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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.


Authorized Fister
Not a new or hot take but...Breath of the Wild was terrible. It did NOTHING great. Nothing. But people convinced themselves that weapons breaking like they were made out of pretzels, copy and pasted shrines, completely empty areas was somehow revolutionary. "I loved the exploration." For what? A little monster under a rock? How about them bosses? Oh cool, that's an awesome sword...I better not use it because it will break in ten swings. People actually defend this shit. Game of the century.
I hate that horrible game with passion. Best example of the emperor has no clothes phenomenon.
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Manji Uzuki

I think. Rockstar games are some of the most overrated in the industry. Sure they do massive open worlds with lot of details, but the controls are quite bad and the gameplay in general bores me really fast.

I will never understand the hype with Pokemon. I played the first gen and a little bit of the second when I was a kid and It was cool but the games barely evolved and are very slow and repetitive. Tried to play some of the newer entries because of friends recommendations but got bored really quickly.


Pokemon drifted from the basics that fueled its explosive popularity. Even the franchise's core visual aesthetic wasn't spared. Follow the evolution of the reference artwork. Over time, human characters trended to larger eyes and rounded lines, while the monster designs pushed too far into questionable territory (appliances, household objects, etc).

Team building has become tedious through the sheer quantity of everything. You want me to memorize the stats, movesets, and strengths/weaknesses of HOW many Pokemon? Furthermore the battle mechanics have grown convoluted. A casual likely isn't going to have much fun learning the arcane ways all the moves and abilities interact with one another.


Uncharted 3 is the best game in the trilogy (would be the best in the series if it wasn't for Lost Legacy).
Even a decade later I still don't understand why U2 is highly regarded... The first levels are criminally bad, the pacing is shit, the levels drag on and on, the story is about the same and U3 easily takes the cake with the setpieces.


I think Horizon Zero Dawn is boring. Pretty but boring. I've tried starting that game three times now and it can't draw me in.

Strangely enough, it took quite a bit of time to click for me, for the first couple of hours I though "pretty but meh" too.
Basically, trying to understand the intricacies of the battle system (weak points, scanning, patrolling, crafting), instead of bumbling my way forward, made the game a lot more enjoyable.
Also, I liked some bits of the story and lore way more than I thought I would.
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  • I prefer cinematic and storydriven games over a challenging game such as Sekiro or Dark Souls.

Also this :messenger_pensive:
I used to chew Ninja Gaiden 2 for breakfast, now I'm just an increasingly grumpy gamer who used to be good, still think he is, and gets his ass handed to him every time.


Neighbours from Hell
I like the Abstergo "present day" sections of the Assassin's Creed games. I think they give variety to the gameplay. Add a corporate thriller type element to the story. And it's a good change of pace when the majority of the gameplay is starting to get a little stale.

I've seen many call for these sections to be removed from future games, I hope they aren't.

REE Machine

BOTW is overrated as fuck, i hated the open world and how shallow it really was. Just because you can, doesnt mean you should. I was hoping for a much tight streamlined experience


Hold onto your panties
State your "controversial" gaming opinion here, members of GAF: opinion that you personally held close at heart but at odds against the majority of video game enthusiasts here in GAF or at large.

However, please be careful not to venture into trolling territory please :) And remember, do not herald your own personal opinion as the absolute truth that others must abide to or else.

I'll start:

I consider myself as a huge fan of Legend of Zelda series, and I have played almost all the games available in the series. However, for the life of me I cannot bring myself to like Majora's Mask, a game that I see many fans of Legend of Zelda herald as the best in the series. I personally thought the Ocarina of Time was and still is the more superior version, and Skyward Sword is a vastly, vastly superior game compared to it.

