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Resident Evil 4 Remake |OT| Welcome back stranger! What are you RE-buyin'

I have purchased this game 4x on multiple platforms. I will wait for a heavy discount.
To be fair, you haven't purchased the game. You purchased 2005 RE4 multiple times. 😅

Capcom is good with sales. I'm sure it'll be on sale this summer or maybe a gold edition later in the year w/ all the DLC baked in.


My first Legendary:



Gold Member
Legit question here: when you zoom in with the shotgun where does the flashlight go?

Leon's handling with pistol + flashlight is top notch, but with the shotgun I'm left questioning where is the light coming from.


Really struggling with the shooting gallery on xbox. Retried loads of times but cant seem to get the aiming down, feels a bit too floaty like there is some kind of aim resistance or something. Any tips? I can get A on the first 2 just about but the last one best I managed is a C. Can I come back here later?
I feel like I live in opposite world with this one. I'm five hours in and I just don't see anything wildly great here and I think this game has quite the issues. I really like the original but I'm not a rabid fanboy or anything so a remake was welcome by me. It's just that I feel like ultimately the combat changes here don't really improve encounters in any meaningful way and the comically shitty character movement and controls make combat in general feel markedly worse. Am I a fan of tank controls? No. But at least the encounters and controls in OG feel like they work in tandem. Remake feels like I'm trying to maneuver a popsicle stick in a jar of peanut butter around a bunch of rabid dogs. There's something fundamentally unsatisfactory to me about how Leon moves vs. how nimble and agile villagers feel in comparison.

I feel like they tried to spruce up the Survival Horror in this to get it more in line with the remakes thus far and it just isn't working for me. I love that concept in theory but seemingly purposefully making Leon control like a heavy smoker trapped in a tar pit isn't more Survival Horror to me, it just makes the combat feel unwieldy, imprecise and obnoxious. The knife parry addition is absolutely cool and I like it quite a lot but then we have an addition like the absolutely garbage magnetic grabs that seem to have no cooldown nor limit. Take the Abandoned Factory cliffs set piece for example. On Hardcore, I can't tell how often I got stunlocked into a grab > dynamite > grab routine. It seems like for every positive I get a negative that outweighs the positive greatly. I think the reason people still love RE4 is the shockingly good balancing and encounter design they achieved and I'm not feeling that here.

I like the new coat of paint a lot but I'm really surprised by the amount of glowing reviews. It's doubly absurd to me considering Dead Space Remake just sharpened the original game's actual gameplay and level design as close to perfection as it can get and I saw a lot of criticism about it not doing enough somehow. Meanwhile I feel like 4R does the opposite and introduces things just to do something different and in the process messes up the delicate balance of what was great about the original to begin with. And also, I absolutely loved RE2R and also think Dead Space Remake is vastly better than the original so I'm not having a nostalgia fit.

PS: I also dislike the overall new tone I admit. Something is lost in this wishy-washy "not ultra grimdark but not campy anymore" and it comes out feeling a bit dull and gray overall. In trying to make everyone more serious, they just kind of come off as simply more dull to me.
I am like four chapters in and this is exactly how I feel. This was my biggest fear too - the mechanics and design of RE4 is impeccable (though like you, I'm no crazy RE4 fanboy but I respect and appreciate the design) and I was skeptical that this remake would even come remotely close, but was at least hoping for something different but still good. Some of the encounters genuinely piss me off when playing because I have absolutely no idea where enemies are coming from or why they are in the locations they are - nothing feels like it was properly designed. Don't even get me started with the grabs...

Evil Within felt way, way better to play than this. RE2 Remake is still the best RE Engine Resident Evil by a lot.
Funny you bring up The Evil Within because Leon's movement reminds me of the wounded phase of Sebastian just...all the time.
Are you playing Hardcore? Standard is honestly pretty easy and are you just standing there when you're in mob scenarios? My advice is to simply move around the environment more and of course shoot legs and kick enemies. The only spot that I had issue with is a house situation with Luis. I eventually got it though.

Outside of that, I've honestly been surprised at how easy the game has been and I'm by no means at master at RE4, only played through it maybe 3 times since 2005.
Finished it, awesome from start to finish; only two cons really:
No ashley calling leon a pervert because no skirt
No krauser calling ada the bitch in the red dress because no dress

Also felt like this new version of Ashley might be used down the line for a new game, she goes through a surprising amount of growth; even if she would be in a game set in 2025+, she'd still "only" be ~41, only ~2 years older than Sherry and Sheva, and 5 years older than Helena; maybe a revelations type entry instead.

Updating my list:

Hope they will finally do code veronica next.

K' Dash

Not a fan of the new Ramon fight, half the time you can’t see shit, the dude is moving all around the room too fast and the walls constantly obstructing your vision.

