I think gaming will change for the worst starting next-gen,
I feel that people who engage in detracting the Sonic franchise with incredibly negative discussion, houses the worst kind of people in gaming culture, same can be said about console war crap
2D platformers are incredibly redundant, and any more of them don't need to be made.
Sara from Breath of Fire 1, is a incredibly underrated "older sister" character, and I wish she had more art on pixiv :/
Sekiro is way easier than any dark souls game,
I fear that Ghost of Tsushima might have negative complacations that tlou 2 has
Sega of America fans who defend them during the rivalry between them and Sega of Japan confuse me, and probably care more about the Sega vs Nintendo console war, instead of actual games
Astro Boy PS2, was better than the GBA game
Virtua Quest was a underrated character action game for kids or beginners
Mario Odyssey is legit one of the worst games I ever played on the switch or comparsion to other games,
Nights: Journey into Dreams is underrated, and improves on things that suffered in the original game (like field/carema view)
Phantasy Star Universe is a proper evolution in comparison to Phantasy Star Online 2, PSO2 is just a unstable grindfest
Sonic 06 actually has some great level design and is playable in parts of the game, but it's hampered by other weird design decisions
Sonic CD is the best 2D Sonic game, and it's more of a "lost" Saturn sonic game than Mania could ever hope to be