I'm doing my no herb casual run right now and can't get past the section where Chris gets his foot injured... =/
I'm doing my no herb casual run right now and can't get past the section where Chris gets his foot injured... =/
I kinda wonder if the 3DS could handle larger crowds of enemies, though. Rev has like 4 monsters max on screen at a time.
I would love some RE4 3DS. This game is good, but I liked the atmosphere of RE4 so much more, and fighting Ganados was so much more fun than Oozes. Plus Leon is the best.
RE4 with Raid Mode would be amazing.
I kinda wonder if the 3DS could handle larger crowds of enemies, though. Rev has like 4 monsters max on screen at a time.
What's the mentality behind level 50 guys joining my(level43) bonus level and simply hitting the medal and finishing the level as soon as game starts. Happened like 3 times straight today.
Also how do u thank or direct someone in raid mode?
What's the mentality behind level 50 guys joining my(level43) bonus level and simply hitting the medal and finishing the level as soon as game starts. Happened like 3 times straight today.
Also how do u thank or direct someone in raid mode?
as tempting as this game is to buy a 3DS for, I think it will release on Vita at some point. I'll remain patient
Keep thinking..
I took the advice of someone over on GameFAQs. I turned Chris all the way to the left so as not to face the wolves, only occasionally turning to center to throw one of those grenade deals. It worked almost the entire way through. Toward the end, though, the A.I. forced itself into the corner I was facing and I had to actually shoot a few. But there's definitely an exploit there. Whether or not you want to take advantage of that is a different story. I only discovered it recently and am also doing my no-herb run. I'm on Ep 6 now, and it hasn't been too bad yet.
As an aside, someone over on GF also discovered that (don't read unless you've already finished the game)Raymond & Jessica actually work for Tricell. You can see the logo in a screenshot from Jessica's Report when she's sending data to her employers.
welp I finally beat the last boss after dying several times. I really liked the episodic style of the game as it helped make the game feel more pick up and play, instead of feeling like I needed to dedicate hours into the single player per sitting. Raid mode is utterly fantastic, although I am currently way overpowered for Chasm difficulty I can now unlock Trench and I hope that makes things more challenging. (quick note: does enemy placement differ when the Raid Mode difficulty increases?)
Never played with the CPP and I don't intend to unless they release a 3rd party CPP grip that also extends the 3DS battery life. I am extremely satisfied with the gyro controls, infact the gyro controls suit RE very well.
I can agree with Capcom in that I feel they really did bring a game with the fullness of a console game to a handheld.
as tempting as this game is to buy a 3DS for, I think it will release on Vita at some point. I'll remain patient
Ep. 9 no-herb is proving to be a real bitch. Found a nice little corner to bottleneck myself, and I'm trying to conserve ammo and use it as wisely as possible, but no success yet...
Yes, that one is a real bitch on a no herb run. Even on casual it foiled me many, many times until sheer bloody minded perseverance won through.
Don't give up! Trust your instincts!
After managing to survive theon Hell (after many, many attempts), this game is going to have to try a lot harder to drive me insane. Not even theUAV controls runcould make me flinch.increased tentacle flurry at the end of the boarding section
Hell mode completed. The beginning of chapter 9 was pretty nasty, but there is a strategy to get through the last part of it if you hold onto your BOW decoys until then and if you're willing to kite the "remainder" withone of the rocket launchers in tow. It can definitely be tough with the normal hunters hopping around you, but the Fafarellos are thankfully less unpredictable. Once they're all in range, nuke 'em and beeline to the second one ASAP, repeat.
Do enemies in raid mode follow the same pattern every time you redo a mission but simply get stronger as you level? Will they show up in the same area or will it get mixed up a bit?
Just started giving it more attention. Up to level 5 now. I thought each character had to be leveled but it seems that's not the case.
Guess the title should be fixed, since retails copies were fixed in recent shipments and replacement ones were sent.![]()
So many people hosting/joining Bonus Game only to instanta-end. First world problem. Really pisses me off.
Just finished this!
Well, great game, great music, great endingetc.the Jill and Chris future part... such a troll! pretty cool connection
But... well, i thought i'd say "the only thing i didn't like is that this isn't really a portable game".
Not at all (they did a nice job for a portable RE), the thing i didn't really like is another one, gameplay wise: [endgame SPOILERS!]
Basically from a certain chapter on they say "fuck exploration, fuck backtracking, fuck these keys, we're going to pull a Call of Duty and make every level until 12 linear"
I hate these kind of things. the game was"open", so you need to keep it open! at least let me explore after the game end, even if there is little to explore!
Does the feedback from the guns get any more significant? Granted, I've only killed one enemy so far, but the pistol is bumming me out.
I don't understand this game melee attacks giveaway "hints" from the monsters.
I was king in Mercenaries, RE4/5 :/
I'm just at Ch1 Ep3 (the boss) but I've only be able to do it on the Hunters and the boss itself. Never with Jill on the common dudes/dudes shooting their arms.
I also don't understand how you inow if you've landed a full charge attack.
Also the manual seems to explain the escape move's execution as B+ up or B+ down but the latter only gives me the usual 180° turnaround and the former (B+up) seems to happen pretty randomly where I don't even need to press B but just up on the cp.
Was shopping at the mall today and decided to see in two stores if they had it and neither did![]()