Chasing a boss who moves too fast, while avoiding shit in the terrain and getting the shots in is not good. Maybe if they made Gyro available…
Alright, just finished the game. The island section is where they started cutting stuff or switching things for more abridged versions of certain areas.

Overall I think it was a good decision since it helps to make that section of the game flow a bit more smoothly while also retaining the important story beats and most iconic moments from the original. I don't mind trimming a little bit of the fat. In fact, this is exactly what I was hoping for because in the original it was just room after room filled with bad guys and those fights could go on forever.

The only thing I wish they wouldn't cut is the U-3 fight. Although in the original id didn't serve any meaningful purpose other than just pad out the game with yet another boss fight, it was still a unique encounter and I was hoping that they are going to repurpose it for the remake and actually give it some meaning in the story.

I also liked the redesigned Krauser fight, although his final stage was a bit bullshit. Sometimes it gave you a prompt to dodge his attacks, sometimes it didn't. Make up your mind, game.

Anyway, good stuff. I enjoyed the game. Some things it does better, mostly when it comes to the story, but in other ways I still prefer the original. I'm honestly on the fence which version I'd prefer to play now when doing series marathons now. With 2 and 3 it was a no-brainer and I always played the remakes but with this one, I honestly can't decide.

All the cuts I'm hearing about really ticks me off. What happened to all the talk that there would be "next to nothing cut". Another AAA lie


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Really struggling with the shooting gallery on xbox. Retried loads of times but cant seem to get the aiming down, feels a bit too floaty like there is some kind of aim resistance or something. Any tips? I can get A on the first 2 just about but the last one best I managed is a C. Can I come back here later?
You go back a few times yes.

Just try to meet the bonus criteria. Its tough but it puts you in a boss round and that pretty much guarantees and s rank.

i had trouble with it on PC too.
Also, I never felt bad about the Ganados thinking back, but now with the new credits sequence showing they were just regular people and got caught in saddler/umbrella's bullshit is pretty fucked...at least they are put out of their misery I guess.
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Gold Member
Up to chapter 5. Playing for an hour or so each night and my wife is watching me playthrough. We are both loving it so far. I spend the next day at work thinking about how I can't wait to get home and play!


All the cuts I'm hearing about really ticks me off. What happened to all the talk that there would be "next to nothing cut". Another AAA lie
It's nothing that dramatic. It still took me longer to finish than the original (close to 18 hours, where I can usually get through the original in 12). They didn't cut anything important, and the only stuff that's missing is a few extra combat arenas that made the original island section to drag on for too long. They were either shortened or rearranged but overall, none of the primary areas of the game were completely removed. Just redesigned. The most important or the most iconic/memorable sections of the game were also left pretty much unchanged, which is a smart move. It's better if they trim down some of those repetitive combat arenas from later portion of the game for the sake of brevity but carefully recreate or sometimes even expand upon the locations that everyone remembers because they were good.

Honestly the only thing that's missing that was of any substance is that U-3 boss fight but once again, it's not that big of a loss since it never added anything to the original's story anyway and it may still end up being a part of Separate Ways campaign.
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Gold Member
I was thinking about how I would try to do a run to get the hand cannon. But nah. That seems like way too much of a hassle. I’m good with spending $5 down the road to unlock it.
Up to chapter 5. Playing for an hour or so each night and my wife is watching me playthrough. We are both loving it so far. I spend the next day at work thinking about how I can't wait to get home and play!
Man, I wish my wife enjoyed watching me play games. She's such a hater when it comes to RE! I can't even watch her play Hogwarts cause she says I'm judging her gameplay skills 😅. (She's an only child and hyper competitive)
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I've only just started playing, while my girlfriend watches (she wanted to watch me play through it after seeing me play the demo), so I'm only about mid-way through Chapter 2. I'm playing on Xbox Series X.

Full disclaimer: I think the original Resident Evil 4, though excellent for its time, has aged very, very poorly.

I think the remake does A LOT to remedy the age of the original, and is, so far, yet another excellent Resident Evil remake.

However, I'm also currently playing through the Dead Space remake (end of Chapter 10), on the same console, and I'm surprised that Resident Evil 4 seems to be getting a greater degree of praise. In terms of story, ambiance, graphics (post -patch, from what I gather), controls, *horror*... Dead Space, in my opinion obviously, is superior.

Obviously, my opinion could change by the time I complete both (should finish Dead Space within the next couple of days; Resident Evil maybe by the end of next week). But having played the original versions of both, I don't see this happening.