Its game structure is unique, I'll give it that, but for the life of me I just cannot bring myself to enjoy it. Generally speaking I just don't like to be rushed when playing my video game: I like playing games that let me complete it at my own pace (which is why I like most RPGs, I suppose)

So what is your "controversial" gaming opinion, GAF?
Welp...never liked sports games and I consider playing sportsexcus
State your "controversial" gaming opinion here, members of GAF: opinion that you personally held close at heart but at odds against the majority of video game enthusiasts here in GAF or at large.

However, please be careful not to venture into trolling territory please :) And remember, do not herald your own personal opinion as the absolute truth that others must abide to or else.

I'll start:

I consider myself as a huge fan of Legend of Zelda series, and I have played almost all the games available in the series. However, for the life of me I cannot bring myself to like Majora's Mask, a game that I see many fans of Legend of Zelda herald as the best in the series. I personally thought the Ocarina of Time was and still is the more superior version, and Skyward Sword is a vastly, vastly superior game compared to it.

Its game structure is unique, I'll give it that, but for the life of me I just cannot bring myself to enjoy it. Generally speaking I just don't like to be rushed when playing my video game: I like playing games that let me complete it at my own pace (which is why I like most RPGs, I suppose)

So what is your "controversial" gaming opinion, GAF?

I've never understood why people like anything XBOX. It seemed cool when the first one came out. I don't hate it but I just don't really get it. I had fun playing Halo 3 years ago, though.

Hmm, something else contro controversial...I liked the Itchy & Scratchy game on SNES (apparently, a lot of people hate that game).
I've never cared about "spoilers" in my life, and I find all the protectiveness and anger about them irritating and misguided. The point of a story is not "what happens" but why it happens. That's why enduring classics can be enjoyed again and again, even if you know every single story beat. If something is ruined by spoilers it means that it isn't worth really caring about anyway.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
I've never cared about "spoilers" in my life, and I find all the protectiveness and anger about them irritating and misguided. The point of a story is not "what happens" but why it happens. That's why enduring classics can be enjoyed again and again, even if you know every single story beat. If something is ruined by spoilers it means that it isn't worth really caring about anyway.


After a playing for a while....

Days Gone is better than TLU2 (which still is great) and I am enjoying it as much as I enjoyed Sekiro and Death Stranding and now DG (along Death Stranding and Sekiro) is my 2019 GOTY!

Cutty Flam

Super Mario Sunshine is on par with Super Mario 64, almost

Super Mario Galaxy 2 is severely overrated. It’s very boring and easy, very little challenge at all

Majora’s Mask is a top 3 game of all time

Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards is the best Kirby game

Midna is nothing special at all. Very mild character for all the fans she has; I really didn’t care for her at all. Twilight Princess didn’t put enough emphasis on her plight to return and her will / her personal struggle

Twilight Princess, although a good game, felt like an empty shell of a game numerous times. It’s a good game, a very good game. But I would not call it anything past great. It can be called great, but not excellent. Definitely not superb. Nowhere near timeless. It’s worth a playthrough for certain, but I wish it would have tapped into its potential a lot more. A LOT MORE. Because the potential was very high; it just wasn’t anywhere near met


TLOU2 is a fantastic sequel to a fantastic game.

I know most fans would have probably liked another Joel and Ellie story, that would have just felt like a retread, and there's no way they could have topped that story. It would just be underwhelming compared to the first.

Instead, they told a completely different type of story, one that was just as impactful as the first.

If you fully immersed yourself into the story being told, then you get a game which stands equal to the first, and even enhances the first game.

I hope for part3 we once again get a completely different type of story.
These games are emotional rollercoasters, and we are in what is the traditionally darkest part of a trilogy.
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Cutty Flam

State your "controversial" gaming opinion here, members of GAF: opinion that you personally held close at heart but at odds against the majority of video game enthusiasts here in GAF or at large.

However, please be careful not to venture into trolling territory please :) And remember, do not herald your own personal opinion as the absolute truth that others must abide to or else.

