If it's in the mission select, it means that a bounty is available in that one. Check your Missions to see who you're going after.
If the purple crown is instead on top of an enemy, that designates them as a boss monster.
Oh bless you

I was unaware of the bounty until you mentioned it. I had seen those items in the missions section but misunderstood their purpose until your post. You see, I have two 3DSes so hop from one to the other when the battery dies. That explains why I have noticed the odd enemy with my Revelaitons username above their head!
You can swim in the water now.
Just go in and swim through the tunnels to reach various areas of the room.
Last time I checked Jill refused to go in the water. Any idea how long the decontamination takes?
This part of the campaign is fucking creepy. o_o
Yes, I love that audio loop. I had it as an earworm the other day and even started doing the voice! :/
just wait.....fouuunnnndddd yooooouuuuuu
Heh. Re-played that section last night and it creeped me out more this time than the first, funnily enough.
Parker actually made me jump once. I went through a door and started scanning the room and he all of a sudden appeared in front of me. I jumped and scared my wife who was reading next to me. =)
(Plenty of legit scares too. Good stuff.)
Indeed; I have jumped at several points, even when I have been half expecting something. However, it is one of those games that really draws me into its world rather than one where I can just go through on auto-pilot. That said, I probably wouldn't bother with it if that were the case.
Anyone else getting an audio glitch in chapter 6? It seems that at the end of each segment, the audio is dropping out on the dialogue.
I've had several instances where the audio and visuals are out of sync.
Hmm that's strange, I just complete the first boss FINALLY after a number of deaths. It must have been about 6 or 7 (yeah, I'm bad) but for some reason the stats shown at the end of the episode says that I didn't die at all!
Is this some glitch, or do they generously not count boss encounters in your death tally? Sorry if this has already been asked.
If it makes you feel any better he may have killed me even more times than that the first time I tackled him. However, on my second playthrough he went down without a scratch

Yeah, I liked that design approach in Dead Rising and I like it now.
Just read through both games' credits and some of the character artists/modelers from Dead Rising worked on Revelaitons, so that probably explains why I got the same feeling.
Yes, it's refreshing. I can't take Chris seriously as a character in this game as he's such a stiff. I much prefer the geek and the brother and the aforementioned Parker