Captain Tsubasa 2 Super striker is one of the best football games, 4 and 5 are better graphicaly and sidestories in 5 are great but the sound, music and scenario in 2 are much better. They collectively poop on FIFA, PES and the like because CT made footbal fun.
Baldurs Gate 2 is better than Planescape Torment, because the overall package quality is higher than reading.
FF 12 / TZA has made other FF cumbersome to play (except Tactics)
The Last Remnant actually emulates you being in a charge of a group, rather than an all manipulating God (okay Imoen now strip naked, ignore your thief training and learn magic), which makes it the best as far as party management goes.
I didn´t know that Mario was a big deal until I went on the internet. He´s nothing.
On Soulsborne; I played Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Demons Souls, Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, Sekiro in this order. Dark Souls is an empty experience with not much impact until the end (how does the character we play as know the item descriptions). Dark Souls 2 has swifter combat and great spell variety, but bland setting. Demons Souls has great atmosphere, but that´s it. Bloodborne is great except arcane variety sucks. Dark Souls 3 hurt my eyes - so many shadows and light sources. Some fights are tedious, some fights rely on i-frames, some fights are awesome. Sekiro - I reached Oniwa and said no, I will probably try again but the impression I got is overreliance on parry mastering, floaty jumping and weird movement overall. They are all good in 1 on 1 combat. I didnť like how the parry worked in all of them (except Bloodborne) - I found Nioh 1 much better in the parry department.
Dragons Dogma is worse in 1 on 1 combat, but better in spells, better in 1 vs all combat, better in 1 vs monsters combat, better in ingame impact on the world.
Syphon Filter 1 is better than Metal Gear Solid 1. The fluidity of movement, the targetting system the unobfuscated scenario and variety of badass stuff you can do in the former makes it for me.
Alundra 2 is more entertaining than 1.
Digimon games are MUCH better than Pokemon poop, and they always were.
FF 10 is bad - characters eventually become differentiated only by overdrives, story idea is good but the execution is eyerolling, the visual flair masks emptyness (Lulu doesnt fit visually at all), FF 12 is better.
Diablo 1 is better in approach and atmosphere than 2. Diablo 2 has longer and varied scenario, but becomes a roulette lootfest on higher difficulties and very grindy.
Disciples 2 probably has less to offer when compared to Heroes 3, but it has more character and consistent style. Heroes might actually have so much to dazzle you with the amount to hide the shallowness.
The lighstaber has more weight (and maybe length) to it in Jedi Knight 2 than in Jedi Academy. The pure single lightsaber duels are better in JK2, JA has the variety with the 2swords and staff and both are better than Fallen Order, but I appreciate the effort.