Kobun Heat said:That's... the royal "we"?
There certainly hasn't been much news in a LONG time about this game, which would lead one to believe it got the delay axe. Unless Monolith wants to keep this game very low key. I vote for the former.
Kobun Heat said:That's... the royal "we"?
trippingmartian said:2004 is turning out to be pretty sad for the Cube. Here's hoping there at least 2 or 3 great titles for the holidays. Metroid Prime 2 might be the only one from the looks of things.
Mama Smurf said:Ignorning Paper Mario 2 is like...like...pedophilia or something. Just wrong on a basic level.
trippingmartian said:2004 is turning out to be pretty sad for the Cube. Here's hoping there at least 2 or 3 great titles for the holidays. Metroid Prime 2 might be the only one from the looks of things.
Dr.Guru of Peru said:Pikmin 2 alone makes 2004 the Year of the Gamecube.
dark10x said:Hmmm...actually, I think you have that backwards, disturbingly enough.
Mama Smurf said:You've lost me.
Er, it was one of the titles that was highlighted at Nintendo's E3 presentation and it was playable on the show floor in both Nintendo's and Namco's booths. What more do you expect?Culex said:There certainly hasn't been much news in a LONG time about this game, which would lead one to believe it got the delay axe. Unless Monolith wants to keep this game very low key. I vote for the former.
dark10x said:If you look at the type of characters populating that particular game, you would see that enjoying Paper Mario 2 is like...like...pedophilia or something. ;P
Kobun Heat said:
So...how is your statement any more valid? Answer? It's not! Which is why I posted nonsense too (I didn't want to be left out).2D Italian plumbers with moustaches who look like they're in their 30/40s, gigantic turtles and mushrooms with eyes? Pedophiles like this stuff? Wow, it's amazing what you can learn on a gaming forum.
dark10x said:So...how is your statement any more valid? Answer? It's not! Which is why I posted nonsense too (I didn't want to be left out).
Mama Smurf said:Because I'm saying ignoring PM2 is wrong, just like pedophilia is wrong. I could have also said just like rape is wrong, or just like holding up your left hand when someone says hold up your right is wrong. It has nothing to do with what it is that's wrong, except that it needs to be something that definitely is.
You on the other hand think that the characters within PM2 are the sort of things pedophiles like.
dark10x said:
Kobun Heat said:
Mama Smurf said:You're right, I'm wrong, you win. Such a strong case you put forward there, how could I hope to counter it.
Unless...yes, i think if I just...it might just work!
^ Hah! Game over.
You had better recognize the awesomeness that is Pikmin. Pikmin 2 will own us all!dark10x said:While I disagree, I must say that I'm now interested in Pikmin 2 afterall. I totally ignored the original up until a friend of mine demonstrated a bunch of the game. Having just picked it up for $4.99, I'm actually very impressed with it now. It is a very good game indeed!
Will Pikmin be the million-seller the Gamecube needs this year despite the origionals limited fanbase? Will it singlehandedly make people look at and choose the Gamecube over it's competition with much more 'mainstream friendly' and in many peoples' opinions flat out better games? Are chickens all going to migrate to Kentucky?
Of course you all know the answer to these are 'NO' right?
neptunes said:This has nothing do with my f----- tag
The reason why I always believed BK was 2005 was because we hardly hear anything about it.
No new updates since long ago, no word translations or anything.
Actually we're currently in fiscal year 2005.B'z-chan said:Thats what i was meaning to get across there. In most calanders for buisness Fiscal Winter 04 wouldnt end to around then right?
dark10x said:It is a very good game indeed!
Vagabond said:Will Pikmin be the million-seller the Gamecube needs this year despite the origionals limited fanbase? Will it singlehandedly make people look at and choose the Gamecube over it's competition with much more 'mainstream friendly' and in many peoples' opinions flat out better games? Are chickens all going to migrate to Kentucky?
MattCoz said:Was it ever implied that we would get Fire Emblem this year? Only thing I ever heard was December in Japan, so I took that as meaning we would get it next year.
seismologist said:Nintendo probably has some insane notion that Mario Party 68 will carry them through the holiday![]()
seismologist said:Nintendo probably has some insane notion that Mario Party 68 will carry them through the holiday![]()
Mama Smurf said:I don't think Mario Tennis is out this year is it?
AniHawk said:Like RE4 would? The RE series sells well on the GC, but definitely not like it used to (or like it could/should be doing). Plus, RE4 will have to be competing with numerous things: Other games in the GC lineup, other games in the Nintendo lineup, and other games on other consoles. RE4 would probably be like RE0 and be left behind.
CVXFREAK said:But then RE0 got mixed press. RE4 is only getting good stuff. Plus Nintendo never helped with the RE0 ad campaign which, while lots of money was spent, not that effective.
AniHawk said:Gamestop says it's a December release.
AniHawk said:Still, RE4 would need to have news coverage of being especially scary or cool for sales to shoot up again and get people to buy the GC because of the game. That wont happen with the four games being released on the PS2 and Xbox.
dark10x said:If you look at the type of characters populating that particular game, you would see that enjoying Paper Mario 2 is like...like...pedophilia or something. ;P
Mama Smurf said:Huh. Well that's changed from E3 then when it was a 2005 release, which Nintendo's own site still says, though they could be wrong.
Maybe pushed up because of the RE4 delay?