Does anyone else feel this way? Why/Why not?
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Man, I wish my wife enjoyed watching me play games. She's such a hater when it comes to RE! I can't even watch her play Hogwarts cause she says I'm judging her gameplay skills 😅. (She's an only child and hyper competent)
My girlfriend is also playing Hogwarts Legacy and feels similarly. It's very difficult for me to watch and say nothing at all, as a lifelong gamer (been playing for ~30 years), so I generally have to be in another room or otherwise occupying myself while she plays. She gets very annoyed if I suggest or hint at anything.

Regarding Resident Evil, which ones has she tried watching you play? Mine will not watch the remakes of 2 or 3, but thoroughly enjoyed watching me play 7 and Village, and is currently watching me play the remake of 4.
Since Alex from DF has been slacking his PC videos lately, this guy on youtube has just been killing it. His Hogarts video was fantastic and this is even better. You can gain a lot of performance by turning down max settings without a noticeable difference.

It's crazy how Depth of Field, Lens Distortion and Motion blur add up to a 10% hit to performance. All for making the image look WORSE lol.

Hair is insane too. 17% hit to performance. Even more than RT which is a 11% hit.

This lines up with my experience on consoles where turning off hair, RT and DoF, Lens Distortion and Motion blur made it almost a locked 60 fps even in Resolution mode that has way better IQ than the awful framerate mode. Cant believe DF recommended people play on that mode, and complained about having too many configurable settings on consoles. They have lost their fucking minds.

P.S You can turn on the preview RAIN by changing the Rain setting to Low and play the game it was intended to be played. YOLO.


The optimized settings for the game has been a fucking GODSEND. Went from 55fps to 65-85 fps, on a RTX 3080 playing in 4K.

What's crazy is that I have the textures maxed out to 8gb, ignoring the red warning. NO Crashes. Game looks unreal af. I have RT off as well. Seems like RT and hair strands are so tied to performance here. Yet, textures aren't despite the warnings you get. Anyone playing on PC should watch this video.
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My girlfriend is also playing Hogwarts Legacy and feels similarly. It's very difficult for me to watch and say nothing at all, as a lifelong gamer (been playing for ~30 years), so I generally have to be in another room or otherwise occupying myself while she plays. She gets very annoyed if I suggest or hint at anything.

Regarding Resident Evil, which ones has she tried watching you play? Mine will not watch the remakes of 2 or 3, but thoroughly enjoyed watching me play 7 and Village, and is currently watching me play the remake of 4.
She just refuses for the sake of refusing. She has no reason to dislike them, she's just being a hater and I tell her as much.

"Hey sweetheart, want to see the new RE game? You might get a kick out of it..."

"Resident Evil is dumb."

"Whatever hater..."



Flashless at the Golden Globes
The optimized settings for the game has been a fucking GODSEND. Went from 55fps to 65-85 fps, on a RTX 3080 playing in 4K.

What's crazy is that I have the textures maxed out to 8gb, ignoring the red warning. NO Crashes. Game looks unreal af. I have RT off as well. Seems like RT and hair strands are so tied to performance here. Yet, textures aren't despite the warnings you get. Anyone playing on PC should watch this video.
Yeah the textures thing is crazy. I was shocked. Though it doesnt look like 8GB makes a difference. they look identical to the 4GB textures to me.

Ive been playing with a fairly locked 60 fps with some very rare drops to 55 fps because i already had those dumb image distortion settings turned off. indoors i was only getting 65-70% usage so i knew there was enough hedroom to get to 85 fps, but I will try some more of these settings today and see if they make a bigger difference.


Just started my second run, I'm pretty much in love with this game. Easily the best RE Engine title Capcom have done yet. It really feels like I'm playing it for the first time all over again.

I know, you just never saw their previous lives before, drives home how fucked it was.

The end credits for the original RE4 was more or less the same, just different pictures. They lived a happy life before the Los Illuminados took over their village, and you can hear it in the gentle music giving way to a sinister edge. The tragedy of the innocent villagers was always one of my favourite things about RE4.

She's such a hater when it comes to RE!

Grounds for divorce frankly.

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I am disappointed they did such a bad job with Ada in RE4R. Was really hoping after RE2R they would do more with her character and really develop her relationship with Leon. But Capcom continues to cement her as one of the worst characters in the franchise that's overstayed her welcome. She's hot I'll give her that, but unlike the other characters she never grows and develops. Same schtick in every game she's in.


Playing on PS5 in resolution mode, No RT, hair strands off. I legit believe HDR is broken in this game, it is washed out and it's not my TV or calibration, all other games look great. I don't think this looks good at all, the image at supposed 4K also looks blurry, I think something is not right with it. I'm quite disappointed. I'm playing on 120hz with VRR, performance in resolution mode is not bad with RT off but I can't play in performance mode because as much as I prefer performance, the quality of the image is jarring to me like I'm playing in 1080p on my 4K TV. I'm really liking the game but can't let go of the shitty image quality.
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Kind of bummed. I got an Amazon gift card recently and I thought I’d be able to use it to buy a psn voucher but Amazon is not allowing me to do this. Was gonna use the psn voucher for this game. :/
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I am disappointed they did such a bad job with Ada in RE4R. Was really hoping after RE2R they would do more with her character and really develop her relationship with Leon. But Capcom continues to cement her as one of the worst characters in the franchise that's overstayed her welcome. She's hot I'll give her that, but unlike the other characters she never grows and develops. Same schtick in every game she's in.

