1. When it comes to “art,” I take the Scott McCloud approach: anything that isn’t geared towards basic survival (avoiding sabre tooth tigers, food, sex) is art. And, yeah, that includes videogames. That said, too many gamers—especially those of us who grew up in the 1980s and 1990s—have been overwhelmed with insecurity and Puritanical Guilt regarding the medium. Relax, get over it, stop feeling like you have to justify anything to anyone. So what of you’re playing with toys? You’re having fun and sharing that fun with others. You’re helping to make the world a better place. And whether you like it or not, you are doomed to become food for worms. Tick, tock, tick, tock.
In short, you should get as much sex, pizza and videogames as you possibly can.
2. The 1995 Sega Saturn Daytona USA is still the best home version of the arcade classic. Learn how to deliberately crash cars and 80-lap endurance mode becomes the greatest video demolition derby in history.
3. I’d rather have an Atari ST than a PC with Windows 10. If I could port files from the word processors, I’d be writing on that computer than Google Docs.
4. There are no good Nintendo 64 emulators and there never will be.
5. An obvious one coming from me, but here goes: Saturn was the best Gen-5 console and Sega’s greatest system. Everyone on this forum should own at least one Japanese console.
6. Atari Jaguar is much better than most people gave credit for, especially now that indie devs are publishing new games for it.
7. ET on Atari 2600 isn’t that bad. If I wrote a book on the 500 worst videogames, that title wouldn’t even make the list.
8. ET Phone Home on Atari 8-bit is one of the creepiest, scariest videogames ever made. Play it in the dark, alone, late at night. I dare ya.
9. All-time scariest game: Minecraft. Or at least the pre-release Minecraft Alpha, when nighttime was completely dark and you couldn’t see monsters until they drop into your lap.
10. Second all-time scariest game: Rescue on Fractalus on Atari 8-bit. Yes, it’s all cheap jump scares, but it’s highly effective and you’ll laugh at yourself for falling for it every time.