It's a soul for Rogue class.CcrooK said:I keep reading about this Bard class yet I don't see it anywhere. Something I'm missing?
It's a soul for Rogue class.CcrooK said:I keep reading about this Bard class yet I don't see it anywhere. Something I'm missing?
Dreamwriter said:It's a soul for Rogue class.
http://telarapedia.com/wiki/BardCcrooK said:I keep reading about this Bard class yet I don't see it anywhere. Something I'm missing?
CcrooK said:I keep reading about this Bard class yet I don't see it anywhere. Something I'm missing?
Morn said:Shaman/Justicar/Druid is popular.
Effect said:Suggested pairings for classes. Just noticed in some videos that when you pick your classes there are suggested pairings. From those that were in the beta how well do those work?
I know you don't have to follow them but is it usually best to do so?
You've got a nice site and the community, even at this early stage, seems very solid. Just submitted my official guild application. I won't be on a ton and somewhat at odd hours but I hope to get in on the camaraderie when I can.1stStrike said:...So, yeah, I'm going to make this guild a success. We have a lot of people on board so far and it'll be great once the game is live and we've gotten our community going.
BrettWeir said:Can someone explain how open world PvP is going to work on PvE servers? I've been 100% on going PvP, but now my friends are bitching out and want to go PvE. I absolutely hated being in areas where the opposite faction was, and couldn't stab their faces.
BrettWeir said:Can someone explain how open world PvP is going to work on PvE servers? I've been 100% on going PvP, but now my friends are bitching out and want to go PvE. I absolutely hated being in areas where the opposite faction was, and couldn't stab their faces.
Brazil said:You guys have awesome connections.
I'm downloading at 130 KB/s.
Fuck yeah.
Rapstah said:So I'm registering at the guild site and planning to play with you guys on NA servers from the headstart. Can I change the "Character name" field after registering since I obviously don't have a character yet and no reliable way to know if my planned name will be available?
Thanks for the answer. So Warfronts are the only constant PvP unless flagged. Ugh.1stStrike said:Basically, you can still kill anyone that isn't flagged for PvE only. On a PvE server you can flag yourself for PvP or disable it any time you'd like. So, the option for PvP is still there - it's just that when you're out questing you can disable the ability for others to fuck with you. You can't do this on a PvP server. That's the main difference... otherwise most everything else is the same. You can still invade their cities/settlements and do warfronts.
Champions.Kintaro said:Are there are big, 2 handed weapon specialist in this game? Since I figure there are no hand to hand monk types...
BrettWeir said:Champions.
PaNaMa said:i tried downloading the client last night off the official Rift page, and it gave me an error saying I wasn't eligble to. Well, it lets me download and install the Life patcher/updater but the actual game files wouldn't come down. I'll try again after work today, but all the info I see said Feb 24th.
Are you guys snagging the client off steam or off Trion?
I think they're the same, Steam is launching the client which downloads the data from Trion.PaNaMa said:Are you guys snagging the client off steam or off Trion?
PaNaMa said:i tried downloading the client last night off the official Rift page, and it gave me an error saying I wasn't eligble to. Well, it lets me download and install the Life patcher/updater but the actual game files wouldn't come down. I'll try again after work today, but all the info I see said Feb 24th.
Are you guys snagging the client off steam or off Trion?
nataku said:Yeah, the Champion soul under the Warrior archetype.
Nah. Only 15 hours. I'll be there tomorrow.1stStrike said:See you next week![]()
Kintaro said:Well, hell. I'll give this a shot. How do I get into the early start? Pre order the CE?
Kintaro said:Well, hell. I'll give this a shot. How do I get into the early start? Pre order the CE?
nataku said:Yeah, a pre-order gets you in.
Though I'm not sure if you can get in with just the standard edition, or if you need the CE. Their website doesn't specify.
EDIT: The D2D site says the standard edition does give you access to the head start.
Kintaro said:Sigh. The shit I do for MMOs and playing with Gaf folk. May as well preorder. I know nothing (NOTHING) about this game, so I'll go in sight unseen.
CcrooK said:
Kintaro said:In a way, I don't want to. Its been a long, long time I've gone in completely cold on a game. Might have more fun this way.
Great avatar btw.
cuevas said:With all the flexibility in the talent trees does this mean the game is going to be imbalanced as fuck?