If I have to put it in a ranking, it'll be inside my best 10 games this gen, it's that high to me. If you have a passion for space, it'll be a very wonderful experience, especially that the graphics do give you creepy feelings and make you believe you are actually on a foreign planet/galaxy.
hey mate
i've just played about 6 hours of it today.
great game! i think that i can understand why people who actually liked the Mass Effect series would have been disappointed to see their favorite characters evaporate into nothingness, but I only
really played Mass Effect to complete it, and to enjoy the visual design/music as you mentioned. As such, for me, it's probably a good thing that this was a fresh start - I never really liked Shepherd (I only played the dude), thought he was too much like Jack from LOST lol.. And yeah, after 3 games I don't think that universe had much more to tell!
It's hard not to have a few negative thoughts because of all the bad press the game got - nothing really major, and really nothing worse than what the original series offered up. The return of the Mako ('Nomad') is pretty cool
The face of the female lead (I did go for the female in this game, if only because of the memes of her smiling) does seem a bit awkward... her default expression seems to be a, sorta, drunken leer... and it looks like they padded her panties to give her a bubble butt... but i'm enjoying playing as her. I think the jump pack jump mechanic and the verticality of the levels is pretty cool. The scanner is a nice touch - reminds me of Metroid Prime - but I do wish it had a bit more flavour text and a few more objects to scan - indeed, I wish it were the scanner from Metroid Prime, straight up
At the moment I've got into a firefight with the, like, 12 robotic defenders of a remnant pylon and it's a sudden skillcheck wall which forced me to quit for the night. Looking forward to exploring the universe more next time!
Yeah I'm much more interested in exploring what I missed on PS2 and 360 in the upcoming years. Seems like I'll get more bang for my buck too. Time will tell
i hate the PS2! because i bought one here for like a few thousand yen and was super excited to play the great games for like $2.50c each, but then learned that - typically for japan - all the games I bought for it which had multiple language options when I lived in Europe as a kid were what have become familiar, pseudo-racist, Japanese only nationalist versions! So I ordered a free mcboot from overseas and, after having nothing to play but japanese games which i couldn't understand while waiting a
month for it to arrive, i couldn't get the fucking thing to work for
another month after. Then i went on PS2 home, the website where freemcboot etc seems to have
originated from, and they refused to post any of my posts asking for help because of the most annoying posting rule technicalities.. I fucking hate PS2 now!
Too late to do anything about it though, I sold it to a second hand shop and used the credit to buy a
PS3... which I'm loving. HD and wifi are such amazing upgrades from trying to turn component cables into fuckin' HD and crap for a modern tv... And it's got MGS 2 + 3 in HD, as well as Ico, Shadow of the Colossus and the God of War games, so I'm generally covered for most of the reasons I got a PS2 in the first place. (Not really, lacking decent FF titles, but i've got 12 The Zodiac Age on my PC ,and I've got Persona 4 golden on my Vita) It's also got some great PS4 titles which, I believe, were released for both consoles, like MGS5, GTA5 and Persona 5 (whoa just noticed they're all 5)