I'll start:

I consider myself as a huge fan of Legend of Zelda series, and I have played almost all the games available in the series. However, for the life of me I cannot bring myself to like Majora's Mask, a game that I see many fans of Legend of Zelda herald as the best in the series. I personally thought the Ocarina of Time was and still is the more superior version, and Skyward Sword is a vastly, vastly superior game compared to it.

Its game structure is unique, I'll give it that, but for the life of me I just cannot bring myself to enjoy it. Generally speaking I just don't like to be rushed when playing my video game: I like playing games that let me complete it at my own pace (which is why I like most RPGs, I suppose)

So what is your "controversial" gaming opinion, GAF?
There is no way Skyward Sword is in any way close to Majora’s Mask. I can go rounds man. Majora’s Mask is almost right there with Ocarina of Time, in its own unique ways, it’s basically worthy of the same level of praise

Skyward Sword is the most tasteless, dull, utterly mediocre to very core of the word, Zelda game / entry in the series


TLOU2 is a fantastic sequel to a fantastic game.

I know most fans would have probably liked another Joel and Ellie story, that would have just felt like a retread, and there's no way they could have topped that story. It would just be underwhelming compared to the first.

Instead, they told a completely different type of story, one that was just as impactful as the first.

If you fully immersed yourself into the story being told, then you get a game which stands equal to the first, and even enhances the first game.

I hope for part3 we once again get a completely different type of story.
These games are emotional rollercoasters, and we are in what is the traditionally darkest part of a trilogy.
I don't think that's a controversial take at all.

I didn't like Botw at all, with the exception being the first 3-5hours. Those puzzles and looking for those things to increase inventory got boring fast. Lack of enemy variety, and having to farm weapons cause they break really fast is annoying as well.
I don't understand the Mario appeal, and why so many people love that game, you just...jump on top of things. Even when i was a dumb kid, i always picked the rpg instead of Mario. Games like secret of mana, Chrono Trigger or FF. I did love pokemon though, holy shit i played the shit out of that especially on game boy color.


I don't understand the Mario appeal, and why so many people love that game, you just...jump on top of things

If one day, you find the answer tell me. This mystery has haunted me for years now. Nintendo just have to release a game with "Mario" on it and people call it a masterpiece.
Me I just see the same Mario game being eternally re-released...


Not a new or hot take but...Breath of the Wild was terrible. It did NOTHING great. Nothing. But people convinced themselves that weapons breaking like they were made out of pretzels, copy and pasted shrines, completely empty areas was somehow revolutionary. "I loved the exploration." For what? A little monster under a rock? How about them bosses? Oh cool, that's an awesome sword...I better not use it because it will break in ten swings. People actually defend this shit. Game of the century.
The weapon breaking thing was already in Beyond Oasis on Genesis. And it's a good mechanic, imo. You're supposed to use them and break them, though, not be afraid to use them because you need to keep your precious reward xD

Here's mine:
HL² was vastly overrated and story was subpar.
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I've never cared about "spoilers" in my life, and I find all the protectiveness and anger about them irritating and misguided. The point of a story is not "what happens" but why it happens. That's why enduring classics can be enjoyed again and again, even if you know every single story beat. If something is ruined by spoilers it means that it isn't worth really caring about anyway.

Fucking ace post.
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I've never cared about "spoilers" in my life, and I find all the protectiveness and anger about them irritating and misguided. The point of a story is not "what happens" but why it happens. That's why enduring classics can be enjoyed again and again, even if you know every single story beat. If something is ruined by spoilers it means that it isn't worth really caring about anyway.

That part can be interpreted in different ways, to such a degree the discussion could get ugly.


I greatly prefer Mass Effect/FF7R etc. like linear maps to open world games - though there are few really good open world too but mostly I feel they exist just for UbiCollect and bragging rights.


I actually liked Wii-mote controls (When used well) and wish the industry evolved the idea instead of abandoning it.

Instead we are still stuck using regular controllers for another gen.


I never cared for any Zelda game and I find the entire Super Mario universe stupid even by video game standards. A fat Italian plumber who eats mushrooms and jumps on turtles. Really Nintendo?

