Fuck you Rachel! Fuck you to hell! First I start off I see this bitch on the lower deck and kill her. I think yea! Didn't have to but I'm happy! Plus I can scan her!(Hope I don't have to scan her all 3 times.....)
Now, I see this times thing. By this time all the ammo I have is for the sniper, which, I don't mind. It's a great gun. 1 shot most of the things so I'm going. Now I get to the part where she comes back.... I get killed like 4 times because dodge never works for me! Only time it has ever worked for me was with the boss on the last chapter. He rammed alot.
Next that one hit guy comes at the end is all like " Ooooh yea!!!" and fucked me up more. Thing I didn't like most was it didn't start we with the time I had when I first restarted. I got to the room with like 3:30 left, but it would restart me at 2:00. So I couldn't even try to kill them
I had to just run!
Didn't pick up the RPG because I think it's one of the mission things.
Doesn't matter in the end I'm done for now