I literally came into this thread to post the same thing. I just finished the game and I was pretty disappointed with Ada. I went back and watched some of her scenes in RE2 remake and her character there was significantly better. Plus the new voice actress they went with just doesn't fit the character.
what are the chances they fix what's broken? anyone familiar with Capcom's patching ways?

I am talking XSX control issues and PS5 broken checkerboard res.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
what are the chances they fix what's broken? anyone familiar with Capcom's patching ways?

I am talking XSX control issues and PS5 broken checkerboard res.
They fixed the poor framerate issues of Xbox one x’s version of re2 by bringing the resolution alll the way down to ps4 pro levels even though the Xbox was much more powerful.

So yes they will fix it but don’t expect them to do it the right way.


Anybody getting ghosting when turning the camera, resolution/frame rate didn't make a difference.I have all the flourishes off too.


I literally came into this thread to post the same thing. I just finished the game and I was pretty disappointed with Ada. I went back and watched some of her scenes in RE2 remake and her character there was significantly better. Plus the new voice actress they went with just doesn't fit the character.

What makes it worse is that everyone else did a great job. Leon was great, Luis and Ashley were the big standouts, and Krauser's new voice even grew on me. But Ada? What the fuck. The last voice actress had good chemistry with Leon's VA, it's shame they didn't continue with that. I'm looking forwad to Separate Ways a lot, but yikes.
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Just hit the 30 hour mark at the end of chapter 14. I wish this team and effort will be the standard now for 5, 6 and 1 in the future.
Just hit the 30 hour mark at the end of chapter 14. I wish this team and effort will be the standard now for 5, 6 and 1 in the future.

I highly doubt 5 and 6 will be remade. 2 and 4 are GOAT RE titles so getting remakes makes sense. 3 was there because it was easy to remake considering they used assets from RE2R and its still in the same city AND they cut so much content its laughable. RE5 and 6 people barely talk about, they weren't some mainstream games that the whole world was talking about like they did with RE2 and 4.


I highly doubt 5 and 6 will be remade. 2 and 4 are GOAT RE titles so getting remakes makes sense. 3 was there because it was easy to remake considering they used assets from RE2R and its still in the same city AND they cut so much content its laughable. RE5 and 6 people barely talk about, they weren't some mainstream games that the whole world was talking about like they did with RE2 and 4.

After completing RE4R, I wouldn't be so sure about RE5 not getting a remake.


Lil’ Gobbie
I highly doubt 5 and 6 will be remade. 2 and 4 are GOAT RE titles so getting remakes makes sense. 3 was there because it was easy to remake considering they used assets from RE2R and its still in the same city AND they cut so much content its laughable. RE5 and 6 people barely talk about, they weren't some mainstream games that the whole world was talking about like they did with RE2 and 4.
Uh I'm pretty sure re5 is the highest selling re game


I highly doubt 5 and 6 will be remade. 2 and 4 are GOAT RE titles so getting remakes makes sense. 3 was there because it was easy to remake considering they used assets from RE2R and its still in the same city AND they cut so much content its laughable. RE5 and 6 people barely talk about, they weren't some mainstream games that the whole world was talking about like they did with RE2 and 4.

I haven’t reached that point yet, but people have said in 4 Remake there‘s a fairly obvious sequel hook for 5 that was not present in the original version of 4. I highly doubt they’d put that in there if it wasn’t at least being discussed.

RE6 is the highest selling but that is because it was on 20 systems. It's still considered a shit RE game though.

RE 6 sold 11.6 million making it #2, 5 sold 13.4 million making it #1 highest seller.
Has anyone had issues with the water? I can’t tell if I’m tripping but it seems to be like almost I see through the level entirely in the water on the ground? It’s not a reflection - and I don’t think it’s trying to be - I turned RT on and off it made no difference


Has anyone had issues with the water? I can’t tell if I’m tripping but it seems to be like almost I see through the level entirely in the water on the ground? It’s not a reflection - and I don’t think it’s trying to be - I turned RT on and off it made no difference
The whole lake and del lago fight looked like shit on PS5. The rain also looked really bad, like if it was pre patch.
Finally finished my first run. I feel like this is a more faithful remake than 2 and 3 were, for better and worse. Looking forward to subsequent playthroughs, with exception of the S+ Professional run... which seems quite crazy lol
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