Finally finished the campaign. It was excellent. Not perfect, but still excellent. The episodic format was a stroke of simple genius that made for a huge cast of characters, wide variety of locations, and great 'seasonal' style plot arc that slowly revealed itself as the game went by. The little "Previously, on Resident Evil: Revelations..." intermissions between each episode put a smile on my face every time.
I also really liked the plot. Cheesy, but great fun to follow with a good cast of characters. It really was like playing a TV series, and I'd go so far as to say this episodic/seasonal format is the most original thing Capcom has done in quite awhile. Loved it.
Finally beat this sucker last night. It was pretty satisfying overall, I suppose. I was a bit surprised by the final episode;wasn't expecting to have to "play" a flashback after beating the last boss. It sucked for me because hunters always give me trouble and I was crazy low on ammo.
I might go through it again, but I'll probably mess with Raid mode for a bit now. I avoided playing that mode for fear locations and/or enemies would be revealed to me before reaching them in the campaign.
You got to playa flashback after the last boss? Are you sure you are finished with the game? Or you ment"last boss" as in the last boss before the final boss?
I might go through it again, but I'll probably mess with Raid mode for a bit now. I avoided playing that mode for fear locations and/or enemies would be revealed to me before reaching them in the campaign.
You got to playa flashback after the last boss? Are you sure you are finished with the game? Or you ment"last boss" as in the last boss before the final boss?
And I agree with the feelings avbout the episodic structure. It was awesome, after finishing a chapter I wanted to see the next recap, always. And after that I just wanted to continue playing.
Is Circle Pad Pro version worth getting? I'm set on buying this game but I wonder whether I should throw more money at it and get Frankenstick bundle or just the cheaper one.
Oh yeah, derp! I meantSlight Freudian slip.the flashback section between the boss before getting off the Zenobia and the final boss on the Queen Dido.
I also really dug the episodic structure. That combined with the "previously on..." vignettes was perfect for broken-up sessions.
In hindsight of the final boss fight,is there a good strategy for dealing with his big attack that knocks you down? I kept running like hell away from him when he starts winding up, but I still got hit a lot. Especially on the last part when he teleports over and over before swinging.
Oh yeah, derp! I meantSlight Freudian slip.the flashback section between the boss before getting off the Zenobia and the final boss on the Queen Dido.
I also really dug the episodic structure. That combined with the "previously on..." vignettes was perfect for broken-up sessions.
In hindsight of the final boss fight,is there a good strategy for dealing with his big attack that knocks you down? I kept running like hell away from him when he starts winding up, but I still got hit a lot. Especially on the last part when he teleports over and over before swinging.
Oh yeah, derp! I meantSlight Freudian slip.the flashback section between the boss before getting off the Zenobia and the final boss on the Queen Dido.
I also really dug the episodic structure. That combined with the "previously on..." vignettes was perfect for broken-up sessions.
In hindsight of the final boss fight,is there a good strategy for dealing with his big attack that knocks you down? I kept running like hell away from him when he starts winding up, but I still got hit a lot. Especially on the last part when he teleports over and over before swinging.
Anyone have any special tips for the final boss on Hell mode? I keep running out of ammo on him, fucking bullet sponge. I ran around the room and got all the ammo as well. Is there really no way to get more, or am I screwed?
Just load his heart with bullets.
That part is not his weak point though!!!
The weak point isin the back.
How much do I have left?
Ship has flooded, Jill has gone diving and swam out, met up with Chris.
Just started Chapter 9. Made it into a room with a TON of herbs, ammunition and two, TWO rocket launchers. I'm afraid!
What do you suggest: first person shooting or third person shooting? I have the CPP.
What do you suggest: first person shooting or third person shooting? I have the CPP.
Rachel will get her own spin-off in Revelations 2.
Capcom can shoehorn her into another "Isolated" incident.
But really Capcom 3DS better get another RE game.
Finally finished the campaign. Wow the last boss was annoying.
Completed all Raid stages with "S" ranking on Chasm & Trench.
For those who have gotten to Level 50 --are there ever any Level 50 weapons you can buy? Or even Level 49? Highest I've seen is 48. Do you have to keep playing Abyss mode or something?
just finished mine too. used up all ammo @ last boss XD
Revelations II between 5 and 6 and then 6 on Wii U, yeeeeeah.
With 50% extra tits. looks good, but how much will it cost in USD? And I hear there's a more complete version with the Mercenaries 3D soundtrack included? How much is that?
Finally finished the campaign. Wow the last boss was annoying.
Third Person, gives u more room to see whats around you, which is vital especially in Raid Mode.
i need to get back to this game! i still need to finish ghost ship and hell mode!
dillon and last story are holding me back!
How much do I have left?
Ship has flooded, Jill has gone diving and swam out, met up with Chris.
Just started Chapter 9. Made it into a room with a TON of herbs, ammunition and two, TWO rocket launchers. I'm afraid!
Is it just me or does jill look like sheva. And did anyone else think the the magnifying glass looked like a frying pan the first time you saw it?
Just started Chapter 9. Made it into a room with a TON of herbs, ammunition and two, TWO rocket launchers. I'm afraid!
Oh and I spoke too soon in respect of Hell mode. It completely kicked my arse last night!
I love the credits music so much. Makes me want to replay the game just to listen it again.
Portable RE4/RE5 would be great. Capcom said in Iwata Asks, I believe, that they got RE5 running on the system. I would certainly be up for either game on the go. I loved both.Can't wait to get this game in june (country I'm currently in doesn't have 3ds games and if it does they're PAL) .
Anyway whats the likelihood of getting a RE4/5 (preferably 4) port on 3ds. I loved it on wii but I haven't played it since it released a few years ago. Now I'm not into console gaming as much. So a handheld version would be great
Portable RE4/RE5 would be great. Capcom said in Iwata Asks, I believe, that they got RE5 running on the system. I would certainly be up for either game on the go. I loved both.
Three tits ? That's awesome
Portable RE4/RE5 would be great. Capcom said in Iwata Asks, I believe, that they got RE5 running on the system. I would certainly be up for either game on the go. I loved both.
Completed all Raid stages with "S" ranking on Chasm & Trench.
For those who have gotten to Level 50 --are there ever any Level 50 weapons you can buy? Or even Level 49? Highest I've seen is 48. Do you have to keep playing Abyss mode or something?