I know people hate console fanboysim but I think it's alright.
Have a friend who's a massive Nintendo fanboy. He makes his kids wear Nintendo pyjamas. Their t-shirts are all Mario or Zelda related. I don't know if they wear Mario underwear though I didn't ask.
His wallpapers on his mobile and desktop are Mario and Zelda respectively.
Talks about Nintendo multiple times a day. Hiss social media and our chat groups are flooded with Nintendo news by him.
He updates everyone how much the switch sells every week and how much a Nintendo exclusive sells. Also tells everyone when a game on the switch beats the Xbox and ps4 combined.
He calls up his friends to ask if they have bought a switch already when the console just launched. When a Nintendo game launches, he shows concern and asks if they have preordered the game on switch already.
He plays the switch on the bus standing up so eveyone can see him play the switch. On the train too. And he'll ask people around him to try.
His kids know every pokemon out there. He tests them. He talks about the history of Nintendo and how much money they are making all the time.
He used to hate open world games and mobile games. But now he loves them due to botw and Mario Run/fire emblem heroes and Dragalia Lost. Invested lots of money in them.
He's visited all the pokemon centres In the world and can't wait to go to Universal studios Super Nintendo World in Japan.
So yes. I think it's ok to be a fanboy. I think it's good to be so passionate about something in life.
And yes he visits the resetera Japan sales thread.
I'm just scratching the surface but typing on the mobile is exhausting lol.
As I'm typing this he's talking about pokemon sales. I'll screenshot and blur out the name before posting it.