Love when this thread pops up, get to have a good ol rant.
Most recently:
Bloodstained is an utterly soulless unpolished mess of a game that's only receiving positive praise attention for the same reason the Outer Worlds did (Which has the exact same problem). They're half decent clone sequels of existing games but never as close to being as good as the games that came before that they're trying to replicate.
Makes me wonder how truly awful Mighty no.9 must have been.
Most recently:
Bloodstained is an utterly soulless unpolished mess of a game that's only receiving positive praise attention for the same reason the Outer Worlds did (Which has the exact same problem). They're half decent clone sequels of existing games but never as close to being as good as the games that came before that they're trying to replicate.
Makes me wonder how truly awful Mighty no.9 must have been.