franchise, why don't games have to live up to the benchmark of their sister media?
I wouldn't exactly uses game that base on book or movie as example, for most part they never going to be as good as those. To me stories in games are at their best when they use video game as medium to tell their stories.

Also to answer your question why, both book and movies is all about telling stories but video game needs to be engaging game first then telling good story comes afterwards.

Bert Big Balls

Gold Member
Here goes:

  • I can't stand Final Fantasy. Tried playing 7 and 9, quickly dropped them.
  • RDR2 is not fun.
  • Overwatch is better than TF2.
  • Bioshock games, I don't understand the hype.
  • There has still not, to this day, been a god DBZ game. The last decent ones for me were the Budokai games.
  • Orcarina of Time has not aged well. Loved it as a kid, now it's pretty bad.
  • I don't think I'll ever play another Mario game. They've basically beaten that character to death.
  • Fallout New Vegas hasn't aged well and is generally a bit crap.
  • I actually love the rebooted Tomb Raider games.
  • For some reason, any of the newer Pokemon games just seem bad compared to the originals on Gameboy.


"We want to make our games accessible to everyone"

This everyone gets a trophy for sucking has ruined gaming and real life situations.


Damn, what do you think of games which doesn't even show the characters like most dungeon crawlers, the first 7 Dragon Quest/Warrior games, and Earthbound? Also, you neglect to mention the great atmosphere most of the highest regarded RPGs have in these turn based battles.

Same principle, just the devs have to make even less of an effort. They just make the hit animation without the character doing anything. It’s a little bit worse, but I don’t have any extra hatred towards that kind of RPG.

And I dunno about atmosphere.
In terms of visuals, Earthbound and Mother 3 just have psychedelic backgrounds consisting of only a few colors and patterns, old NES-era RPGs don’t even have backgrounds due to the tech limitations, and the rest just have a single background image for whatever environment the player is in.
In terms of music, I love the music from Mother, Final Fantasy, and more recently Persona 5. But good music does not make a good game.

I’m fine with the spectacle as it is, my complaint is that I’m not doing anything while that spectacle is going on, and I didn’t really do anything to make it happen. Sure cloud is summoning a god to rain death upon the enemies or whatever, but all I did was select an option from a menu. There was no skill involved, and only most basic use of “strategy” is possible. Skill and strategy are things that I love in games. I love character action games for their high skill ceiling, and I love SRPGs for their more thoughtful gameplay.

Most turn-based RPGs involve neither.
Turn based rpgs are awful. Boring boring boring

I automatically hate any game set in space

Games with digitized graphics still blow my mind and I love every one of them


The only good think Kojima did in my opinion was that by inventing it, I got to play the only good game of the series, namely rising revengeance.
I'm also not really looking forward to death stranding and it is beyond me how anyone can hail him as a God.

But glad everyone has different opinions and I still wish him and the fan base the best of luck and the most fun possible.


Gears of War 5 is terrible. Gears 1 idea of pacing was mixing up different types of encounters over and over again in unique enough ways, but Gears 5 seems to think it's a better idea to space out encounters between 5-10 minutes of walking or open world traveling. It's so boring. Why am i in an open world section? And the game just has to have an upgrade component, because what game now a days doesn't have upgrades? What is the god damn point? And the characters are trash, but I knew that going in after Gears 4.
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