Nintendo in general is quite overrated.

Now I raise my Purple Flame Shield and hope my endurance level is high enough to block the Nintend-who fanboys counterattack.


Snake Oil Salesman
Single player games are a blight on the industry. They're overly reliant on graphics, pre release hype, an unhealthy business model, low player satisfaction, and prey on people's FOMO. They've become infested with poorly executed narrative. It's littered with sequels and franchises rather than new IP and creative ideas. It's become the very thing we vowed to destroy.

Multiplayer games represent the true brilliance of the industry. When original IP like Rocket League, PUBG, Fortnite, and Minecraft can rise to the top based on the merits of their gameplay mechanics as opposed to 5 year dev cycles and 200 million dollar budgets. The fact that these games grow in popularity months, and years after release are a sign of the pure excellence that this industry produces.


I finished FFVII Remake and thought it was good, but not GOTY material that a lot of the internet seems to think it is. I liked the nostalgia trip back to Midgar and the cast of characters. The music is great. The combat is good. However, there was just too much bloat in the game. This could've been been a tidy 20 hour experience and I would've been perfectly fine with that. So much of the bloat was just annoying, from the boring side quests to squeezing through walls and crawling through vents. All that stuff was just a time waster. To me, this was a 7.5 or 8.0 game. I don't think it's even close to being the best JRPG of the year. P5R is far superior IMO.


Gold Member
I don't like Animal Crossing, heck, I can't understand why my gf is so obsessed with it, but I respect that people like it and that it's a success and probably GOTY for many gamers.

(I think that's controversial enough regarding AC since it seems like a "love it" or "hate it" thing, lmao)
Single player games are a blight on the industry. They're overly reliant on graphics, pre release hype, an unhealthy business model, low player satisfaction, and prey on people's FOMO. They've become infested with poorly executed narrative. It's littered with sequels and franchises rather than new IP and creative ideas. It's become the very thing we vowed to destroy.

Multiplayer games represent the true brilliance of the industry. When original IP like Rocket League, PUBG, Fortnite, and Minecraft can rise to the top based on the merits of their gameplay mechanics as opposed to 5 year dev cycles and 200 million dollar budgets. The fact that these games grow in popularity months, and years after release are a sign of the pure excellence that this industry produces.

I generally agree. Single player rarely feels challenging or engaging to me these days. Even when the games are sold as particularly difficult it always amounts to gimmicky enemies that can be overcome by learning the patterns. With multiplayer, you are competing against human intelligence - something that no single player video game has ever come close to. It truly makes games games rather than interactive experiences with smoke and mirrors that provide the illusion of a game. And the reward for success feels more real as a result.


Snake Oil Salesman
I generally agree. Single player rarely feels challenging or engaging to me these days. Even when the games are sold as particularly difficult it always amounts to gimmicky enemies that can be overcome by learning the patterns. With multiplayer, you are competing against human intelligence - something that no single player video game has ever come close to. It truly makes games games rather than interactive experiences with smoke and mirrors that provide the illusion of a game. And the reward for success feels more real as a result.



The nicest person on this forum
I’m type of person who believes that fans should never, ever tell developers how to makes their games. In FF7R, I think those Whispers are presented as fan disparately trying to keep "remake" on track and failing miserably put huge smile on my face.
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I don't like Animal Crossing, heck, I can't understand why my gf is so obsessed with it, but I respect that people like it and that it's a success and probably GOTY for many gamers.

(I think that's controversial enough regarding AC since it seems like a "love it" or "hate it" thing, lmao)

I've never really liked the idea of games that drop feed you content. Rune Factory is my go-to choice for a life simulator.


I could fix Smash Ultimate within 20 minutes. I'd nerf all those spastic chars like Pika, Samus, Links and Joker into the fucking ground.
Mainly Pika that r-worded rat. Sorry not sorry. Makes my blood boil.
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