Oh, I'm gonna piss people off here with this opinion:
Sonic Mania is trash, I wouldn't give that game anything above a 5 out of 10, reasons why -
-if you want to play the new, and redesigned levels, you have to slog through the vanilla levels which is a drag,
-the special stages have shit controls,
-the physics don't even work right half the time, look at the studiopolis hard-boiled heavy fight, that fight is trash,
-the bosses suck, most of them have shit physics design like the damn robot spider, and that gravity drone,
-besides the studiopolis theme, the soundtrack is nothing to write home about, it's just a bunch of fruityloops remixes and boring as fuck tracks,
-mighty and ray are nothing to write home about, ray is a ripoff of smw's racoons tail powerful, and mighty being immune to spikes seems like a last minute thought,
-s3&k special stages are unnecessary, and are made to pad out the game (CS2 is laughing at this) I don't give a shit about what they unlock because next reason....
-the unlockables suck, the peelout is unnecessary, the composer for Daytona is wasted on a mutiplayer mode no one is going to play, the little planet screen is just filter compared to things you had to unlock in various old Sonic team games,
-the 2 out of 3 new stages in the game, don't even look that good, studiopolis looks fantastic, but their creativity ran out from there, and they made two crappy looking stages that look like amateur hour,
-the reused/redesigned stages look like trash, whoever thought of turning a cool stage like flying battery into a trash compactor, should never be allowed to work in the industry again,
-the people behind the game, have some bizzare cult of personality complex, like kojima levels of ego, okay, you can design physics, can you make anything else about the game besides the physics appealing?
-the fans of this game, are sensationalists dumbasses "it's good because it is, don't question authority" is the mindset they have, if one brave reviewer give this game a negative review, they would lineup to downvote the YouTube review faster than a Nintendo or Sony fan would downvote a negative review of those companie's games, you can guarantee a terrible sonic forum like SSMB would spend their posts about the review, complaining that the review is "no true-scottsman" or "not a true sonic fan" to justify they can't handle a negative review of a blantant/redundant/irrelevant game that tries too hard to recapture former glory,
-it doesn't feel like a worthy follow-up, the final boss in s3&k is the definition of "cool as fuck" meanwhile the final bossfight in mania is some where's Waldo shit and can't even top a final battle taking place in space, the final boss fight in adventure 1 destroys Mania's final boss fight lmao,
It's the most overrated game this gen, besides Mario oddshit, breath of the 7 at best, and various interactive movie Sony games. and I just want to abandon Sonic at this point if they can't make a decent original game, or make a nostalgia cashgrabs aimed at 35+ losers and underaged memers, this is coming from someone who liked the "dark age" games and liked every sonic title this gen up until lost world (fuck that game too)